Bigg Boss 10 19th October 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on
Breaking from Bigg boss:
Reporter says you will see how voltage drama. Rohan shouts at Manu to let me eat. There is battle between celebrities and commoners. Mona cries and says i cant do it. Reporter says Swami said that he eats fruits only but his real face came to forth. Swami says to celebrities that i will eat rice and veggies. Rohan is jailed by Priyanka.
Day 2 (continued)
Priyanka says to Swami that go to bed and sleep, i will come and ask what happened? you will say that i am hungry that my intestines are coming out, make food for me then i will say that what are these slaves for? ask them to go and cook food, Swami leaves. Lokesh says to camera that i give you one report, we are going to make slaves work, lets see if Swami demand for food or just give his lectures.
Swami rings bell, he is lying on his bed. Priyanka asks whom to tell? Lopa? i will ask her. Karan asks what you want Swami? Swami says i need to take medicine, so can you make rice or veggies for me? Karan says should we make what we have? Lopa says you denied eating at dinner time, Swami says i didnt feel like eating it, Mona says this is dinner time? you didnt know that you will have to take medicine? Swami says you dont want to cook then dont, Lopa says i will cook. Manveer says if you dont want to cook Mona then leave, Manveer says you said that all work is done for tonight and now this, Manveer says what can i do if he is angry? Mona leaves, Rohan and Karan asks him to talk calmly with her, she is girl, behave. Gaurav says to Priyanka that right and wrong is being shown. Manveer says to Swami that we can go long way together, they are 7people now, just push them a little more.
Priyanka says they are threatening that their time will come too, whats their problem if Swami is hungry? why they are personally attacking, even if he is flirt, dog or whatever but he is hungry, Priyanka says sorry Rahul calls you flirty old boy, Swami says listen why he is calling me flirt ***********, he use curses, Rohan listens it and says something which is muted too. Swami says jerk calling me flirt. Gaurav says she is making food for you, she is calling you old so what? Swami says i am old but why calling me flirt? flirt is man who runs behind woman, did you see me going behind any girl? Priyanka says he is like my father, he even apologized, bigg boss forgave him but you people didnt, Karan says if he apologized then why you are bringing it up again and again? just by raising voice, you cant make everything up, Priyanka says i am not loud, i talk like this only, if he was so wrong then Bigg boss must have thrown him out, Karan says you are supporting wrong, Swami says i just wanted to take medicine, Karan says so we cooked for you, Swami says thanks, Karan says then what is the need to bring up things at this time? you call us celebrities and all but we are humans, we are standing here at this time cooking food, no one is bigger or smaller here, Swami says very well, they all go to sleep.
Manveer says to Manu that Swami is out of line, Manu laughs Swami being called flirt and says Priyanka shouldnt have told him that, Manveer says i told Swami to not call them devi and all, how much to make him understand, Swami comes and says did you see me flirting with girls? Manveer says they are just giving you reaction to your actions, Priyanka says you should have asked me how do i find you flirty then i would have put their name on it, just play after thinking.
Day 3
Parde mein song plays. Gaurav is meditating, Priyanka, Mona are dancing. Rohan is dancing with Mona. Karan is brushing teeth.
Swami says to Naveen that Gaurav said to Akansha that he loves him, i will take care of you, Naveen says we will not use this info directly, we will try to us to make Gaurav on your side, Swami says this is good greed thing, if some celebrity is promising to marry you then its his acting.
Swami says to Lopa that i am sorry for yesterday, i had fever and lost my mind, i am sorry, Lopa says for talking about girls like that? he says for everything, i apologize for everything, we should say truth but should say it gently, i was going mad because of fever, Lopa says you didnt that much fever, i checked your body temperature, your had 104degree fever then i would have understood but it wasnt much fever, she points out that he is wearing slippers wrong feet, Swami says i went to be checked from doctor, i am follower of Devi, Lopa says its not about saying you are follower, you should say it in your attitude, Swami says human is made of mistakes, it would be God if dont do mistakes. Gaurav comes and says i should tell you that it doesnt suite you to say things like that to young girl, Swami says i was angry, Gaurav says even if you are angry, when person listens things like that then they feel bad and it affects mentally, you are surrounded by people that are you using you, Swami says i know last night i was being used by them, Gaurav says if happens a lot of time that they blame you for things, they say on your back that you said things which you didnt, Swami says i was being used yesterday, i know that, i was hungry and needed to take medicine but i could have slept without it too.
