Hii guys so till now v saw…………and today only v ll be witnessing Ishra and Abhigya meeting………..so I am really excited to write and read this as a reader myself………..so hoping u all ll also like it………..!!!!
Raman and Abhi reach the OT to meet Khushi…………they meet Naina and Raghav also……….Ishu and Pragya cry over the past……….Arnav leaves to meet Khushi……….Ishu, Ruhi and Pragya go the mall………Raman and Abhi also come to the mall to catch the bad guys
So now………..
Ishu and Ruhi run to a shop to buy dress for Ruhi………whereas Pragya was busy with some phone call from office……….
Ishu:Ruhi beta, pls listen to mama know, wear this dress this ll be nice on u………
Saying that Ishu, picks a pink colour frock………..
Ruhi:Ishimaa I gng to become 10 and ur expecting me to wear a frock on my bday……….u must be joking……….!!!!!
Ishu:But wat can I do Ruhi beta, but ur height u know that u don’t look much like a 10 year old……….!!!!!
Ruhi:I don’t care about that, but pls I do have some respect with my friends so pls don’t damage that………..already they r making fun of me as u all treating me like a 5 year old………!!!!
Ishu:But wat can v do beta, ur our life and princess………!!!
Ruhi:Because of that only I am leaving u all……..otherwise
With that Ruhi gives Ishu a glare which makes her stop her words
Ishu:So Ruhi beta, wat about this gown……….!!!!
Saying that she picks a link gown
Ruhi:Ishimaa………..I have a million dresses in pink, I am still not a baby remember that……….!!!!!
Ishu:But bachcha ur favourite colour is pink isn’t it……..???
Ruhi:Was Ishimaa……….was……..my favourite colour was pink………but now its blue……….!!!!!
Ishu:When did u change beta, but u never told anyone
Ruhi:How could I, u all were happy in buying pink for me……….so I went with the flow
Ishu:Very bad bachcha, never comprise on anything for anyone got that…………unless and until u have a valid reason
Ruhi:Ishimaa, v can have a lecture at home, pls shall v continue with the shopping……….!!!!!
With that Ishu makes pout face………..Ruhi laughs seeing that
Ruhi:Okay fine do Watever u want…….I won’t stop u……..!!!!!
With that Ruhi and Ishu go into the shop……….
When suddenly Ishu’s mobile starts to ring out a reminder
Ruhi(to herself):Ohhhho…….I think I should run………!!!!!
With that Ruhi slowly escapes from Ishu’s clutches and moves back in tip toes…………..so that she doesn’t make any noise…….
Ishu on hearing the remainder……..starts to search for something in her bag……….and after sometime she then comes out with a bottle of milk……..
Ishu:Ruhi beta time for ur milk……….doc as told u to have naa……..
With that she turns to find Ruhi……….who had already escaped her clutches
Ishu:Now where ll I find this girl, in this big mall……..I even can’t find Prags, god both of these girls r breaking my brain……….!!!!
With that she goes out of the shop shouting out Ruhi’s name every where………!!!!
At the hospital………
Arnav enters into Khushi’s ward just to find her with Naina……..
Khushi:Naina u leave for ur work dr……..because of me don’t spoil ur work
Naina:No I won’t go………u don’t wry I have informed my boss that I won’t come today………so its my day off today……….!!!!
Arnav:Don’t wry Naina, even I told Prags Dhi, so u have no problem
Hearing this Khushi makes pout face……….Arnav and Naina laugh seeing her
Arnav:By the way is Raghav………????
Naina:Raghav as gone to bring coffee for Khushi and me………so now that u have come……..both of u love birds have some time………don’t wry I won’t let anyone enter inside……….!!!!
With that she winks at Arnav for which he smiles in response……..
Naina leaves the ward laughing………
Outside the mall Pragya was busy with her phone call……..
Pragya:See Mr.Bansal………..I don’t want to do this deal………so pls don’t disturb me with ur phone calls……….
Mr.Bansal:But ma’am…………I need a valid reason for u declining my offer
Pragya:See Mr.Bansal……….I am Pragya Singh Raizadha……..I don’t give any damn to anyone got that……….so u better hold ur words before speaking to me……….!!!!!!!
That man remains silent listening to her shout
Pragya:Look Mr.Bansal………u know very well wat I can do……….so u better be in ur limits……..!!!!!
