(Surprise surprise surprise…how was my surprise this lazy writer wrote 2 episodes a day…bcoz nah the b day girl asked me to write 2 episodes on her birthday…so wrote…okay okay..now coming to epi…)
Here we go….
Next Day morning in Nandini’s house…
In hall…
Nandini:good morning mom…good dad…
Nandini’s dad: good morning beta…Nandu today anything spl early morning…
From back her bhaiya: Haa Haa morning morning miss India….what happened
Nandini:wo from library I have to referr some books…
dad:where is Twinkle…
Nandini:yesterday itself she referred it…
Mom: enough enough have your breakfast…
After breakfast…
Nandini: bye mom bye dad…bye Mr India…
Bhaiya:Nandu I’ll drop you…
Nandini:bhaiya it’s okay…I’ll go…
Papa:are you sure…
Nandini:Haa dad…
Bhaiya:ok bye…
Nandini leaves from there….
Outside the house Manik was waiting for her…
Dad:I think Nandu forgot her book…
Bhaiya: I’ll give it…
Nandini’s bhaiya moves outside…He sees Nandini in Manik’s bike…Nandini was hugging Manik…
Her bhaiya was shocked to see it…in anger without speaking anything he moves back to his house…
In bike….
Nandini:Manik I missed you…
Manik:I missed you too…
In Ragini’s house..
Door bell rings ding dong…
Ragini opens the door…
Ragini in surprise:Radhu…
Radika: good morning laddoo…
Ragini:good morning bhabhi…
Radika smilies: I need your book..
Ragini in teasing tone: book is only reason…I know…
Radika: no I not came to meet Arjun sir…
Ragini: I didn’t say you came to meet bhaiya…
She laughs…
Ragini:stop blushing…
From back Arjun: Princess who is on the door..
Ragini:Bhaiya Wo…
Radika:good morning sir…
Arjun in happy:Radika…
Ragini: oh oh bhaiya ki face mai 440 volt ki smile by hearing Radhu’s sound…I’ll bring breakfast…
She moves to kitchen…
Arjun moves towards Radika…
Arjun:Radika How are you???
Radika: I’m not fine..
She hugs him…
Arjun hugs her back :what happened…
Radika:I were missing you…
Arjun:woo I missed you too…and what you called me Arjun sir…
Radika:wo I was…
Ragini clears her throat:breakfast is ready…
They breaks hug….
After breakfast…
Radika:laddoo I’m being late…I should move…
Arjun:Radika wait I’ll drop you…
Ragini:haa…5 minutes I’ll come just now…
After minutes…
Arjun:let’s move…
Ragini was about sit in back sit of car…
Arjun: Princess why you’re sitting there come sit front….
Ragini:no bhaiya…today I want to sit back…
Arjun makes her to sit front…
Ragini:but bhaiya…
Arjun holds Ragini’s hand: Princess..If Radika is my heart beat your My heart…If she is a smile on my face..you’re the reason of that simle…
Radika:haa laddoo…I’ll never come in between you and your bhaiya…
Ragini holds Arjun’s and Radika’s hand: I’m bless to have you and bhaiya in my life..I love you…
Arjun and Radika: we love you too…
They leaves from there…
In college…
Chumzz and boys
Chumzz were teasing boys: what was the preparation for the tournament.. We will come after one month..ohh god..
They started to laugh…
Boys:shut up…do know how we loss this tournament…We give up for you guys…
Chumzz in confused : for us…
Boys:Haa we thought…Our love may missing us…
Chumzz: ohh liers…
Suddenly Kunj’s phone rings: guys I’ll come just…
Uvi:take your personal time…
Kunj moves a side:hello papa…ha papa…okay papa…yes I’m coming…
call ends…
Kunj:guys I have to leave now…
Twinkle:what happened everything is fine nah…
Kunj:haa everything is fine…bye guys…
Kunj leaves…
Evening at Nandini’s house…
Nandini and Twinkle were coming back from college….
Nandini’s bhaiya was waiting for her on door…
Nandini: hey Mr India…
Twinkle: hey bhaiya…
Bhaiya gives a small simle: Nandu I want to talk to you…
Nandini: haa say nah…
Bhaiya: who was that boy…
Nandini looks at Twinkle: which boy bhaiya…
Bhaiya: with whom you went morning in bike…
Nandini and Twinkle get shocked…
Twinkle was about to say something…
Bhaiya:Twinkii you may go inside..
