Bigg Boss 10 11th November 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on
Day 26
Waking up the contestants to a bright and beautiful day on the tunes of ‘Teri Galliyan’ is Bollywood’s ace singer and composer Ankit Tiwari. Ankit comes in bedroom, he starts singing Galiyan, inmates greet him and get ready. They all come in garden and dances to his song. Ankit says Tum Bin 2 is my solo film as composer. the cast of Tum Bin 2 – Neha Sharma, Aditiya Seal and Aashim Gulati also join in and the housemates give them a warm welcome. Neha asks Rahul how he is feeling? he is nominated, he says fine, Lopa says we havent even brushed teeth, Aditiya says natural look is good. Neha says our film is releasing, i am stuck between two guys in film so i will ask girls to choose between two guys and have dance with him. She asks Lopa to choose between Gaurav and Karan, Lopa says as far as i have seen, Garuav is really good dancer, so i choose Gaurav but i love you Karan. Neha asks Mona to choose between Manu and Manveer, she says Manveer, Neha says she chose so fast, Aditya says she would choose Manu if there was no option. Neha asks to choose between Aditiya and Asshim, she chooses Aditiya. Couple comes on stage and starts dancing while Ankit sings. Gaurav and Lopa are enjoying dancing energetically. Tum Bin 2 team starts leaving, Aditiya asks Swami if he is coming too? they leave.
Swami says to Manveer that Mona has forgiven me, Manveer says keep doing this, you are not Swami anymore you said right? dont talk to us but dont backbite about me, Swami says i am sorry, Manver says its easy for you to say sorry, Swami says give any punishment to me but dont keep hatred inside, Manveer says we cried for you, Swami says i was crying for you too, Manveer says you are actor. Manu says dont mess with us, thats all otherwise it will be bad, there are two teams, you can choose only one team, Swami says i like to sit with you people, Manu says we are your real team.
Gaurav says to his team that Swami has said sorry to his team, its good to keep all on good side.
Manu says to Swami that dont make fun of people, make people laugh, Swami says now i understand game.
Gaurav reads instructions, Bigg boss congrats Bani for being captain. Her duty is to keep house working nicely, those who go against rules of bigg boss should be punished, she will allocate bed to inmates, she will not be nominated, she wont do any household work, there is special bed for Bani in bedroom now, she will have key of drinks fridge, Bani says so much power, so cool. Gaurav reads that Bani will ve given options today, some will get reward and some will get punishments, this day is for captain Bani.
All come in bedroom. Bani has got double bed. Bani says i will allocate bed now. Bani says Gaurav my vie captain, you want rightside bed or leftside of mine? he says left, She asks Karan to choose his bed, he does, she asks Rahul and Rohan too, they choose it. Bani asks them to move next to her. Manu says if beds are less then dont give me bed, he says to mona that she can do anything 7days. Manveer says let her think first, why did you offer? Bani says beds are enough for all inmates, Niti says there are total 11beds, we are 13inmates. Manu says girls should choose first. Mona says to Manu that why did she allot them first? Manu says its her decision, dont do things to go to jail. Manu says give one bed to two inmates who are friends. Manu says me and Manveer or me and Naveen can share bed. Manveer says why should we share bed? they can share bed too, why we have to share single bed? all should do it, Niti says Manu is volunteering himself. Bani asks Manu if he, Naveen and Manveer can sleep on one bed, Manveer syas if there are no bed then we can try. Naveen says i can sleep on sofa, Manu says we are comfortable, we will manage.
Mona says to Manu that let Bani decide your beds, Manu sas its better to give suggestion then to get insulted, Manveer says you ask to insult you himself.
Gaurav says to Bani that dont let people choose and decide everything themselves.
Mona says Manu if you were captain then you would give beds to them first, Manu says i will give beds to people who are close to me, you would do same, Mona says no i would give beds to them first, Manu says if you have humanity then let me have too, Manu says there are only three men in house, all are celebs, we have to compromise. Manu says to Naveen that i got to choose bed so atleast my honor didnt weaver, its good to keep your honor in hand, she can send us to jail too.
Manveer is cleaning pool, Lokesh dips her feet inside the pool while Manveer is cleaning it. Manveer asks her to move aside as cleaning is in progress, cant you see it? have you gone mad? Lokesh refuses to budge and continues to irritate Manveer. Lokesh says all know who is mad. Karan says to Bani that Lokesh is irritating them, Bani says i cant do anything. Unable to handle Lokesh’s irritating antics, Manveer also complains to Bani and asks her to speak to Lokesh, Bani says she thinks she is leaving this week thats why she is doing this, Lokesh says dont shout, i didnt do anything, Manveer says dont force us to speak. Bani says to Lokesh that why you are tryng to talk to them when they dont want to talk? leave them, Lokesh says keep your ego to yourself.
In restroom, Mona says to Swami that Lokesh was irritating Manveer.
Bani hugs Lokesh and says they wont understand your feelings, leave them, Lokesh says i am feeling something, Bani laughs and says fool girl.