With that she cuts the call……….and turns and gets shocked to see the sight in front of her………..
A whole bunch of reporters where standing infront of her………
Reporter 1:Ms.Pragya Singh Raizadha……….would u like to say something to the media……….!!!!
Reporter 2:Ms.Pragya………..wat would u like to say about the deal………ur gng to sign very soon………
Reporter 3:Ma’am……….just now u were shouting at someone over the phone……….may v know wats the problem……….????
Pragya:Pls listen………I don’t want to make any issue……….but I can’t reveal any info………..and pls no photographs………!!!!
With that she tries to move from there but to is her unfortunate day I think……….they were not leaving her……….
Reporter 2:Ma’am……….y r u always escaping from the media………
Reporter 3:No ma’am………today u have to answer us……….pls tell us ma’am……….something about urself and ur deal………..
Pragya tries her level best but all goes in vain……….
At the hospital……….
Khushi:So Arnav wat did ur Dhi tell about me
Arnav:Nothing much……….Ishu Dhi likes……..!!!!
Khushi:Yaa I wanted to ask u……….how did ur Ishu Dhi accept me so easily……….cause from u I learnt that she is like the mother in ur family………so………
Arnav:U know wat she said……….when u got stabbbb…….
He was not able to complete the sentence……..
Khushi:Its okay Arnav go on………see I am perfectly fine……..and right in front of u………!!!!
Arnav:If u again dare to do any stunt like this……..then…….then……..I ll kill u myself………got that………!!!!!
Khushi:Yes boss……..!!!!!(with that she salutes him live a slave)
Which brings a laughter on both their faces………..
Raghav who was coming towards Khushi’s ward………hearing her laughter stops there with tear filled eyes……..
Naina see Raghav standing there……..so she goes next to him…….
Naina:Vo Raghavji……….Arnav is inside with Khushi so u ll have to wait outside for sometime
But Raghav doesn’t answer her back……….which makes Naina shocked
Naina:Raghav wat happened……….????
Raghav:Oh………sry Naina I was just happy listening to my buddy laugh……….after that incident now only she is laughing……….!!!!
Naina:It’s okay I understand………..don’t wry they ll be fine only…….v r there for them right………!!!!
With that Raghav gives her one cup of coffee which he brought and sipping some coffee for himself from the other cup which he brought for Khushi, now that he can’t hive to her………..!!!!
Inside the mall………..
Ruhi was running to her life escaping that horrible drink “milk”
Ruhi(to herself):Ruhi bagho dr………agar Ishimaa ne tumhe pakad liya to……….tu to aaj gayi kaam se……….(Ruhi run dr……….if Ishimaa catches u today……….then ur gone for sure………)
With that Ruhi without seeing wat was infront of her………..and she bumps into someone without seeing………
Ruhi:Sry sir………really sry………I didn’t see in the front while running
With that the person sits to her height on his knees……..and another man who was with him also sits on his knees………
Both the men look at the girl as if she is someone who as fallen from the stars sent by god himself……….
Man1:U have a very good smile beta, wats ur name………!!!!
Ruhi(to herself):Ruhi, don’t forget wat Ishimaa as thought u………never talk to strangers………..but this person looks like a nice man………how can he harm me……….!!!!!!
Man2:Beta wats ur name………!!!!
Ruhi looks at both the men who r smiling at her so she plans to follow her heart………..which was telling her to introduce herself………
Ruhi:Hii……..my name is Ruhi………wat is ur name uncle…….????
Man1:My name is Raman and this is my bro Abhi……..
Abhi:Hii Ruhi nice to meet u………..and have to say really nice name and u look good……….
Ruhi:Thx for the compliment, my mom kept this name for me……..and each and every person I have meet till now just say that I am looking good………….can pls anyone say something which I don’t know cause I know that thing very well………
Raman and Abhi laugh at Ruhi’s talk……….forgetting all their anger which they had few minutes ago………
Raman:So then as anyone told that u talk much……..!!!!!
Ruhi: See now that’s some new info……….see Mr.Abhi……….ur bro Mr.Raman is more sensible than u I guess………learn from him some things as to how to speak to a girl……..
Both the boys were taken aback by her statement……..