Akansha is washing clothes, Gaurav says to Akansha that your habit of washing clothes and choosing people is nice, Akansha says this is from my past experience, Gaurav says that choice of your husband was from someone else, you dont want take responsibility for that. Gaurav says i had to ask you that because of that secret, i felt bad, Akansha says i didnt feel bad, Gaurav says i knew about your past from before otherwise i would have felt bad making you talk about it to solve riddle, Akansha says then i wouldnt have bring up topic, Gaurav says i told you that i wont discuss that topic with you, i didnt know task would come up, people would talk about it in sympathetic about it but you didnt which i liked, you should talk like i am okay with it if you are strong, Akansha says i am fine with it, Gaurav says when young girl is strong, it looks really nice, all the best, she says to you too, Gaurav smiles and leaves.
Priyanka says to Gaurav that dont say that i take Swami’s side, Gaurav says when a person say something wrong and if you are standing on his side even if your reason is you respect him, or because of hunger or anything it looks wrong, that man said many wrong things, Priyanka says so he didnt have right to ask for food? Gaurav says i am not using strong words like right, but it doesnt suite especially a girl supporting him when he was makine more issues, Priyanka says what if he said that he was feeling ill, dont target me because of asking for food for him, Gaurav says why would you talk on his behalf so much? he was saying to team that he was being used by you people yesterday, Priyanka says what? oh God, Manu says yes, Gaurav says i am TV actor, i know you people would look bad on Tv, play game, i am not denying that, Manu says he told me that celebrities are asking me to go on their side but i am on your side, Lokesh says he is playing double game, Manu says show all this on sunday, Gaurav says fights will come up but when he talks so wrong then its black and white, he leaves. Manveer says to Manu he is saying things which we told to Swami when they were not there, he is passing our talks to them.
Naveen says to Swami that celebrities are saying that you told them that we are provoking you against them, Swami says i didnt say it, they are blaming me that you people are provoking me, Manu says should i call Gaurav? you didnt say to him that we are provoking you? Swami says call him i didnt say it, not a chance, Manu says Gaurav is lying, Priyank says this man called me daughter, he cant be wrong. Gaurav comes there, Priyanka says sit and talk. Manu says Swami is saying he didnt say we are provoking him against you people, you are making him look bad in our eyes, Swami says Gaurav told me that you people put blame on me for all wrong deeds you do against celebrities, Gaurav says what? Manu says he is saying that whatever wrong we do with you people, we do it on Swami’s saying or orders, Swami says yes he said it, Gaurav says yes i said it when he said that he was being used yesterday by you people, Swami says i was not being used yesterday at all, Gaurav says you said it in morning only, you said you realized that you were being used yesterday, Swami says you said it yesterday to me, Gaurav says we talked today morning, Manu says Gaurav cleared it, Gaurav leaves. Manu says Gaurav cleared that he said it to Swami and us both, Priyanka says you said to him that we used you? Manu says they must be angry as we created whole food scene, and Swami told them, Swami says listen to me, Manu says you are proven that you are two face person, Gaurav cleared it, now be clear that he is enemy, Swami says listen to me, i told him that yesterday my prayer of 45years got in vein because i dont do things like that, i regret it, the image i created in 45years, it got destroyed yesterday.
Celebrities are in activity area. Bigg boss shows them second secret/riddle which they have to guess whose it is
2nd secret: There are many scars on moon, but there is no scar on this moon of his house/family.
Gaurav says its about someone who is fair, moon is referred for person who is fair, Bani says it can be Nitibha, she has literal fairness and she is also fair as person. Mona says she talked about moon too, she said that she sees sadness in moon.