Bani is in confession room. Bigg boss says its time to take decisions as captain. Bigg Boss asks Bani to name a contestant she wants to give an ‘Inam’(reward) to and two contestants who she wishes to give a ‘Dand’(punishment) to. While the contestant winning the ‘Inam’ will get to have a lavish lunch with Bani which is placed on table infront of Bani, while the contestants getting the ‘Dand’ will have to wash dirty dishes. Bani asks if she can reward and punish same person? Bigg boss says how can this happen? the one who deserve punishment cant get reward, Bani says no one did any mistake today, bigg boss says decide generally. After giving it a lot of thought, Bani decides to punish Lopa as she didnt accept my apology, i am punishing her for not understanding, she chooses Karan to punish him, she says Karan likes to wash dishes and he wont get miffed on me, Bigg boss says there should be reason for punishment, Bani says i want to punish Manveer as he shouts a lot which destroys ambiance of house. She gives the prize to Manu and says Manu will appreciate food most, others wont even like it. Bigg boss asks her to inform inmates, ask Lopa and Manveer to wash dishes. Bani comes out of confession room and says dont beat me for doing it, i like you all, nobody did anything wrong with me, with some biassness, i give punishment to Manveer and Lopa, Lopa is not even listening, Lopa says some things are obvious, give me reason, Bani says look at me and listen, you didnt accept my apology, you called me liar which i didnt like it. Bani says reward goes to Manu because he likes food a lot, she asks Lopa and Manveer to wash dishes. Manveer says i wont do it, Bani says why? you shout a lot, Manveer says tell me what i did wrong from the time you became captain? Bani says i chose generally, dont take is personally, Lopa says you were baised, Bani says its my decision, he didnt give me time frame, i was asked to choose generally, Manveer says how can you punish for past things? Bani says people nominate me without reason and i dont argue, i had to take one name so i did, what can i do? Manu says to Manveer that she took my name for reward to make you feel good, decide yourself. Bani comes there, Manver says you talked to me, i never shouted on you, you could have taken Swami’s name, Bani says he is old man, Manveer says i will take is personally.
Manu says to Bani that i have made Manveer listen to me, Bani says i had to take one name, they have to take punishment before getting food, i wont eat too before them, Manu says i wont eat too, Bani asks Manveer to wash it and end matter, Manveer says you are forcing me, Manu and Bani says we are waiting to eat food after you people finish work. Manveer comes in store room to get dirty dishes, Lopa comes there too to help him, Bani says call Manu, he will take dishes to kitchen with Manveer, Lopa says its our punishment so we will do it, she doesnt have to do drama now, Bani says this is not drama. Lopa and Manvee lift dirty dishes, Rohan tries to help but Lopa says leave it, i am strong enough to lift it. Lopa gets furious and announces that she will not to cook meals for a week or cater to anyone’s special needs, i will not make extra for anyone except Karan, i dont give a damn, give me valid reason, Rahul says this is game, Lopa says just because i didnt vote for her, she is doing this, thi was expected from Bani. Lopa says let her captaincy end. She starts washing dishes.
Bani says to Gaurav that i thought to give punishment to Rohan. Lopa says i hate you Bani, convey my message, she shouts i hate you Bani. Bani says someone is saying something? Manveer says ditto, they are washing dishes, Lopa says i dont care. Gaurav says to Bani that this is otherside of captaincy, she says i know.
Manveer says to Naveen that i felt bad, why did i get punished? i listen to her, i get miffed, i get miffed with Manu too sometimes, Naveen says he is positive, he should say to Bani that she is balancing but he shouldnt try to keep everyone happy, Manveer says i am just silent, he should atleast respect people who are with him.
Manu says to Lokesh that you like what you are doing these past days? Lokesh says i am not doing anything, Manu says we can choose whom we want to talk, you are irritating us but we are not replying because we dont want people to think siblings are fighting like this, we are on TV, all are watching us, when we didnt support you? Lokesh says i always supported you too, Manu says i didnt blame you that you didnt, we are not saying anything back to you, Lokesh says you took me as sister, Manu says i still do, Lokesh says i will keep your wishes in mind, Manu says you can come to us anytime to talk but we should try not to hurt each other, Lokesh says i am happy to listen this, manu says i am trying this only, Lokesh says i can see you are trying but you are not able to see that i am trying too.
Bani is in confession room, Bigg boss asks how is she? she says my health is going down, Bigg boss asks if she didnt like food? Bani says it was great but i felt bad for punishing people. Bigg Boss asks Bani to elect two contestants whom she wants to punish and put inside the jail, they will have to separate rice and pulse from plate too. Bani says i want to send Mona and Manu to jail, Mona said she would want to go to jail with Manu only, Bigg boss says they are not going for picnic, you have to give reason, Bani says i have headache. She says Swami should go as i dont understand when he is lying or saying truth and i want to send Manu to jail as he is master of his team and i want to see how they will play without him. Bani brings pulse and rice plate in house. She comes in garden and says its time to decide who will go to jail, please understand me. All inmates come there, Bani says Swami and Manu are going in jail. Manu says you rewarded me sometime back. Mona asks Manu to not be serious. Swami starts going to jail. Manu says yes i am in jail. jailer is in jail now.
