I switched on the shower .. letting each drop of the water take away my sorrows .. all my worries.. . I closed my eyes and went to my world of memories.. some good some bad.. my 12 std.. the year which changed me completely which turned my bubbly side.. upside down.. and forced me to become a shy girl an introvert kind of person.. scared of talkinng with boyss…. I remember how stupid i was to just change my attitude just because of them who taught me that.. whatever you whether you are a free chirpy girl.. a free spirited girl .. a shy girl a timid.. YOU are the one who is held responsible for everything…I shifte to agra.. th so called city of love .. an year before my 12 std… I made good friends.. frnds who cared for me frnds who loved me…but .. then … i entered 12 std..
i still remember like any normal medical aspirant I too attended the coaching classes…and There.. i met KARAN.. i dont know why he camed to my life.. may be it was a sign from god that dont believe someone blindly… anyways… taking that shit aside let me tell about him… i also had a good frnd SASHA .. she was my first frnd here..and i was more close to her than my best friend..POOJA… karan started liking sasha.. i went to meet my cancer affected grandmom… well… oops i forgot a very important thing… I was committed then… with the most flirty guy of our school…Mr.Abeer …he approached me through facebook.. sasha and poooja opposed my decision.. but i promised them that i wont take him seriously..during my absence.. karan approached sasha they were soon in relation… when i returned although i was hell angry on sasha.. i accepted her appology.. we went to our coaching in a van. in which i sasha and karan used to go together.. soon we three started hanging out quite often… i totally forgot that.. bunking my clasees .. had already landed me in trouble.. i started scoring less.. my parents were upsent with me…I brokeup with Abeer …wanna know why…?? you know.. i started feeling for him.. may be that was attraction…. but that feeling was pure… i asked him just to talk to me in the class… i didnt asked him to accept me in the class .. just a mere hi and bye would help… we were already s*xting by the… now you all will be surprised right.. s*xting??…. guyzz…chill .. we are in the 21st century.. i can also have the fun which guyzz have.. but not i n a srious way for sure.. thats not a crime…when so many guyzz caan do it why not girls.. if a guy does so he is a playboy and if a girl does so she is a sl*t…anyaways.. am going off topic.. i asked Abeer will he atleast say me a hi or not.. he accepted it.. but never did so.. he started ignoring me.. i asked him the reason.. he said that he was busy in studies…i waited for a month.. now i had enough of him…n i finally broke up…in the mean while.. karan and i had become very close friends….we b*t*hed about everything..i liked his company very much.. i started trusting him tio the core.. he and sasha used to visit my home… then it was the durga pooja time..he asked me if i would accompany him.. cuz sasha wudnt be coming .. i agreed to his decision.. when his frnds asked about my whaereabouts he stated that am his frnd who is like a sister.. i am a single girl to my parents and listening that line from him made my happy.. happu to the core….we were together till 11 in the night and we started hanging out more often along with sasha.. movies.. malls… eveywhere… than came our boards.. we stopped going to our coaching and we rarely met.. tthough we chatted on hike for long hours…insecurities were there on sashas mind… i was unaware about it….cuz you know i was inlove with my so called BRO…now i came back… i started scoing well as before.. got 5 th positon in my class in my pre boards… before boards were commencing.. he msged me. that sasha asked him not to talk to me.. taht tore me apart how can she do that.. i was really upset… i just replied.. ok fine.. he promised me that after our physics and chemistry exams he wiill talk abou t that with her..on the same night i shared my thoghts with pooja.. she said that .. focus on your boards.. n i know she was absolutely right.. i blocked him frrom everywhere… after the exams he appologised and we again started to talk the same before..but at that time sasha and karan were at the verge of breakup… i thought to help thenm out.. but soon i realised that after getting physical with him… she was more emotonally attached to him.. he asked me to ask her for a break up.. i didnt have the courage t o ask her so.. but still i just sai her.. dont force him to be in a relation… in the mean time he started instigating me against sasha so that i completely lose trust over her and persuade her for a break up.. and that happened.. unknowingly i did a sin… when they were sorting out things.. which iwas unaware of… we did have a funny s*xtext or u can saynon veg talks… but i had taked it in a funny way… i thought evenhe did so.. when i asked him.. he asssured me the same.. that night guilt had taked over me.. i commited a sin… how can i do that.. if sasha gets to know about it she would be hell angry… i somehow gathere courage to talk about that with her.. on pour biology paper.. but she was nowhere to be seen.. after that i got busy in my entrace preparation and completely forgot about the issue..i was on line on facebook that night…she asked me.. did i talk with hi m so.. and i accepted the truth .. well i also did a mistake during the chats i said that.. i m faking this frndship cuz after what she did.. i dont think we desrve to be frnds.. she asked me did i reallly think that she faked frndship.. i told her about what karan said to me.. all those things.. and she denied saying everything.. she swared on her parents that she didnt lie.. soon he cam online…i said that he was instigating me… and he refused so.. to avoid argumentsi appologised.. he said that it was okay.. well does this ITS okay.. had no meaning..in the mean while my frnd msgs me that Mr.Abeer.. was actually committed to me just for a bet.. to woo.. the hot girl…for the first time i cried.. i thought having big b**bs is a sin ryt…cuz now you are tagged to be a sl*t.. next day i ringed just for the confirmation and she said that he lied to me justbcuz he was busy with boards.. and…guess what guyzz.. he showd that chats to her… i n a way which stated that i was double faced.. i was chaeating on my friend… im responsible for this f**cking misunderstanding…
and he was also not able to accept the fact that sasha ignored him.. for his attention for his purpose he used me.. he degraded my image in front of his frnds…yes i was at fault.. indeed i was at fault.. my parents love me.. and that day when i sobbed that whole day and night they didnt asked me the reason.. my curious mom didnt want to know the reason she hugged me and said.. if these tears are cuz of your frnds… then remember they wont be with you for life time… but me and you popyeee will be with you always.. no matter what comes..and that wa sthe day I MEHER PUROHIT..turned out to b e an introvert. .typical medical student focussed on studies .. n nothing else mattered..but this is not the end…. .. i turned of the shower ..wiped myself with my soft blue towel… wore my bath robe and sat on my bed….
(To be cont.)

Author’s note:
guyzz.. a girl who s*xtets or has big boobs or flirts with guyzz.. isnt a sl*t.. she is also a normal girl with golden heart plzz dont misjudge her.. when guyzz can do this why cant girls…
every girl cant be shy ryt?
Random thoughts by a girl of 17…
hope you would like my first shot..