Bigg boss says owners want slaves to be away from each other so that they dont talk about secret riddle with each other. Priyanka says to Rohan that not sit with Karan, Rohan is sitting beside Karan aroudn dining table, Priyanka asks him to change seat, Karan says not to do it this time, Rohan says fine, i already know name of person whose secret it is, he goes and change his seat. Priyanka says go out, you are breaking rule, Rohan says you want me to remain hungry then fine, he starts leaving but Priyanka asks him to sit and eat, Manu says we will tease too, Rohan says i didnt do anything, i just said that i know the name, Priyanka says give him food. Manu says dont make joke of it, i am already frustrated about these things, Rohan says i didnt do anything, Manu says you cant do anything about me either, Rohan says i can do something about you for sure, Manu says not even your dream, he bangs his fist on table and says you cant do a thing about me, he gets up from seat and says i am saying again and again but you are taking things in joke, what can you do about me? Rohan says i didnt say about doing anything to you, i just said that i can do something with anyone, bigg boss i can do anything, i can do anything, and worst is if someone is frustrated then i can do more and more, and he cant do anything, we can talk about anything, or task or secret, you dont know how to play game, Manu says you are player? Rohan says you cant stop us from talking about task, Manu says yes we cant stop you people.Rohan says problem is you try to be good but you are not, Bani whistles to stop fight. Manu says say it again. Bani asks Manu to calm down. Rohan dances around and says i can talk, i can do anything, anything anything and nobody can stop me, Priyanka says you cant become hero like this, Rohan says i am already hero, Priyanka says okay dare you eat now, Rohan says i will discuss task, i will discuss secret, bigg boss ha given me right, you give me punishment but i am hero and i will discuss, Priyanka says you wont become hero like this, just by dancing, just sit and eat, Rohan says you give me order then i will sit, you are owner, just ring bell, Manu says when we order due to task then we are bad and when we dont order even then we are bad, what should we do? i just told Karan and Rohan to not talk. Gaurav brings rule book and says listen to rule, he reads rule that owners can use their power and can do anything to win this task, they can make slaves work so much that they are not able to discuss anything, they can give them work so that slaves dont have chance to talk and their guess go wrong because of it. He says to Manu that you cant ask him to not talk to Karan but you can give work to avoid us talking. Swami says if they are start talking then how will we stop them from discussing things? Rohan says Swami ji your health will go bad, you go and take rest, Gaurav ask him to eat, Rohan sits and starts eating. Mona comes to camera and says i cant bear this house, this is impossible, eliminate me, i cant, she starts weeping. Manu says i told him to not talk and discuss task, Gaurav says you cant ask him to not talk, Rohan says this is difference between you people and us, you dont know to talk, Manu gets up from his seat and comes to Rohan’s side, Manu shouts that what he means by difference? dont you dare say it again, what does difference mean? Manu charges at Rohan but Bani and Karan stops him, Manu says you *******, Bani says dont threaten him.Manu shouts that i am trying to remain calm but what he means by it? Rohan its not difference between commoner or us but its difference between you and us. Manu says to camera that not even single person aside from Priyanka is standing with me. Swami tries to say something to Rohan, Rohan shouts that let me eat, can you just remain shut for sometime? you are talking in my ear, Swami says eat it after sometime, Rohan says order me after ringing bell, why you are irritating me? Rahul asks him to calm down, just sit and block it, dont listen to him, just block and eat.
Rohan says i was giving Manu respect thats why i said that there is difference between you(aap) and me(us/hum) but he thought i generally talking about whole common people, i should have called him Tu then he would have understood that i was talking about only and only him not all people, Priyanka brings him to bathroom, Rohan says he was crossing his limits, i had respect for him because he is elder but now i will call him tu only, i dont have respect for him, he wants to portray me as wrong. Priyanka says you are not listening to me, Rohan says cant i even talk to camera? She says no, i am asking you to sit and talk to me, this is task, sit down, he says fine, he sits down, he says ring bell and order me that i cant talk to cameras, Priyanka says rule doesnt say that i have to ring bell for everything, Rohan says you cant stop me from talking, Priyanka says you cant talk rightnow, calm down, lets talk to each other, take a deep breath, tell bigg boss later what is being portrayed, Rohan says everyone knows who is wrong, Priyanka says we are wrong, you are right fine? Rohan says i just wanted to tell that only, you are wrong, you have accepted it, Priyanka says you are not listening to me, go and wash my clothes, she throws her clothes out of cabinet, he says why you are throwing them out? Priyanka says might not even use them again, Rohan says you said that you are collecting money for your kids and now saying that you wont use these clothes again? Priyanka says i can say anything, fight me, rohan says i am not fighting, she says sit down, i dont want you to wash clothes, sit down, i cant make you wash clothes, Rohan says you can ask me anything, i am ready wash clothes, she says no i wont make you wash my clothes, Rohan laughs.
