BrahmaRakshas 18th February 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on
Raina tries to save Rishab in asur sthal when Brahmarakshas enters. Rishab asks her to ggo. Raina says Brahmarakshas has to kill her first before touching Rishab. Brahmarakshas grips her neck and throws her away and then pierces his nails in Rishab’s neck. Raina wakes up from dream shouting Rishab…and realizes it was her dream. She walks out towards Rishab’s room when she finds Ved. Ved asks what is she doing out and if she broke vase. She says no. They both walk into Rishab’s room and find him missing. They come out of house and see Brahmarakshas’ footsteps, realize that Brahmarakshas took away Rishab. Ved asks her not to worry and gets jeep. Mitali brings gun and says even she will come along to save Rishab bhaiya. Brahmarakshas carries Rishab into jungle with Kammo behind him. He slips and falls and turns into Yug. Kammo asks what happened to his Brahmarakshas form and where is Rishab. Yug says something has happened. Kammo finds Rishab on floor gaining consciousness and informs Yug. Yug says let us go away before someone comes. Kammo asks him to lift Rishab again. He lifts Rishab and hears Raina and Ved/Mitali’s footsteps and rushes away.
Sadhus continue pooja and havan and see severe storm coming. They discuss something is going wrong and they have to keep havan fire on and chant mantras for 8 hours to save. Raina witih Ved and Yug search Rishab. They hear footsteps and follow it. Yug and Kammoo hidebehind tree. Raina says there is no one here, must be animal and walk in opposite direction. Yug tells Kammo that Rishab is gaining consciousness. Kammo says temple is nearby, she slips and twists her leg. Yug says he will take Rishab to temple before he wakes up. He walks till road when Raina, Ved and Mitali see him carrying Rishab and ask what is happening. Yug says they should ask Rishab. Rishab wakes up and asks where is he. Raina says she saw Brahmarakshas footsteps. Yug says he saw Brahmarakshas and Rishab nearby, saved Rishab and carried him away. Raina says let us go home. Kammo standing at a distance relaxes that they did not see her.
Raina with others carries Rishab home. Phuli asks how did Rishab go out in jungle. Nalin shows his concern for Yug and says he does not have anyone except him now and he should not have risked his life for Rishab. Yug says Rishab is his brother, how can he let him die. Daadi confronts Nalin what does he mean. Nalin yells that it hurts when blood is in trouble, he does not care about Rishab. Mitali says for her all 3 brothers are same. Nalin continues his expressing his cheap thinking and says he does not need Daadi’s money and needs his remaining family, Yug. Until Rishab is here, their family is not safe. Raina says he brought them here and is talking about safety, he knew Brahmarakshas is here and risked family’s life. They fought with Brahmarakshas each moment, she tried to sacrifice her life many times to save others, but Brahmarakshas just wants lives and will not stop. Nalin knew all this before even then he came here. Rishab became Narsimha because of Mohini, she took them to narsimha parbath. Nalin asks why should he suffer because of Mohini. Raina says because they are a family, if one is hurt, other feels pain and each member tries to protect another. She will take Rishab’s responsibility and nobody has to be worried for, not even Yug. She says Rishab let us go. Daadi says it is midnight and she should not go. Phuli says same. Raina takes Rishab to his room.
In room, Rishab thinks he should not have come back and should have died. Raina brings fruits for him and says if he should not dare think of going, else his chindi will punish him. Rishab says Naina bhabi. Raina says he did not kill Naina and saved them all, they are a family and should help each other. He says he does not know. She hugs him. He looks at window. She asks what happened. He says nothing. She closes window and says nobody is there and makes him sleep.
Brahmarakshas/yug shouts at Kammo that she is lucky that Rishab did not see her and now she will die. Kammo asks what did she do. Yug asks why did not she bring more jadi boti. She says she has a plan and says as Brahmarakshas he should go and kill villagers’ animals and holding their neck warn them to get haveli people, then she will come running like dhanno and inform that haveli people are in sanjay’s haveli. One she leaves, Mitali comes and thanks Yug for saving Rishab. He says he had to. She asks what about Nalin. Yug asks to forget Nalin, she knows his nature.
Villages wake up in the morning and see their animals dead and blood all around. Lakhan says there is blood all around fields and water well. Brahmarakshas comes and says he killed their animal, grips woman’s neck and warns to get him haveli people, else he will kill them all. Kammo comes running and says she knows where haveli people are and will get them to him. Brahmarakshas leaves. Kammo starts her drama and says she saw Raina and family walking towards Sanjay’s haveli laughing that villagers could not harm them. She provokes villagers that they will kill haveli people and save themselves. Lakhan reacts as usual. Kammo smirks and thinks Raina punished her like dirty linen, now she will see villagers punishing Raina.
