
1st Epi – Bepannaah 19th March 2018 Written Episode Update: Zoya and Aditya meet in Mussorie

Bepannaah 19th March 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on

Abhi Na Jao Chhod Kar plays in the background. Zoya is doing pottery. The gardener takes his radio with him as he goes. She looks at him and begins to hum the song but forgets the lyrics. It is Yash’s favourite song but I cannot even sing a song without him! She completes her work. I hope Yash will like it. Even if not, he will still call it mind blowing, amazing to make me happy. I always catch your lie though!

Alarm begins to ring.

Zoya runs towards the home.

Zoya calls out to Yash. There is a surprise for you.

A lady is trying to wake her husband. She shifts the curtains to wake him up. The guy gets up and tells Pooja to stop it. What’s this style of waking someone up? Pooja looks at him. Those who wake up themselves don’t need to

wake up. He calls it the tagline of some cheap tea stall or censored book. She keeps quiet while he keeps talking. I will ask Boss to send me to somewhere else on a long flight, away from her. She tells him to go as far away as he wants. He goes to get ready.

Zoya calls Yash but his number is out of coverage area. She summons everyone and asks about Yash. Hari kaka tells her that he went outside early morning. She heaves a sigh of relief. He has gone out for a jog. She shows them her creation. They praise her but are confused as to what it is. She asks them if they really cannot understand what it is. Is it so weird? Yash says it isn’t weird but unique just like you. It is your heart which you want to give to me. She nods and hugs him.

Aditya calls out to Pooja. His MIL pats at his head. She remembers everything that you like but you forgot it is her birthday! You said such heavy dialogues to her. Very bad! Aditya runs out. He asks Pooja if she is leaving him as he forgot her birthday. I am sorry I forgot. She tells him it is ok. I am used to it now. He sweetly apologizes to her. She ends up smiling. I have to pack now. He turns her to look at him. I need a big smile. They both get into a small fight. Pooja’s diary falls down in the process. He picks it up., I have been seen it since childhood. I should now know what’s inside it. She advises him against it but he reasons that they are husband and wife now. You know all my secrets. Pooja gets tensed as he opens the thread around the diary. He agrees not to read it upon her request. I know how much you like your privacy. He returns it to her. I will read it one day to know what you think about me. She says you are married now. What will happen? He asks her if she is indeed hiding something. She tells him that there is no single person in the world who would keep everything crystal clear. Those who say so are a liar! He holds her hand. The one who keeps secrets, lies is a liar! Lie is equal to cheating! You know I hate cheaters!

Zoya keeps her hands around Yash’s neck. You used to like me in every dress earlier. Is it a problem now as it got a little dusty? He replies that he likes her in every way. I love you, come what may. She says I doubt it a little these days. Can I test? He rubs the dirt on his face from hers. He asks her if she plans to play with dirt on their anniversary. She gets shy. I was thinking to clean it later. They come close romantically when his phone beeps. She tells him to let it be but he insists it can be something important. He checks his phone.

Aditya does not let Pooja speak. I will lie in office and you should cancel your trip. We will go to Dubai for 2 days. She tells him that her birthday is tomorrow. He says sorry again. Let’s go to Paris instead. She declines. I have to go to Chennai for my exhibition. You cannot cancel your flight last minute. Come back from Kathmandu. I will be back from Chennai and we will celebrate together before 0000 hours. He smiles. He hugs her from behind. Please don’t go. Pooja responds unromantically. He says I love you to her. She begins to go but he holds her hand. Remember that wherever you go, no one will love you more than me. Pooja gets tensed.

Yash tells Zoya she has to leave urgently. It is something important. She is unhappy that he spends half of the week here in Mussorie and the rest in Mumbai. It is our anniversary. He agrees to celebrate their anniversary together. It is tomorrow. She heads inside.

Zoya is packing Yash’s bags. You seem distracted these days. you hear what I say but you don’t do much. You used to get me surprise gifts earlier. A small box falls in the process. She is thrilled to see the ring and thanks him. I love it. She tries it but it is a little loose. It is okay. I lost a little weight. I will wear a black thread around it. Thank you so much! I will not remove it ever. Yash looks worriedly at her.

Pooja hugs everyone one by one. Aditya waves at her. His smile disappears as Yash’s father comes there. He reasons that he could have gone with Pooja as both are headed to airport only. Aditya tells his mom to tell Mr. Huda he does not need his advice. His mother tells him against it. Did he ever revert to me nicely? Why should I do then? he tells his MIL that the flights are on different terminals. I will have breakfast on airport.