Lopa says to Manu that rule says you have give us less and less chance to talk but that doesnt mean you dont allow us to talk at all, Swami says its written that.. Lopa says i am not talking to you, he says you have to talk, i am your owner, Lopa says i am dealing with Manu rightnow, i am talking to one person only and you are out of context, you are not going to talk to me, Swami says till i am your owner, i am not out of any context.
Nitibha says i was able to convince slaves that i am like moon and i dont have any scar on me, but i have mind to keep my secret to myself so thank you.
Slaves sit down in lounge. Gaurav says to them that i found out that Nitibha’s complexion from her family background, this is supposed to secret, we are just guessing, Rohan says she might have talked about moon to confuse us. Bigg boss says time to solve riddle has ended, Gaurav says we will go with gut feeling. Gaurav does hi-five with all celebrities. Bigg boss ask slaves to guess whose secret it was from commoners. Gaurav says it was secret of Lokesh. Bigg boss asks Lokesh if their guess was right, Lokesh says i will tell after standing up, she stands up and says this answer was wrong, all commoners dance. Rahul says to celebrities we guessed it wrong, we have to make lunch now, try annoying them.
Nitibha says to commoners that Naveen if they ask you anything then point at Manu. Swami says credit goes to.. she says to Swami that we cant be talking about credit with just one win, Swami says just listen, credit goes to you and Manu, it goes to Manu because he distracted them, Akansha says if they already know your secret then you cant do much but if they dont then we should discuss it with each other beforehand to be clear, Nitibha says Swami you are insecure about your secret not us, we can discuss our secrets with each other, Akansha says i am not wrong, Nitibha says keep your secret to yourself, we dont wanna know, Swami leaves. Priyanka goes to him.
Manu says to Naveen that Manveer doesnt say anything to them, he doesnt fight them even, whats going on with him? Swami says he just want to get along with them so he doesnt come in nominations, Manu says why he was selected? they took him thinking he must be strong player, i dont understand he doesnt care, big fights are happening but he is not reacting at all, Swami says he is playing his game, Nanveen says if someone fight with me like Manu did then i would fight back, i was standing behind you for support Manu, Manu says this is right, my team member is standing beside me, Naveen says its useless to fight when one is already fighting, just standing beside is right, he could have stood beside you too, Swami says make Manveer fight with one celebrity, Manu says i tried but he doesnt listen, ask him to take stand, Naveen says he listens to you, tell him that if Naveen is taking stand, Swami is taking stand then why cant he? Swami says what about his manliness? Manu says i will tell him that 7people were supporting Rohan, dont you think our team is not playing with unity, you look strong and can make anyone scared, Swami says when he came in house, he was bragging that he will do this or that, Manu says he says it even now but doesnt do anything.
Gaurav reads rule, he reads that there will be twist in task ‘secret’, now Bigg boss is giving one more thing to commoners to fight against celebrities. there is bubble chain in garden, they can use that bubble chain against slaves as punishment as much as they want and try to keep their secrets safe. Swami takes rulebook from Gaurav, Gaurav says take it, i am just reader, Swami hugs him sideways.
Nitibha and Akansha comes to bubble chain(its big ball with chain whose other end will be tied to slave’s hand so he cant move), they check it.
Celebrities are in activity area. Bigg boss says lets see next riddle
3rd Secret:
All love their country a lot but i love it a little more thats why i saved it from a missile, guess who i am?
Lopa laughs reading riddle and says Swami, Gaurav says i dont know that at all, we dont know, dont joke about it, they all laugh. Nitbha and Akansha are waiting for them outside activity area. Akansha says why they are not coming out? Nitibha says to Manu and Manveer that you people talk about unity but why you people are not coming there? Manveer says we will eventually know what riddle it is. Bigg boss ask celebrities to leave activity area. They come out. Lopa hugs Akansha, Akansha says lets go to our favorite room, Lopa says i like your company, Akansha says i am with you. Priyanka says to Gaurav that no one can win over you, he says i dont want you to lose. she ties bubble ball chain to his foot, she says anything for Gaurav, Gaurav says thank you, Priyanka says i didnt even take bath today, i washed my face yesterday for first time, i scrubbed my face and Swami thought i was deliberately wasting time.
