Hi friends….. This os is dedicated to all indians…..
Australia the dream country for many people…. Youngsters go to that country for their higher studies…. Sydney the capital city of Australia….. A big villa is shown…. In outside there is a name plate “SANYA VILLA”….. Its a very big villa….. In the entrance there is a beautiful garden…. Everywhere there is a colourful flowers…. It gives a pleasant sight to our eyes…. But inside a mansion a quarrel takes place…. Ram and Sanskar are arguing something very seriously…..
Ram:We r going to open our next branch in India…. I want you to see the arrangements there….
Sanskar:Papa u know i hate India…. I wont go there at any cost…. I will go to any country…. Even i will go to mars but not to India….
Ram:sanskar i do no anything…. U have to go to India…. Thats it….
Sanskar:papa pls… Mom atleast u tell him…
Sujatha:sanskar ram is right….. U know we are Indians…. But u r hating to go to India….. Its our mother country…. Once u go i will bet u wont return from India….
Sanskar:mom u too….. K i have no chance now…. I will go there…. But this is the last time…. After that dont compel me to go…. R u k with that???
Ram:k…. U go now…. I will book ur tickets…..
Sowmya:dad even book my tickets…. I too want to go with bro….
Sanskar:sowmi r u sure???
Sowmya:s bhai i m sure…..
Sujatha:sowmi u shouldn’t do any pranks there…. Its not Australia…. Its India…. And avoid wearing this short dress there…. In India culture is very important….
Sowmya:mom u dont worry…. I will c to it…. Dad book my tickets to India…. I want to c y u guys are prasing ur so called country “INDIA”…..
Ram:k then i will book ur tickets in tomorrow morning flight…. Be ready…..
Saying this ram went…. Sanskar and Soumya went to their room to pack their things….. Sujatha went to her work hoping that her children will love India…..
London its another city where all dream to go….. Harman the dashing and handsome boy in his office…. All girls drool over him…. But he is just waiting for his dream girl….. He is sleeping in his bed…. At that time he saw a girl in his dream…. But her face is not revealed….. He went to her and took her hand…. He kissed her hands and made her to turn…. At that time he saw his mom preeto scolding him…. Harman is shocked as how did his mom came here…. But the scoldings didnt stop…. So to stop it he opened his eyes…. He saw him in his bed and his mother folding his clothes and cleaning the room…. Then he realised he is dreaming….. He felt disappointed as he didn’t c his girl even today…. S he is having this dream everyday….. But still didn’t c his dream girl face…..
Preeto:harman tomorrow u have to go to India have u forgot??? If u are like this then ur grandma will sue me stating how i brought up u….
Harman:preeto do u want me to go India…. Its a unhealthy country…. Everywhere there will be waste…. Eww….
Preeto:harman dont say this when ur dad is there…. Then he will kill me along with u….
Harman:shit i dont have any way…. K will go….
Preeto:who knows even u can find ur dream girl there…..
Harman:my dream girl in India…. No chance…. She will be in some other countries…. Surely not in India…. No way….
Then he went and got ready to his trip to India….
New york the capital city of America is the birth place of our princess Swara….. She is the only daughter of their family…. A very pampered child…. She is the diva of her college….. She wont talk to indians though she is an indian….. She didn’t like India as she thinks India as a backward country….. She heard a lot about India only negatively….. So her frnds took this as an opportunity and they did some bet….. The bet is swara has to prepare her thesis in India…. As swara is very egoistic she accepted her bet and got ready to travel India…..
Sanya took their flight from Australia….. Harman took his flight from London….. Swara took her flight from New York….. All reached delhi airport….. Sanya came first….. They have to wait for 5 hours to mumbai fight….. Then swara came after 1 hour….. Harman came after 2 hours…. Now all are sitting in the chairs there…. Sanya were talking something randomly…. Harman sat near swara…. Seeing him swara didn’t talk as she hate Indians…. Harman too didn’t give a damn to her…. At that time harman got a call from his mom….
Harman:preeto ya i came to delhi…. Now waiting for mumbai delhi…. Now only i entered…. I didn’t like at all….. I do no how i m going to stay in country…. Mm k bye….
Hearing harman swara is happy as somewhere he too didn’t like India…. So she talked to him and both became frnds……. After few minutes they went to buy some food at that time harman and swara saw sanya…. Harman fall for sowmya in the first sight itself…. Sowmya too liked him…. Same goes in Swasan side too…. But none expressed it as they thought the other is indian….. Then all fout went and sat in the flight…. To their luck sanya seat is infront of harman and swara….. So they thought to talk…. Now all came were happy as none is Indian and they can now express their like…… All reached mumbai and exchanged their numbers….. They came to book a taxi….. At that time some man took money from some lady and ran away…. She started to shout but none cared…. Sanskar and harman went and catched that man and return the money to that lady…. All 4 felt disgusting seeing the helplessness of the people…. Then all went to their respective places….