Niti reads task to inmates. Task name is push your limits. There is car in garden, in task, there will be two teams, Rahul will be umpire. In task, inmates have to cross obstacle path in garden, when one team is crossing obstacle course, other team will throw water balloons at them, the team will reach end of path will be winner.
Team A- Bani, Gaurav, Karan, Niti, Naveen.
Team B- Lopa, Mona, Rohan, Manveer and Lokesh.
Lokesh says i will do task, Manveer says Lopa will do it, Lokesh says you think that i am useles, Manver says shut up. Lokesh is feeling bad, she says i will do D path, Manveer you are no one to decide anything, are we fools? Buzzdr plays, Karan wears sack/bag and jumps to pass to naveen, other team is throwing water balloons at him. Naveen takes lead from Karan and passes path by crawling under wires, he passes to Bani, Bani jumps monkey bars, Naveen has arm injury, Rohan says bigg boss send doctor, Bigg boss says pause this task and asks to send Naveen to confession room. Naveen is brought to confession room.
naveen is given medical attention. Task starts again, Karan jumps in bag and passes lead to Gaurav, Gaurav crawls from under wires and passes lead to Bani, she jumps moneky bars, and passes lead to Nit, Niti sits in car and comes our, she has to pass sacks from car and put it on otherside, Niti completes task, her team hugs him. Niti says Bani is going to kill Lopa with water balloon, Bani says i dont play with balloons or kids. Bani says i am so excited about this. Rahul says Lopa Bani is going to throw balloons at you, team B starts task. Lopa is crawling under wires, Bani and Niti attacks her with balloons, Manveer jumps monkey bars and passes to Lokesh. Lokesh passes sacks from cars one door to other, she slips but continues task. Bani is singing that we won aleady, Lokesh finishes task. Bigg boss asks Rahul to tell timing of both teams, Rahul says Team A took 48seconds and Team B took 1:02minutes, so Team A has won and difference was Bani J, Bani thanks everyone. Bigg boss congrats Team A.
Manveer says to Lokesh that you dont listen to anyone, you didnt do task nicely, Lokesh says i didnt get stuck, Mona says when you dont know task then why did you go? you were told many times that you have to pass sacks from car’s one door to another, Lokesh says why you are shouting? Mona says why did you go for task when you didnt know task? Lokesh says as if you have very good speed, Mona says you wanted to do task but didnt know anything, not everytime, you will do what you want, you dont know truth or anything, Lokesh says i gave my 100%, i asked you too, Mona says who will bear your attitude? Lokesh says you are calling me stupid, you are idiot, Manveer asks Mona to calm down, she is kid, Mona says she doesnt care about team, she just wanted to be seen on Tv even if she didnt know anything about task.
PRECAP- Salman says to inmates that some inmates are making show boring, that are Karan, Rahul and Rohan, what happened to you Rohan, how did you get punctured? if you people want to keep lying on bed then you have homes, there is no involvement or point of view of celebrities, there is no excitement, all look sick, i am not your father, i am host, your personality is shown as boring. He asks Niti if her makeup was more important then Naveen? Niti says its confidence booaster for me. Salman asks how much Bani, Lokesh and Karan pressurized? Manveer says they were hovering, Bani says what wrong did I do? Manu taunts as if Bani is so hardworking, she did so much work, Bani says its my opinion, i can do anything, Salman says you people sort it.
Update Credit to: Atiba
ahahahhahaha shame on rohan and karan ahahahahahahahaha??????
love u soo much Bani ??????
ahahahahahaha cant wait to see rohan and karan getting told off from salman in bad ways ahahahahhahaha
Manu-manveer is best……
Waiting for the upcoming epi impatiently???
Love u bani
U r the best
Bani all d way rocking..she did nthng wrong in punishment..gud n balanced captaincy till nw..waiting 4 nxt week luxury budget task as i wanna see hw she manages bcz it will b challenging as itz goin to b d fst task aftr individual play startd…full on support to u..
Intresting precap wanna see hw salman ll react on housmates..n manu taunting bani like he oly did al d hrdwork till nw lol..
bani is playing nice. keep captaincy nice.
Bani is completely biased here she can choose lokesh for punishment as she is irritating other housemates and
she gives reward to manu and after sometime she punishes manu ….dumb girl …
she choose lopa because she did not accepted her apology ..during voting times .fool girl….
She is captain so she ask those who are close to her to choose bed …and for commoner she says share bed …..again she shows her biasness……
If celebrities stay more days in bbroom then after some days it will be bhoot bangala, they really so boring….
kick out this bani,karan,rohan,rahul..hate u all.
if u play according to bani,then she has no argument,otherwise starts barking…stupid,idiot..blah ,blah,
celebs trying to make misunderstanding btwn mannu,and maanveer,Bcz they know,they will give them tough competition..
my favorite is rohan mehra . but happy to see that salman is scolding bcz I want him to back in the game . agar salman unko nhi btayenge toh jaisa hi waisa hi chlata rahega . I hope he will understand and will do come back in the game
Luv U Baniiii