Abhi:Wat do u mean by learning some thing from my bro
Ruhi:See whenever u see a girl……….don’t ever try to impress her……….cause all the girl ll be clearly angry with u……….say something which would have never expected in their life……..
Both the boys were taken aback hearing such a statement which made them think about the past a little
Ruhi:Hey Mr.Romeo’s…………back to earth pls………..I am talking with u two only……….!!!!!
With that she gives a jerk to both of them which brings them back to reality
Ruhi:So where was I………??????
Ruhi was trying to see whether they both listened to her or not
Raman:On how to impress girls………..!!!
Ruhi:See Mr.Abhi……..then next thing, always be attentive when the girl next to u talks with u………don’t ever be in ur own land………
Abhi:Okay meri Dadi Maa……..!!!!!
Ruhi:Hey next thing, don’t ever call me Dadi Maa……….I am new generation girl………….so pls call me by my name
Both of them laugh to their hearts content seeing Ruhi talk
Abhi:Okay fine Ms.Ruhi……..y were u running………????
Ruhi:Ooooiiiieee……..!!!!!!(and she bites her tounge)
Raman:Wat happened Ruhi beta………!!!!
Ruhi:Now only Mr.Abhi as talked something sensible……….I was trying to escape from my mom……….!!!!
Abhi:Escape from mom but y beta……..????
Ruhi:She was trying to give me that horrible drink………
Raman:Wat horrible drink………..????
Ruhi:U know……….that drink which smells like………eeeiiiiwww……….
With that she makes weird faces………both Raman and Abhi seeing her like that………..!!!!!
Abhi:Wat drink smells eeiiiwww………..I don’t understand that language
Ruhi:That same drink which is white in colour and tastes also yuck……….!!!!!!
Again she makes faces……..both of them laugh………
Raman:U mean milk right………!!!!!!!
Ruhi:Yaa Yaa that one only……….that “m” vala drink only………!!!!
Abhi:Would u like to have chocolates………..!!!!!
Ruhi nods her head so badly like it ll come out from her head……..
Abhi:Raman u stay here………I ll go and buy some chocolates for this beautiful girl over here……..!!!!
With that Abhi stands to leave when Ruhi holds his hand
Ruhi:Thx Mr.Abhi……….and ur also not that bad………u also know to make a girl fall for u………!!!!!
Abhi:Its really a pleasure that I could be of some use to this beautiful lady infront of me……….!!!!
With that he ruffles her hair………Abhi then moves to a chocolate shop
But when he was about to enter the shop……….he gets a call from office and goes out to talk with that person………..!!!!
On the other side……….
Ishu is in the verge of crying seeing her daughter missing………she is not able to control herself………..she with a picture of Ruhi asks each and every person she meets as to they have seen that girl or not
But to her misfortune all their reply was no……….!!!!!
Raman:Ruhi beta, its very bad making ur mom run behind u in this very big mall………!!!!!
Ruhi:Ur right, but I don’t want that yuck drink……..!!!!
Raman:V should never say yuck to any food beta……..always accept things with a happy face, just for other happiness
Ruhi:Ur right uncle………but wat can I do………..!!!!!
Raman:Y don’t u make a deal with ur mom, if u drink the milk the she ll have to give Watever u like………!!!
Ruhi:Don’t wry, she already gives me that, the fact is my mom also doesn’t like milk……….just because doc told me to drink milk she is touching it, otherwise milk is long forgotten business………
Raman:See I told u, ur mom loves u…………so now go and search for her she ll be crying thinking ur lost………..!!!!!
With that Ruhi becomes sad………..when a voice makes her happy…….
Ishu:Ruhi beta……….r u here………????
With that she runs to Ishu, who was standing behind Raman………
On seeing Ruhi, Ishu falls on her knees feeling happy on finding her daughter……….!!!!
When Raman turns to see the sight and he is shocked to the core
Outside the mall………
All the reporters who have surrounded Pragya r not leaving her………..but she somehow manages to cross them and come inside the mall……..
At that time Abhi had also finished his call and was about to enter the mall……….
Entrance of the mall was allowed only for one person at a time………
So Abhi was standing behind Pragya busy in his mobile…………and Pragya was still standing there like a statue………..
Suddenly Pragya falls down holding her head…………!!!!!!
Abhi seeing the lady infront of him fall……….catches her in his arms
When he see her face he is also shocked to the core……….!!!!