Rahul says to Swami that you were talking like Swami but what tomorrow happened got out of control. You know i am normal man, i dont understand thinking of Swami, Swami says yesterday every prayer of 45years i did, it got destroyed, Rahul says if you say that you have powers then you should have stopped yourself, Swami says yesterday i was not in my control, Rahul says let bygones be bygones, Swami says i had fever, you are sane one, ask them to forgive me, if they dont want to forgive me then punish me, Rahul says no one wants to punish you, Swami says i ended my image yesterday but i want to create it again and i want your help and guidance to make it again, Rahul says i am no one to guide you, Swami says you are experienced, you have lived with these celebrities but i didnt.
All are in lounge, Bigg boss ask slaves to guess riddle. Gaurav asks Rohan to read riddle and guess, he says no its fine, Bani says i will read. Bani reads it and taunts it very difficult to guess. Swami says it has to be person who has power, All inmates laugh at his attempt to justify. Bigg boss ask slaves who it is? Bani says Om Swami. Bigg boss asks Swami to tell it was right guess? he says yes, celebrities clap.
Swami says this was not secret, all kids who read news paper knew it, Lopa says yes it was not secret and you were scared it to be revealed, you were threatening me, Swami says daughter missile can be stopped by mantras, tantars, she says you know tantars? he says yes, Lopa says now you blew your secret that you are tantarik, Swami says now its no more secret, Lopa says now i am betrayer? he says no, she says now you happy that i didnt say anything? he says yes, she says i told you that tell this secret to everyone, truth has power, you must be feeling light, he says yes, i know truth has power only, Lopa says tell truth only, never lie, Swami says i am peace prayer for indians, Lopa says you said that you make ghosts alive again, he says yes i do, i dont make them alive but my tantar power do it, Rohan says but you do it right? he says yes, Gaurav is smirking, he whispers something to Lopa, she laughs, Swami says we call souls of ghosts, Karan says soul comes in your first? Swami says we make ourselves powerful to not be overcome by them, Lopa says you must harm people with your tantar powers, swami says if you betrayed me then i would have, she says it would have been betraying? Swami says why bringing that topic again? if you want me to leave from there then i will leave. Manu says to naveen that baba is standing with them, telling them things, whats the need to clear things? Naveen says Swami already told them about missile thing, even if he didnt tell them, they would have guessed it.
bigg boss says to celebrities in activity area that lets see next riddle.
4th Secret:
be with me, dont leave me alone, i am scared while people are asleep peacefully, i get sleep only with my doll toy, guess who i am?
Rahul says its Priyanka, Rohan says she must sleep with her kids, Bani says she is sleeping with dolls, she took doll with her to washroom, that oppo soft toy, she keep it with her. Bani says her husband lives abraod. Rohan says check their beds too.
all are in lounge, Karan reads riddle to everyone. Bigg boss ask them to guess who it is. Karan says its Priyanka. Bigg boss asks Priyanka if their guess is right or wrong? Priyanka laughs and says this is wrong answer, all commoners clap. Bigg boss says slaves failed this time. Rahul says till now we didnt guess Priyanka correctly, Gaurav says Priyanka cant be moon, Rahul says why not? Gaurav says it said that there is no scar. Rahul says guess who was moon, Bani and Lopa says it was Nitibha, Mona says i am fifty-fifty.
Its night, all are lying on beds. Priyanka rings bell, she says make me drink water. Rohan says yes you worked so hard today, you must be wanting water, Priyanka says i didnt ask your comment, he says i am doing your work, i didnt say no to work, i just said that you worked hard today. Mona and Rohan goes to bring water, Priyanka says how you do know what hard work we did? Rohan says you are working hard in plotting and planning. Priyanka says really? i can bring whole Amritsar here. Rohan and Mona comes to kitchen and brings water for Priyanka. Rohan pushes glass to her mouth, he says you asked me to make you drink it, She pushes glass away and says this is way to make her drink water? Swami says what is this this way to give water? Rohan says i didnt throw on her, i was just making you drink, she says arent you ashamed to throw water on me? this is what you parents taught you? Priyanka says you stupid, i will throw water on you, you threw water on my mic.
PRECAP- There is 2hour maha-episode tomorrow from 9:30pm onwards. Priyanka says to Rohan that this is what your mom taught you? you were throwing water on me, i am sorry but you are going to jail, you are young in age and thinking both. She says should i tell about that night? Rohan says i was just making you drink water, i am just silent, Lokesh tries to take her away. Rohan is brought to jail and locked inside. Priyanka says to Rahul that you think only people of industry are intelligent but we are not so commoner too. Priyanka says they are saying that there is no egg but they are eating 15eggs in one go, and saying to owners that there are no eggs. Rohan says to Swami that i am telling you that i will bring your truth out only then i will leave. Reporter says bigg boss house will get its first criminal, Swami is locked in jail.