Again after 2 days all met as they plannned to meet….. But their view about India didn’t change….. Only wrong things were happened around them….. So their view didnt change….. All went to shopping like swasan one side and harya other side….. Though all didn’t meet for this 2 days they were in touch in watsapp and other social medias….. So all have became close now…. When they were doing the shopping they saw people running here and there….. Seeing that swasan and harya were shocked…. When enquired they came to know that terrorist have entered into the mall…. Swasan and harya were shocked…. Swasan is in one side and harya were in other side….. Sanskar is afraid of his sister…. There sowmya is afraid of her bhai….. Both swara and harman assured them nothing will happen…..
In swasan side sanskar holded swara hands and ran to safe place…. They both entered into the room and locked it…. From window they saw a scene which make them shocked…. There a muslim guy saved a hindu lady and gave his life….. Seeing it they thought if its were their country surely all will only think to save their life…. Now they start to think that y all praised India….. After sometime the place became quiet as the police took control over the matters…. Then harya ran and came to swasan…. Seeing their shocked state harya asked what happen and swasan explained everything….. Hearing it all thought how they thought wrong about India….
After 3 days they all met once again…. At that time they saw some people helping other people by giving food and clothes…. As due to terrorist attck the place got damaged….. Not only mumbai people whole India mourned for the people who died in that attack…. Seeing all this swasan and harya were shocked and felt ashamed for thinking about bad about India….
Then nearly after 1 month all came to airport to fly for their country…. But the love and care showed by the people of india they didn’t dare to go from India…. So they called their parents and told them that they will settle in India…. Hearing it their parents were happy as now they too can settle in their mother land….. After that swasan and harya proposed each other….. Then in front of the families both the couple got married and lived forever in India…..
Bye guys…..
Its just a simple attempt…..
Do read and convey ur comments….
Hello guys….. I m new to this Shakti telly update…. I and my friends have started a page in facebook….. The page is on swasan and harya…. So pls who are in facebook come and like our page guys…. And one more thing if anybody is willing to post ur ffs in our page u r welcomed guys……. Just message ur ff to our page guys…. We will post ur ffs in our facebook page….
Thanks….. ??
Guys this is the link…..
Awsm di…
Thank you….. ?
Hey shan while reading this i thought you’re the writter of this os… yipeee, I’m right… ๐ ๐ you might b think its simple one… but it s awesome os.. I got goosebumbs while reading this… even I gt tears too… u just remembered me chennai floods… I knw terrorist attack and floods are not same… but uk so many peoples died by rescuing others in floods… they not even knows eachother but they helped eachother… temples mosque church were opened for people to stay without knowing there Religion, caste, rich or poor… so many hands joined together to help so many peoples… we cant see someone n prob, no matter what we will help each others… We might follow different Religion, different Caste, different languages, different food habits and so… but at the end we are only INDIANS… Unity In Diversity … If someone hates India/Indians, I’m pretty sure they never seen true India/Indians… ๐ ๐ I Love my India, no OUR INDIA.. ๐ ๐ Love u too… ๐ ๐ Thanks for this wonderful os… ๐ ๐ Be proud to be an INDIAN… JAI HIND…!!!
Wow ur comment made me soo much happy dr….. Thank you soo much…. S dr during chennai floods all helped each other inspite of the religion and caste…… Cant forget that…. It shouldn’t repeat once again….. How u identified that its me dr???….. Once again thank you for ur big comment dr…… ??Love u….. ?
S dr i m very proud to be Indian….. ?
Even i too dnt knw, how i identified its urs… but while reading this i just thought, it should be u… he he he… finally I’m right… its may be bz of ur writing style… ๐ ๐
Wow thanks dr….. ??
awesome os u described everything very beautifully india a country where people of different regions, caste, religion, states, languages, culture live but they are bind by something they all live with unity having difference of many things where everyone is here to help each other and u showed india and people here very beautifully justifying everything anybody can fell in love with india and who don’t they never know about the positivity the relations the values the morals the culture indians share with each other anybody can fell in love with india as the characters fell in love with india proud be an indian and happy independence day?? just love the os its like a sweet and beautiful story on this beautiful occasion loved it
S dr many doesn’t like india…. But when they come to know about india no one can hate india…. India is the only country where many follow the traditions and cultures……. Thanks for ur comment dr….. ??
awesome and even i am a proud indian
Thanks dr….. ?
U r just amazing writer.
Really it’s wonderful,my eyes were mist reading this,really such incidents shouldn’t happen. I have no words.
Love d India n
Love d unity in diversity.
Thanks dr….. ?ur words made me happy dr….. I m in cloud 9 dr….. Thank you so much for this comment dr….. ?
Outstanding di. It’s simple but beautiful. Just loved it. Keep it up.
Take care
Keep smiling
Thanks dr….. ?
Awesome… and cute…!! I don’t follow Shakti…!! And I don’t about their pair chemistry…!! So I am unable to imagine them..!!! But still it was good..!! ๐ ๐ And even I am proud to be an INDIAN..!!
Ha ha thank you soo much dr….. ?
Wow just loved it
Thanks dr….. ?
Di can u give me the links of the ff in which
Swara is opponent of kamalnarayan
Sure dr…. Thanks for commenting dr…. ?
https://www.tellyupdates.com/?s=swasan ff angel vs cunning business man