Abhi carries Pragya to one open space in the mall making her sit on the bench made for sitting………
Abhi:OMG………I think she got her claustrophobic attack again………how times do I have to tell her not to roam around in the crowd………but this women doesn’t listen to me………!!!!
With that Abhi runs to the nearby shop to buy a water bottle…….
Ishu:Ruhi beta, mama ko koi aise chodkar jate hain kya……….mama pareshan hogayi beta tumhare bina………(Ruhi dr, does anyone leave mama like this………I got worried beta…….)
With that Ishu was having tears in her eyes………Raman wanted to run to her but he was taking slower steps towards her……….Ruhi wiping the tears from Ishu’,s eyes………
Ruhi:Oh meri emotional drama queen……..ab ye asoon vasoon chod aur mujhe apni ek pyaari hasi de……….(Oh my emotional drama queen……..now stop this crying and give me one of ur precious smiles)
On hearing that Ishu smiles a little………which brings happiness in two ppls heart……….
Abhi comes out of the shop with a water bottle……..
He then opens the bottle and starts to sprinkle water on her face
Abhi:Pragya aakein khol apni………Pragya………(Pragya open ur eyes………..Pragya………)
With that he pats her cheeks to bring her to conscious………..
Slowly her eyes show some movement………….as she was unconscious she grabs hold of the nearby thing for her balance………
She grabs hold of Abhi’s coat………while Abhi was just trying to wake her up………
Ruhi:Ishimaa……..I met this uncle who made me understand that u ll be worried for me……….!!!!!
With that Ruhi shows Raman to Ishu…………and Pragya alsonopens her eyes……….
Both of them have an intense eye lock for god knows how many minutes……….
Ruhi:Ishimaa……..this is Raman uncle………so now u can give me the yuck drink………!!!!!
With that Ishu and Raman’s eye lock was broken
Ishu:Ruhi how many do I have to tell u not to say that yuck………!!!!
Ruhi:Okay fine now give me that……….!!!!
With that Ruhi stretches her hands and Ishu gives her the milk bottle
Abhi:Pragya I think u got ur attack again……….his many time do I have to tell u to stay away from crowd……….now drink this water
With that Abhi gives Pragya the water and makes her drink it……..
Raman:Ishitha……..is……is…….is she……..she ur……….daughter……..!!!!!!
Ishu:Yes Mr.RKB………yes she is my daughter……….!!!!
The word “Mr.RKB”………..made Raman’s words to stop at that time
Ruhi looks at both their faces, she sees and expression which she is not able to read……..!!!!
Pragya after drinking the water realises her position and sits up straight……….leaving Abhi stunned………
Ruhi:See Ishimaa I drank the drink, now shall v leave……..!!!!
With that Ishu carries Ruhi to leave from there……….leaving Raman all alone once again………..
Raman is having tears in the corner of his eyes trying to put all that happened just now into one piece……….
Whereas Ishu is also in tears, which she decided to not to show it to anyone………..and hence she quickly wipes it off………
Ruhi waves her hand in bye to Raman………..to which he also waves her with tears in his eyes………
Slowly very slowly Raman also follows Ishu to the exit of the mall
Pragya:Thank Mr.Abhi for helping me in my problem………..not like the previous one where u left me……….!!!!!
This made Abhi stand up in his place and was staring at her in tears
Quickly Pragya opens the bottle and splashes some water on her faces to just to bring her to reality…………
But both Pragya and Abhi knew very well that she did this just to stop the revelation of her tears…………but not from one person……….
Abhi:Won’t u were listen to ppl saying to stay away from crowd
Pragya:I do listen to ppl, but the ppl who love me and stand by me in my trouble……..not the ones who leave me………
Abhi decides not to say word anymore cause it ll make them both get into the past……….
At that time Ishu comes with Ruhi in her arms to Pragya………Ishu didn’t see Abhi still now……..
Ishu:Prags, wat happened, r u alright………????
Pragya:Yaa Ishu, I am fine………just one of my attacks………!!!!
Ishu:Don’t tell me u went into a crowd………
Before Pragya could reply her………they were stopped by Ruhi’s words
Ruhi:Abhi uncle wat r u doing here………!!!!
At that time only Ishu turns back to see Abhi standing there……..from behind Abhi Raman also comes which shocks Pragya………
Pragya:Ishu leave it………I think v should ho from here cause I am feeling suffocated………..!!!!!!