Twinkle looks at Nandini sign to go inside…Twinkle moves…
Bhaiya:Nandu I’m asking you something…
Nandini:woo bhaiya…He is my senior…Manik..
Bhaiya: okay…why he came to pick you…
Nandini was silent…
Bhaiya pats her shoulder: whatever is there…stop it…If I see him again with you…you know nah your bhaiya very well….end it..okay…
Nandini moves to her room…and hugs twinkle and cries…
Twinkle:hai what happened Nandu…
Nandini:bhaiya asked me about Manik…Twinkii I can’t live without him…He is my life…
Twinkle wipes her tears:offo ya we I know that…stop crying now nothing happen nah…
Came have you’re food…
Next morning…
At college…
Nandini’s bhaiya comes to college to drop Twinkle and Nandini…
Nandini:ok bye..
Twinkle: bhaiya bye…
bhaiya: wait I want to see that boys who picked Nandu yesterday…
Boys where in garden…
Manik didn’t notice Nandini’s bhai…
Manik:hi baby..
He was about to hug her…
Nandini’s bhai stops him…Manik was surprised…bhai pushes him…
Bhaiya points finger:stay away from her…
Manik in rude:who are you…
Nandini’s bhai holds Manik’s collar…
Bhaiya:I’ll show who I’m I…
He was about to punch him…Nandini stops: please bhaiya…
Neil was about strip Nandini’s bhai…laksh stops him…
Nandini’s bhai leaves Manik’s collar: whatever is there stop it…its good for your health…
By saying that Nandini’s bhai leaves from there…
Nandini hugs Manik and cries:I’m sorry Manik….Manik can’t live without you…
Manik hugs her back tightly: I promise if anything happens I’ll never leave you’re hand…even my death…
Uvi: haa guys if our love is true not even god can separate us…
Sam: don’t worry…
Chumzz hugs Nandini: we’re with you nah…Please simle once…
Nandini smiles…
Manik: that’s like my Nandini…
Twinkle:boys do you know where is Kunj…
Sanskar: no yaar from morning we trying on his phone…
Swara: I think to make Nandu chill…We should eat ice cream…
Laksh:great idea…
They moves to eat ice cream…only Twinkle was upset…
Sam: what happened Twinkii…
Twinkle:woo Kunj…
Neil: don’t worry he’ll come…
Twinkle: I hope everything is fine…
Mahi:don’t worry everything will be fine…
Swara : haa Twinkii have you’re ice cream…
Twinkle smiles…she again tries to call Kunj…at last he picks the call…
Twinkle moves a side:Kunj where are you??? Everything is fine nah??? why didn’t came to college today?? I’m missing you…
Kunj: Twinkle soo many questions…I’m in my house with my papa…haa baba everything set and good…I was bzy today so I didn’t came to class…and miss you too…
Twinkle huge simle spreads over her face: hmm…Kunj do know what happened today…
Kunj:Twinkle I’ll call you later…bye take care…
Twinkle:ok bye…love you..
Call hangs..
Twinkle smiles she turns to go near her friends…she is Kunj in opposite ice cream stop…With one girl…Twinkle was shocked…she was confused…she was not able believe her eyes…to conform she again calls him…Kunj cuts the call…
In ice cream stop…
Kunj in his mind:sorry Twinkle for lying how can I say that I’m with lia…I love you Twinkle…
Twinkle’s eyes were fill but heart was saying Kunj can never lie to her…
Twinkle:guys I’m not feeling well…let’s move back to class…
Chumzz:ok…come let’s move….
Next day at College…
Boys: yaar what happened to Kunj…
From back Kunj:hai guys…
Manik: loo Kunj is here…
Laksh:what happened to you…everything is fine..
Kunj:not fine…
Neil:what happened…
Kunj:woo My engagement is fixed…
Sanskar:with whom…
Kunj:with that lia…
Laksh: ohh god..
Neil:do Twinkle know about it…
Kunj:no yaar…I don’t know how to say..What will be her reaction…
Uvi:don’t worry go and speak to Twinkle…
Kunj: ya need to talk…
In class chumzz…
Sam:chumzz don’t why feeling something strange….