Update Credit to: Atiba
Omg i hate that baba to the core what kind of a man he is dude itni ghatiya bate
I know he is old and should be respected but common jo insaan aurto ki izzat nahi kar sakta vo kya duniya badlega. And i was shocked when i saw how double faced this man is
Gaurav se bola akansha is behind you and she wants to marry you ajj uss specs vale bande se bolta gurav ne akansha ko bola hai i will marry you and shit…phir vo faltu ki dhamkiya lopa ko de raha tha wtf
Ps:- his raaz was very funny kaunsa missile and kaha ka missele and kab hua yeh ????
Manu and Priyanka gosh i hate them…unhe inferiority complex hai from these celebs…and the way they talk and act
Poor tim meuse
Lokesh antique hai ????
Akansha and nitibha are good i liked how nitibha saved her secret
Celebs me monalisa is gayab i only see her in the morning dancing to songs
Rohan yeah he is fine. Taking his stand and all infact karan surprised me coz i thought he will be sweet and weak but he is bold when needed which is a nice thing
Rahul dev ??? 2 din se bande ne mooh nahi khola and jab khola toh vaat laga di samne wale ki
Gaurav is bold , smart, elegant, polite. He is a good contestant and i am sure he wilk give a tough fight
Bani i love you but do something we need to see more of you
Lopa is cute yet very bold i like her alot
Looking forward to tomorrow’s episode
hi guys
i don’t like todays episode full bakwass
celebraties nitibha ka raaz kaise wrong karr sakte yaar simple hi toh taha par om ji ka dusri razz thodi confusing thi
crying of mona thodi overacting lagg rahi thi aaj lekin tumne aisa kyu kiya mona overacting ki kaam to priyanka ka hai na…
gaurav bahut achi tarah se suitation ko handle karr raha hai
manu kabhi idar kabhi udar jab gaurav om ji ki bhaat karr raha tha toh gaurv ko right boll raha tha pher om ji ki aane k baad om ji ko ..iss se pata chalta hai woh footage khane k liye ye sab karr raha hai
priyanka overacting woh jsise cheap ladki maine kabhi nai deka yaar jab woh swamiji ladki ke liye galat boll raha tha pher bhi woh ussi ko suppoet karr rahi thi sayyad ysse sach mein help ki jarurat hai
manver playing own game
baki k liye kuch nahi bolna hai aaj
idont know why but akansha fav banti jarahi hai i like her behavior till now lets see she will get changed or not
OMG! I hate the baba.He is so annoying and rude and double faced,and how dare he threat Lopa for the stupid secret.
I also hate priankya and manu they both are so like I am a Master treat me better.
I liked how Rohan stood up!
I love Bani J but she is really calm right now!
I LOVE Lopa she has a very bold and amazing personality.(MY FAVORITE)
Garauv I think shopuld stay in the finals.
Swami ji ki baten sun lo. Guarav is playing good.rohan sahi stand le raha ha…manu ko to bs baat ko bigarna hota ha he over reacting…priyanka or manu aik jese hn. Swami ji bohat wahiyat se bori language abhi tak unhon ne hi use ki ha…… I think rohan and guarav will be hero
Is show ka repeat telecast time kya hai please tell me
Afternoon 4:00pm……
@hrithik ka fan….. Thank you dear….. Itz been a yr nd you still remember me nd my commnts… Wow,, I appreciate that…
And i am glad that you decided to join us this yr… Wud love to know ur views too….
And yes prince… High -five…
You remember harsh huh..? Yea,, mandy ka fan…
Ohh i had such fun countering him… 
P.S – I’ll call you HKF frm nw on…. Itz easier to tag…
@Fatarajo – Of course i remember you…. See i promised to come back nxt season nd here i am….
Hw hv you been ? Tym flies… Cant blve that itz 1 yr already…..
Thank u and u can call me hkf. problem. …..coming to this season i have no such favourite as yet although I like banij but she is not active that much…..Most of the celebrities are good. ..whereas commoners have inferiority complex specially manu and priyanka the worst of all with irritating voice. ….but these are early days. ..let’s see who become the favorite
Itzz too early to pick up a fav…..
But yea, priyanka is at the bottom ryt nw…. !!
