Episode 1
Scene 1
Oberoi mansion is shown. It’s a beautiful white palace located in Mumbai. Tej is shown performing a havan. Swapna comes there and looks shocked. She sees Sharmishta and kids coming down. Everyone stand shock seeing the havan and the photo of Sharmishta.
Shivaay: Mom, what is dad doing?
Swapna: I don’t know anything about this Shivaay. I came just now.
Shivaay shouts stop and ask everyone to go. After everyone leaves…
Tej: Shivaay, why did you send them?
Shivaay: When our mother is alive, how could you do this to her?
Tej: She is dead for me. She is the reason for your sister’s loss. Everyone are against me for her. But she is the reason for my daughter’s loss. Swapna, even you forgave her?
Swapna: It’s just an accident. It’s not Sharmi’s fault.
Om: This is wrong dad.
Anika and Ragini holds Sharmi who feels sad.
Ragini: I’m ashamed to call you as dad.
Tej: Then don’t call me.
Shivaay: Ragini, you please stop.
Ragini: How can I stop? He is always hurts my mom. Today is their anniversary.
Riddhi: Ragini, she is our mother too.
Tej: I always regret this day.
Ragini sighs away and leaves in anger.
Gauri goes behind her.
Riddhi: Papa…
Sharmi: Riddhi, don’t say anything to him.
Shivaay: But ma…
Sharmi: Shivaay, leave it. Everyone go and leave this issue here.
Everyone leaves except Swapna, Tej and Sharmi.
Tej: Swapna, be ready in evening. We are going to dinner at Rooftop restaurant.
Sharmi gets hurt and thinks of their olden days when they were dating. It’s their favourite place.
Swapna also gets sad seeing Sharmi.
Tej leaves and calls Swapna and she goes behind him.
Sharmi gets hurt and leaves.
Scene 2
Ragini and Gauri are in their room.
Ragini: He always does like this. I hate this man. Sometimes, I wish to go somewhere with my mom.
Gauri: You stop exaggerating. Because of your anger, the issue will get larger.
Ragini: What is there now?
Just then Om comes to their room.
Ragini hugs Om.
Om: Choti, don’t worry, he told in anger.
Ragini: No bhai, I don’t want that person as my dad.
Om: Listen, he is also hurt. He is doing this without thinking of anything. He will know it soon.
Ragini: When it will come?
Om: It will come soon. Now come on, don’t be sad. I have two tickets for art exhibition. We’ll go.
Ragini: No, I’m not in a mood. I need to meet my army patient today.
Om: Then with whom I’ll go?
Ragini sees Gauri and she winks at her.
Ragini: In recent days, Gauri seems to be interested more in art. You can take her.
Om looks Gauri.
Gauri: Yes, I’ll come with you.
Om: Ok fine, but don’t be roaming behind me there.
Gauri: Yeah sure.
Om leaves.
Gauri dances and thanks Ragini. They both smile and Gauri leaves.
Scene 3
Anika comes to Shivaay and sees him sitting sadly in sofa. She comes and sits on his lap. She hugs him.
Anika: I know you are feeling guilty now.
Shivaay: I am, ma is forbidding me to tell the truth to everyone.
Anika: She is scared of uncle’s anger.
Shivaay: But I can’t see ma in this state.
Anika: Everything will be fine soon. We need to search Swara and find her.
Shivaay: How can we do that. Entire police force has searched her when she was young. But we couldn’t find her. Now she could’ve grown and how we’ll search her.
Anika: Shivaay, Riddhi and Swara are identical twins and they’ll be similar. We can find her. Just help Ragini in this issue.
Shivaay: Sure, if Swara comes to us, then everything will be solved.
Anika nods and kiss his forehead. He lies in her lap.
Scene 4
Ragini comes to a home and see it as Gujral villa. She comes in and calls for Rishabh.
Lalit comes and ask who is she.
Ragini: I’m a doctor. I treated Rishabh while he was injured in the army. Now I came for his regular check-up.
Just then Seema comes down and see her. She admires Ragini’s beauty. Lalit informs her and she ask her to go to Rishabh’s room. Later Seema thinks to make her as her daughter-in-law.
Ragini comes to Rishabh’s room and sees him without shirt and turns back. Rishabh sees her and smile. Rishabh loves her secretly. He puts on his shirt and calls Ragini.
Ragini: How are you feeling now? Last week I went to troop and they said you came home.
Rishabh: Yes, mom told me to come and go after injury gets well.
Ragini: You are alright, just check-ups needs to be done.
Rishabh admires her while she checks his heartbeat and pulse and other things.
She then leaves. While leaving her dupatta falls on his face and he feels cloud nine.
Scene 5
Maheshwari house is shown.
Annapurna is shown praying to God to send a suitable bride for her son Sanskar.
Sanskar comes and smiles.
Sanskar: She would’ve already born. She’ll come at the right time.
Annapurna smiles and gives him and Durgaprasad prasd.
They have breakfast and leaves for office.
Sanskar: Ma, I’ll send you the car. Be ready, our company’s 75th year function should rock on.
Annapurna: Definitely.
They both leave and Annapurna goes to kitchen for work.
A music academy is shown.
A young girl with a guitar is shown practicing. She is none other than swara.
Swara: Oh god, please make this event a successful one. Only then I’ll get wages.
Then she leaves with her music troop for practice.
Scene 6
Riddhi comes to Vansh’s home and sees him having breakfast. She goes and blindfolds him.
Vansh: It’s you my barbie girl. Take off your hands.
Riddhi: How did you find out?
Vansh: You are doing this from kid.
Riddhi: I’m so excited. Only one day to go for our roka.
Vansh smiles.
Just then dadi comes.
Dadi: Riddhi, you shouldn’t be here. Bride and groom shouldn’t see each other till roka.
Dadi sends Riddhi away. Riddhi makes sad face and Vansh smiles.
Sanskar falls for Swara.
Gauri saves Om from falling down.
Vansh – Riddhi’s Roka.
Anika gets pregnant.
Ragini and Rishabh chats.
Twj doing havan…so heartless towards sharmishta.whats shivay hiding?is he the real one who is responsible for swara getting lost?like anika said,since swara is the identical twin of riddhima it will be easy to find her.surprising that swara is into music.om ragini gauri scene was cute guess gauri loves om and ragini is trying to get them closer.surprising that ragini is rishab’s
doctor.the shirtless scene reminded me of the prarish scene of naagin6.rishab admiring ragini and the dupatta scene were romantic. Riansh scene was nice.