Swara: oh oh miss Neil right..
Sam: no yaar…
Ragini:drink water…
Suddenly Sam’s phone rings…
Sam:loo my brother’s phone…hello bhaiyu…
He was crying…
Sam: bhaiyu why are you crying..everything is fine nah…
Bhai: Sammy…Our papa is no more…
Sam in shock:what???
Chumzz :what happened Sam..everything is fine…
Sam was silent…Twinkle takes phone from her hand…Sam was freezed…Only tears was fulling from her eyes…
Sam shouts: papa…
Chumzz: please Sam say what happened…
Sam: my papa….
She cries…
To be continued…..
(Hey I give surprise nah…how was this episode…guys I’m asking whether it was boring…Please drop your expansive comments…because my ff need you’re support love and encouragement please guys I need it…guys and how was my last episode…silent reader please do comments please…love you all…take care..?)
Affaa OMG kunj’s engagement is fixed what will happen to my Twinj pls God no no Affaa di
do something soon 
Milli yaar thank you soooo much dea…..keep reading love you take care
Hello di…!!

Hahhaha kaisa laga mera surprise….
Wow wow wow….!!!! Affaa di….!!!
I dont luk it… aisa koi bole toh mai uska mu tod du…..
it ws awesome fantastic n outstandind di…!!
I really really loved it to d core <3
U r such n amazing writer di…
Or aage m out of words fr praising u….hahaha
m so lucky to have such n wonderful n talented sis lyk u….!!
Take care
love u….!!
Marie kutty do know my storyline dea thank you soooo much for amazing comment yaar it made my happy and your surprise was realy superb…thank you dea….love you love you
Afffuuu di… My chummm di
Uh gave a wonderful surprise….
Oh god… Thanks for this double dose
Loved the epi so much…
I guess there is twinj’s misundrstndgs wch lead to cute fight…..
Eager to watch that…?
And bichare manan… ??
Loved it sooooooo muchhh…
Take ur time and come with a another bang with lovely and splendid episode?
Love ur ff and uh shooooo much??
Amazing as always
…… Pls try adding more of their scenes ?
Love swara and Sanskar scenes ?
awesome epi…loved it….
awesome epi…loved it…..
Assalam o alaikum api
I was just about to comment on ur previous epi but saw ur msg there
Previous epi
First of all thank u sooo much and ya api result came but u plzzzz keep praying
Apiiiii I liked the epi I liked swasan part hahaha swara bechare
Congo for completing ur 40 epis with grace
That was amazingggggg
Ua happy birthday to yhe birthday girl mayshe celebrates many more
Present epi
Seriously saying I was hell shocked when I saw ur two epis together
Api ap bhttttttttt bur………bs rehbe den
Api ap ku hamesha suspense lr khatam kr dete ho mjhe acha nae lagta ye
Anyway iys ok and sorry for complaining u
The epi was damn gud excited very exictedfor twing waitng waiting and ya di I want some more aradhika scene so if u can then plzzzzzzzzz
Api I really want to meer u someday somewhere somehow I want ro see u talk to u face to face joke with u play with u fight with u like a small sisi I really wish it api promise me if u ever get chance to come to pak u will surely come to meet me ok?????
Ap ko pta h m parhte parhte so gae the phr mama ne door close kia to meri anjh khol gae r maine phr se prhna shuru kr dia mama was shocked hahaha
Api take care
I love u
I told u earlier that dont b sad because u r .y life uf u become sad my life also become sad so always b happy to make me hhappy
Api ap apna cell ohone chage kro na plzzzz
Anyway I miss u
I like u
I love u
I care for u
I pray for u
Take care
Love u
Love u
Love u
Love u
Lots of love
Chulbuli to my sweetest api my real life sisi ri8?????
Love u
Va alaikum salam…
My chul bulli has many thing to say Haa..and miss you too…you’re comment made my day yaar…really yaar…I too wish to hug you tightly my cute little chul bulli…you means a lot to my life…sure then I’ll come bcoz I’m dying to see you…I always use say about you to my friends…I don’t to explain how important you’re for me love you lotsss take care..mmmmmmhhh…
I’ll sent you personally msg…
Hey ! Sorry, I didnt commented on ur prev epi, but read it, both were simply awesome, I was left awestruck! U write so well! Keep it up! And did u read my Twinj/sidmin FF?