Yash leaves. Zoya thinks I am sure it must be something important because of which he left her. I feel restless though. Whatever is Yash leaving me for, I hate you. She looks at her ring. We will plan for our anniversary together now. The weather worsens. Zoya worries that yash’s flight might get delayed because of which he will reach home late.

Aditya is flying a plane. There is turbulence and he addresses the passengers to relax. A guy begins to feel chest pain. Aditya is informed about a cyclone alert ahead. Crew informs Aditya about the heart patient. Aditya conveys the message to ATC. ATC advises him to return to Delhi as runway to some place between mountains (Dehradun) is dangerous. Aditya takes the chance. his co-pilot is tensed but Aditya assures him that no lives will be lost today. Aditya lands the plane safely. The heart patient is taken down on priority basis. His wife thanks and blesses Aditya. Other passengers clap for Aditya. Aditya informs them that they will be ready to fly back in 5 minutes. His co-pilot informs that ATC said they cant fly to Kathmandu in this weather. Aditya is worried for Pooja’s birthday. His friend suggests him to go to Mussorie to buy a gift for Pooja. Aditya leaves.

Zoya’s mother complains that her both daughters are so thin. You both will become invisible one day. Her sister checks out her ring. Zoya speaks proudly about Yash. Zoya’s father says when I buy a ring for my wife, I take one of her rings along with me. It is common sense which is not common. His wife asks him why he compares him and Yash every time on every little thing. Zoya’s father says I lost is 5 years ago already as Zoya decided who is more important for her. Zoya’s sister asks Zoya what she bought for Yash. Your pottery? Zoya smiles shyly. Only he could guess what I made. Zoya’s sister says Yash’s gift is anytime better than yours. Zoya’s father says Arora’s can never be better than Siddiqui’s. Zoya’s sister asks Zoya to focus on the game.

Zoya’s mother asks her husband (Wasim) to drop the matter now. You will get some riots because of religion. He says I don’t think so low. That wasn’t or will never be my problem. Yash does not deserve Zoya. Everyone will know it soon. She asks him about it. Did you see the ring or the size of diamond in it? Zoya shows her ring to her father upon her mother’s request. Wasim says Zoya was right. He has great taste. I wish I could say that about my daughter. Zoya says he is working so hard. His company is also doing well. He keeps working all the time. He lets me stay here as I don’t like going to big cities. He keeps travelling between Mumbai Mussorie all the time but never complains. He keeps me really happy. Whose husband is like that? Wasim says my words will be misunderstood. I should keep quiet. She adds that it will be better for her to leave. Zoya’s sister chases her but Zoya sits in her car. Zoya’s sister joins her.

Aditya is looking for a gift (artefact) for Pooja. Zoya comes to the same shop. Abhi Na Jao Chhod Kar begins to play. Both Zoya and Aditya begin to miss their spouses. They run towards a small gramophone and pick it up at the same time. She asks him to pack it for her. He asks her if she thinks him to be salesman. He clears that he came to buy a gift. They both fight for it. Aditya pays for it first but Zoya knows the shopkeeper. Shopkeeper advises Yash to find something else for himself. I cancelled your transaction. It is Zoya’s anniversary. Zoya waves at Aditya as he leaves. Aditya tells her not to be so happy after snatching her thing from her. She says it isn’t yours or none would have been able to snatch it from you. He gives her some cash, snatches it from her hand and begins to run. She chases him. He finally stops running. She catches up on him. She asks him to return her what belongs to her. He throws the gulaal up in air thereby diverting her and runs. Zoya’s clothes are drenched in red. Aditya finally sits on a bench. Zoya’s and Aditya’s phone begins to ring at the same time. They are stunned into silence by what they hear.

Police pulls a car out of a ditch with the help of crane.

Zoya and Aditya are on their way. They are crying.

Aditya and Zoya reach the incident site. They panic seeing the state of the car. Police stands near the dead bodies. Zoya and Aditya walk up to them. Police team shifts. Wind blows and the cover from Yash’s face shifts. Zoya breaks down seeing Yash’s body. Aditya inches closer to the other dead body. He removes the cover and is stunned to see Pooja’s body. He screams her name. Zoya is shaken by his voice and runs up to Yash. They both hold the body of their respective spouses in their arms and cry. Wind blows and the united hands of Pooja and Yash are shown. Aditya notices the same and thinks of his last conversation with Pooja. He keeps Pooja’s body back on the ground. Zoya notices the change in his demeanour and follows his gaze. She looks at Yash in shock. She lets go of his body as well. Aditya looks angry.

Precap: Aditya tells Zoya that their spouses were enjoying together and fooling them. She slaps him. He breaks what she has created. Zoya decides to go to Mumbai. Both Aditya and Zoya keep meeting each other on their way. She tells Aditya that their lives are tied to each other’s even if they want it or not!

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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