Fan Fiction

6 months — noticing the signs (episode 1)

rikara were on holiday in Thailand with their four kids. really rikara wanted time for each other but four kids….they were better off not getting their hopes up.

one day:


om: when will we get time to ourselves?

gauri: when you stop pampering mishti too much!

om: hey I don’t pamper her okay? don’t think I am viren and charan.

mishti: daddy, I want an ice cream shake.

om: ok misty, daddy will get you one.

mishti: and karan bauya is trying to wreck my hair.

om: karan, leave your sister’s hair alone.

karan: I wasn’t even doing anything.

om: so sorted your karan bhai, will get your shake, anything else?

mishti: no.

om: ok, now you go.

mishti goes back to her brothers. om looks at gauri and realized what she meant.

gauri: I don’t remember when you actually said no to our six year old daughter. even when she was in my womb.

om: how can I say no to that cute face?

gauri: just like how you say no to me all the time. no this no that. it’s like you love mishti out of all of us.

om: don’t say anything about my daughter ok. besides I only have one favourite and you have three favourites meaning I don’t have to share attention, you do.

gauri: accha fine.

just then…

om: arre gauri, your feet are still swollen?

gauri: yes omkaraji, they are still swollen. I have tried everything. but from the last two months, they have been like this. this is the third month.

om: do one thing, get them checked by a doctor. maybe they’ll help.

gauri: ok.

mishti: meri ice cream shake?

om: getting it princess!

gauri: oh and by the way whilst you are getting your princess something, mind getting me some caramel brownies and vanilla ice cream?

om: only if you don’t vomit.

gauri: ok.

om goes to get his two ladies their stuff. mishti goes to gauri and hugs her tight.

gauri: what happened mishti?

mishti: those three monsters are making me in the middle to play catch and I too small.

gauri: aww meri princess. accha you can stay with mama.

mishti: yay! by the way you have gained weight.

gauri looks down at her stomach and groans.

gauri: you know mishti, mama is feeling very poorly these days.

mishti: I know.

gauri clutched her stomach in pain.

gauri: ouch!

mishti: what happened?

gauri in mind: must be period cramps. (Talking to mishti) nothing mishti, just mama is in little pain. you know when mama gets her food, then she will be happy.

mishti: we share?

gauri: ok.

om came back and said: arre misty, I was about to call you. now what did your brothers do?

mishti: make me piggy in middle. I too short.

om: that’s mean. fine stay with us.

he gives his princesses their food.

mishti: daddy, mummy get pain in stomach.

om: what?

gauri: no omkaraji that isn’t true. mishti is making it up.

om: oh hello gauri! I know my princess very well. she never lies.

he whispers in gauri’s ear: is it what I think it is?

gauri knew what he meant and whispered back: i’ll check.


hi I am lavanya from wattpad (magicglow11111).

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