Well love u Api!
amazing afa oh god twinj now wt ll hpn n yah a very very happy birthday to u natasha dear pls post nxt asap cant w8 afa dear luvd d episode bt twinj oh god wt ll hpn now pls post asap
Hey Affa!!! First all vry happy to c 2 epsds?
….ik u’ll set all prblms ryt..kunj’s engagemnt nd sam also will b alryt…anyways it was STUPENTO epsd….as always very eagrly nd exctdly waiting fr nxt epsd….u hav a grt talent nd dats shown In this ff …very beautiful imagination nd writing???

Affa…frst of iam DAMN happy to c 2 epsds….its Grt…as always its jz STUPENTO yaar….i really

It…..ik u’ll set all ryt..sam nd kunj prblms…nd u hav startd aftr many years…very beautifully…must b appreciated…well going…ALL THE BEST…??really LOVE U SISTER?
Yaar too good….if you have BEEN in front of me I have hugged you….too much of shades….too good loved it
Looks like some one is too happy that they posted 2 updates,anyways both the updates are awesome ? I love u too.! Aur take care
as always superb episode .twists and turns was awesome
Api u made my morning
when I saw ur 2 updates my face had a 440 volt smile
but y u gave that strange offer? Anyway the updates were super se uper n I loved ur surprise a looooooooooot. A bone crushing hug in reward
update soon plz. Can’t wait to read ur next update. Love u too <3 <3
This was an episode or what? I mean itte saare jhatke? 440 volt ka jhatka laga hai mujhe…I mean this is what? Ye episode that ki…main toh kuch bol hi nhi pa rhi hu…….bas….TAKE CARE, SEE YOU SOON, AND IIIIIII LOOOOOOVVVVEEEEE UUUUUUU???
Awesome episode, what happen to Sam’s papa, eagerly waiting for the next update.
tysm di for ur gidt and very nyc episode
Yrrrr……whosoever is a b’day girl ….A very happy birthday to her ….may she get all her wishes full filed nd thanks to her coz of her we r able to read the two episodes back to back …
What a marvelous episode Affo….loved it …
But what happened to kunj …my twinj gonna separate ….nooooo….hope so it doesn’t happen …let’s see what is in store for ur readers in upcoming episodes..
love u
Many more happy birthday. Today episode super eeagerly waiting next episode
Diiiiiiiiiiiii hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii??????
A very big sorry for not commenting on previous 2 chaps. I dont know why i dint comment and see ur ff. But just now i read all 3 eps and now i am veryyyyyyyyyy happy. Superb , amazing , awesome and many more words r not enough to praise u.
Aradhika engagement???
Their dances???
Nadhini’s bro’s anger??
Kunj’s engagement???
Everything is just making me eager to see nxt ep.
I missed u alot di. Come with nxt ep soon
Love u alot???
Amazing as always afa ……… loved it…
My Afffu!!! I just started to read your Fan-Fiction, so far I am on episode 8!!! But I am still
catching up. Honestly I really loved the first 8 episodes. But my Aara and Twinj are very cute!
Also love Raglak, when I finally caught up I will let you know.!!
Anyways keep smiling like always xx.
~Nusz xx
Also I would love to see you do a one shot on Ragsan or Aara! You will do amazing.
Affa dear amazing epi…Thnx for the surprise..I was wondering on the previous episode why are u not asking us to comment..but I really loved ur surprise..the episode actually both episodes as always were superb..but what happened to Sam’s father..hope chumz and boys stands beside her like always..love u dear..waiting for nxt..post soon..
amazing episode….
Hello api hru!!!!!!!! Miss me?? No?????
Katti with u
but i miss u sooooooo much how r u and everythng
Ohhhh who told I’m not missing my Angle…you’re really a angle…you miss you soo much…Allhamdullila and how are you…love you dea
Thanku…sooo much….
Loved both the updates… But excited to knw what will happen now????
Well no wild guesses… Go on with ur storyline….amazing as always…
Keep smiling……
Apiiii bhol gae na ap mjhe?????
Naraz naraz very naraz
And ya postttttt soooooonnnnn
Take care