Yupp i also liked loopa she is so bold nd srtraight forward and in commoners manveer is good
manu kitna illitrate h directly keh rha h ki ladai karo like seriously ……
And i just hate swami and priyanka both i m gonna nominate him for sure…..
and welcome back neeru m last year tumhara hr cmnt read bcs. Your cmnts were really genuine not like others bulshits
hope this yr also u r gonna support the right housemate……
@shipra… Thank you sooo much dear…..
I am glad you liked them…. Vl surely try nd continue to commnt like last yr….
And welcome to the club…. Do share your views nd lemme knw ur favrts….. We’ll hv fun discussing abt it….
I agree to your commnt…. Lopa is really good… !!
Haha mixed up wala epi
I like the way celebs r responding now but what about bani my fav contestant she is barely seen in this epi. Priyanka and Manu irritating to the core acha Hua they r nominated. I like the way gaurav is handling things he is like the Keith of bb9 , now gaurav is my fav too. I also liked the way he kept calm when baba was talking about him and akansha. And baba lol fever ??? hahah now nothing can save baba, Mujhe Toh laga isse sirf pk thik Kar sakta hain but well done to others ?
And Lokesh hahah ??? complete comedy piece ???yesterday epi remind me of like she is baba’s sidekick like the funny wala
Celebs should have guessed nitibha’s secret correctly they thought too much ? And bechara Rohan every time regarding food he have to fight ???
And Mona she is barely seen Rahul ne finally speak up kiya
every one is hating commners but manu is doing good but some time over reacting ….Navin and Manveer playing thier game quitely….Nitibha is not reacting at all and akansha is trying to be nice with everyone….
public is hating all commners because of priyanka and swami ………
According to me first impression is the last impression and priyanka and swami destroyed the image of all commners ….
and now public is with celebs ….
and at last winner bb10 ka koi celebs hi hoga …because they have own fan following …and also bb wale sirf controversial log dekh ke layen hai as commners ..
on the other hand not a single celebs of bad image that helps celebs …
this week priyanka , manu and mona me se koi ek jaayega …….
No one hate commnrs…. They jst hate priyanka nd omji as you correctly pointed out…. Itz jst that ppl dnt like contestants who try nd make unnecessary issues….
Having said that it myt change in the coming days … Maybe we’ll start liking priyanka afta a point of tym if she seems genuine….
Shayad wen celebs becme malik nd dey start showing attitude we’ll sympathise wid priynka…. You nevr knw…
Abhi tho sirf 3 din hue hai… Lets wait nd see…
Bani,gaurav and rahul are tough competitors
As for the episode,,, i actually enjoyed it….
Commnrs are doing the task brilliantly… The plan of waking up the sevaks at nyt for food was A lil unfair towards the celebs bt it was a task well done….
I can see priyanka nd manu are the irritating ones,,, but then if you look at it frm game point of view,, they are the only ones playing frm the commnrs…. No one othr than these two ring the bell… No one give orders… All others are playing safe…
Celebs ,, i like thier unity…. They are playing like a team… And pretty calm wen the maliks are taunting…. They actually stood up together vn omji asked for food …. Lopa,, rohan,,karan,, gaurv,, rahul… Evn mona….
Bani hasn’t come to her roadies self…. She is one strong willed woman…
I knw he is nt nominated but For me,, omji is the one who shud go… Evn Befre priyanka… I wud like to see her for one mre week atleast…
Jst wasting off time .missing bb9
It’s the story of every bb season when it was s8 people say s7 ,contestants were better and when s9, s8 contestants were better, now s10 s9 contestants r better, and when it will be bb11 people be like bb10 was better so right now too early to say
Actually u r right. ..people always compliant. .It’s like ….Teri thali me meri thali se bada ladoo kaise…lol…
??? hrithik ka fan
Obviously gr ek koi unnecessary issue p fight krega to wo gnda hi dikhega but think abt one fact that ki ek genuine fight ka wait krne lge to big boss boring ho jayega and the cmnts will be like this:- kya yr boring chl rha h sb kuj…….
Hlo hello every1.
I m surprised seeing the written updates of bigg boss I don’t know it can also be.I just searched and I found.I . thankful to atibha di.
Sorry I forgotten to introduce myself.
Suno suno.
I m preeti(nick name).I m from Punjab.I m 13 yrs(going to be 14)in 9 class.funny to listen song and watch movie and one thing I m the greatest fan of bigg boss.