The word suffocated just wanted to kill both Raman and Abhi if words could kill ppl………but no it couldn’t………
Ruhi:Hey Abhi uncle meet my mom Ishimaa and mausi……..!!!!
With that she shows Ishu and Pragya………..
This makes Abhi shocked to the core cause Ishu as got a daughter
Where Abhi is brought to reality by Raman’s hand on his shoulders
Ishu:Ruhi beta come let’s leave, see mausi is sick right, she needs some rest………!!!!
With that Ishu helps Pragya to stand up and they both leave from there without even turning back just like their previous one………
Ruhi follows Ishu and Pragya jumping all the ways and waving a good bye to Abhi and Raman……….
For which Raman and Abhi also respond to her………..!!!!
But little did they know that their eyes were already at the verge of tears……….!!!
Ishu makes Pragya sit in the passenger seat……….and Ruhi on Pragya’s lap………..Ishu takes the drivers seat………keeping all the windows open just to get fresh air to make Pragya fell better………
Raman and Abhi also leave in their car to reach their hotel……….
Ishu and Pragya also reach their house……….where Ruhi runs to her room………Ishu and Pragya go to the same room where they were yesterday night………!!!!!
Precap:Not yet decided…………
Author’s Note:::::::::
I hope u all liked today episode……..sry for not giving more Arshi and Raina scenes cause wat can I do……….today was the face off day of Ishra and Abhigya………..???
So now that some part of the mystery is revealed……….if u all have any queries u can surely ask me………..I ll happy to help u all cause after this………..I’ll post only from Mon to Fri cause my clg ll start from Mon……….so I ll busy with that work………
So if u guys want I ll surely give u all a small summary of the story till now………or do u want it after some time………
The ballâš¾ is in ur court………???
I know today I gave a very long episode on top of that this authors not……..so very sry to disturb u all……..so see u guys later……..???
Wow superb di
Thx Anjana……….
First very exacited readed today episode…. Awesome dear….
– awesome maxa agaya perh ker
superb episode shalu loved abhigya and Ishra scenes eagerly waiting for the next episode
Hi dhi sorry I couldn’t comment last episode because I was busy in my annual day practice. So my doubt is that is Ruhi ishitha and Ramans child . And plz tell the whole mystery in the next episode and by the way awesome episode. And again I am really sorry ?????????for not commenting
Loved the episode! Outstanding! Especially loved Ruhi’s way of talking. Very funny. Liked the bonding of Raman, Abhi and Ruhi. Please unfold the mysteries. Very eager to know what happened between ISH-RA and ABHI-GYA that they seperated. It looks like Abhi and Raman still care for Pragya and Ishita. While Ishita and Pragya are trying to ignore them. Overall the episode was really really really good.
superb shalu but i didn’t get the past while past. ishra and abhigya were in emotional meeting well explained yaar………………….
waaaaw dear superb keep writing love it
Nice one
wow it’s outstanding…ishra and abhigya face off it’s really superb…what to say about ruhi…she can make every one speechless by her words….totally loved it….
awesome eagerly waiting for next epi loved cute antics of ruhi 🙂
Ishru scene was lovely. Ruhi Raman abhi scene was nice.ishra meeting was silent n emotional. Abhigya meeting was too good. Abhi caring for pragya was so nice
Mind blowing fantastic
No problem if there is no arshi or raina….. I am so eager to read your story….. Its sooo damn interesting
Awesome update post next part soon
Its AWESOMEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow dear face off was super ….raman n abhi still care for ishita n pragya n….no probs yaar for not giving face off ……now how much time will u take to reveal the mystry??
i m not disturbed atall with this big episode …
waiting for next episodes
it was superb update ruhi is so cute she escaped from ishita because she don’t want to drink milk she met with raman and abhi her talk with them was so cute finally ishra and abhigya met their scene was emotional pls continue soon
Ishra and abhigya scene was mindblowing….ruhi such a cute girl..rabhi and ruhi scene so cute..funny too..is ithat Ruhi is ishra daughter ah??..intresting….im eagerly waiting for nxt part dear…
The episode was super cute…. Is ruhi raman nd ishita’s daughter??plz tell the whole mystery in next episode… Eagerly waiting for next one
Awesome dr