I have watched season 8 and 9 fully .in both seasons my fav was gulati and my princi and they both won.
I m missing last season.
Talking about this season.
Let’s start alphabetically.
Akanksha:so saying about her.mere hisaab se she haven’t much in the game .dikhna me aachi hai.oh I think u all know her husband zoravar Singh(yuvi brother).her story must be look on.she will be eliminated fast agar usne kuch na kiya.
Bani:bani my one of fav yaar usko zyada nhi dikhaya kal.lekin chlo I think she is a better contestant.roadies mei toh yeah just wow thi.her tatoos her hairstyle what to say.I like her.
Gaurav:guys Keith jaise right.gaurav intelligent hai.he can go ahead PR why he is nominated so fast.I liked him and he could be winner according to me lekin shayad .
Karan:hmara naitik kitni ladhai aati hai ise bhi yaar yeh banda bhi theek hai not so bad .he is a gud one lekin ptw nhi yeh aage kaisa pardarshan karega.
Lokesh;pls lokesh fans don’t mind her voice really man.but Jo bhi key lo she is really funny.jab usne kaha baba ji ko two batteries chahiya aur jo bhi maang ki was funny.kl bhi funny.she is funny and can go far .
Lopa:model.kya kahe.bechari ko threat to life mil gya.dikhti aachi hai.khana kisiko aacha nhi LGA bechari be kitni mehnat ki.iska kaccha pakka aage Jane ka damedaari.
Manoj uff manu:yeh chorra Ghana tej hai.bhut ladhako kitni ladhai omg.he is really tough man from commoners .yeh banda jeet skta hai lekin ldhta bhut hai.
Manveer (gujjar):is ne kuch khas nhi kiya .yeh pta nhi aage kuch karega ki nhi .ho skta hai yeh koi plan ho jaise mano honi discuss kr rhe the.pta nhi yeh aage jayega ki nhi.
Monalisa:is bandi ko kl jakr footage mili iske dance ke elava.kl jb isne kaha bigg boss mai yaha nhi reh skti.plz mujhe nikaal jaakr isse footage mile.isko moka mil gya.yeh bojhpuri star kya karegi dekhenge agar yeh is hafte eliminate nhi hoyi.
Navin:the professor yeh bhi kuch zyada khas nhi lekin beech mei has a deta hai.yeh khelta toh theek hi hai lekin kissi ko abhi tak Maine isse order dete nhi dekha.
Nitibha:oh this girl .she left her Google job to come here lekin kuch special nhi kiya but task aacha kehla with intelligency .kuch zyada nhi keh Skye.
Priyanka:Maine isko special name diya hai jagga daku.BTW she is a gud player Jo bhi keh lo.lekin ladhai me toh sbse a aage hai manu ke sath.kitna ldhti hai yeh aaurat.maine nhi socha that 2 bachoon ki mummy itna ladhegi alxandor and Jordan right.
Rahul:yeh abhi devta hi bane bethe hai kuch keh do.not much participating.i dont know ki inka aage kya hoga.
Rohan:oh man kal yeh bacha pagal ho gya.itni ladhai lekin mujhe aachi lgi.he is going good.on the way to ja aaj pahunchega.kaise rahega.he is doing good .khoon gharam hai.
Swami om ji:yeh Buddha pagal hai.tantrik iski batein mai yeh mai woh I m least interesting .iska dialogue aisa hai ki .yeh banda pagal.jai baba.mujhe na hi yeh aacha LGA or na hi yeh samaj aaya.don’t liked him.
So guys yeh the mere khyaal sorry agar Maine kuch zyada bhol diya.u r allowed to offence or offend my views.
I m missing last season.
I hope yeh season interesting ho.
Once again I m super happy to find this written update page.
Will luv to discuss my views with u ppl
Hey Pri happy to see u here yaar ?
Jagga daku ???? i hate her too
And agree with u
But bb9 main mera fav contestant koyi nahi tha ?
Even i saw full of bb8 and bb9 only
How r u dear?
Welcome prettypreeti. ..u r very young. .I would say a kid…
Jo hello meri sister ohka is bari kon hai
Hey hritik ka fan wht ur nickname bhaiya or did I.
I m small but sharp.
Oh a kid wow.thnku .
What’s ur age?
Guys last comment zyada badha ho gya