Rishab walks around haveli thinks where he was going last night, how did Brahmarakshas catch him. Yug comes and Rishab thanks him for saving him and says everyone told about it. Yug asks if he was in his place will he not save him. Rishab says yes. Yug hugs him and says he is brother and nobody should tell they are not blood relatives. Raina hears their conversation standing away. Rishab says he did not kill Naina and could not turn into Narsimha when he wanted and will turn automatically without his wish. Yug says he can hear a sound from other direction. Rishab says even he can hear same, villagers are coming. They all run into home and inform family. Phuli asks how villagers know they are here. Yug says Phuli. She asks what does he mean. He says either they or she can inform villagers, when they are not, it is her. Daadi asks why will she. Nalin says she wants to take her son’s revenge. Daadi says they should not doubt her. Yug says he and Rishab will go out and divert villager’s attention while Yug takes everyone away in jeep. Everyone resist but agree. Rishab and Yug hide behind trees while Yug gets everyone into jeep. Villagers reach haveli and don’t find anyone. Pakhandi baba says Kammo is fooling them. They hear jeep sound and run out and see jeep speeding away. Lakhan shouts he will kill them all. Yug hiding behind tree thinks he is forcing them to act on his plan. Rishab throws stone to divert their attention. Yug fumes. Lakhan says what if they are running in jungle. Kammo asks to divide themselves into 2 groups, one go behind jeep and one in jungle. Ved drives jeep. Phuli says Lakhan knows each part of village and will catch them. Raina stops Ved and drops Mitali’s dupatta on a stone. Kammo finds dupatta and shows it to Lakhan and others and says they must have gone into jungle. Lakhan says he is born and bought up here, he will find and kill them all.
Rishab falls while walking in jungle and realizes he fell at same place yesterday night. He asks Yug if he found him here, how did he. Yug asks to stop thinking much and walk. Rishab sees Yug’s eyes red and asks what is happening, he realizes Yug hearing sound and asks he can hear as he is Narsimha, how can Yu hear sound. He realizes foot steps outside haveli,e tc., and realizes Yug is Brahmarakshas. Yug turns into Brahmarakshas. Rishab says he will not spare him today. Kammo comes and hits stone on Rishab and he collapses. She tells Brahmarakshas to take Rishab soon as Raina has escaped. Brahmarakshas takes Rishab to Narsimha temple and says he will kill Narsimha in his own temple and nobody will become Narsimha from here. He stamps ground and it shakes. Raina and team feels earth shaking and think it is earth quake. Ved and Nalin call Rishab and Yug and their phones are not reachable. They hear roaring sound and Phuli says it is from Narsimha temple. Raina says that means Brahmarakshas took Rishab there and informs Daadi that Mohini took them to Narsimha parbat and temple. Nalin says they have to get out of here. Daadi says they know it is not earthquake and they have to reach temple. Nalin says he does not care what happens to Rishab, he is just worried about Yug. Raina says Yug is with Rishab and they have to reach temple first. Villagers reach and Lakhan shouts they cannot escape. Daadi pleads to spare them. Phuli says they all know Brahmarakshas knows to only ill. Lakhan shouts she should help them, but she is heling enemies. Raina picks petrol from jeep and drops it on road and sets fire. She warns Lakhan to help truth and not evil. She runs with family towards temple. Lakhan shouts they cannot escape and says sarpanch they have to go via different route.
Rishab wakes up and sees Brahmarakshas in front of him. Brahmarakshas says his brother Yug is already dead and starts torturing sadhus. Raina witih family reaches temple and sees Yug collapsed on floor. Nalin shouts to save Yug, not realizing he is dead. Rishab turns into Narsimha and roars that he will kill Brahmarakshas. Brahmarakshas holds Raina. Sadhus discuss Raina is Narsimha’s weakness. Narsimha warns Brahmarakshas to leave Raina. Raina provokes Rishab to remember Brahmarakshas killed so many people and even Rakhi. Rishab stemps on earth and cracks. Brahmarakshas slips and leaves Raina. Raina falls apart. Brahmarakshas then hits Rishab and he falls down. Rishab wakes up and walks towards Brahmarakshas. Brahmarakshas picks Narsimha’s green stone and says now he will destroy stone and Narsimha and throws stone in air. Narsimha turns and Brahmarakshas starts beating Narsimha. Raina runs behind stone and searches it in jungle. Phuli says if stone is broken and stops glowing even Narsimha and Rishab will be gone. Raina searches stone and finds it engraved in ground. She calls Phuli and Mitali and says her Rishab will be saved. They both dig ground and Raina gets stone out and sees its glow fading. She runs back to temple and throws it towards Rishab. Brahmarakshas is about to stab Narsimha/Rishab with sword when Narsimha gets up and holds Brahmarakshas’ neck. Raina picks sword and shouts today Brahmarakshas will be destroyed. She runs and jups and engraves sword into Brahmarakshas chest. Sword slits even Rishab’s shoulder a bit. Brahmarakshas falls down. Raina shouts evil will never win, though Brahmarakshas had to face injustice, he should not have killed so many people. Brahmarakshas dies. Rishab also falls down and collapses. Raina runs towards him and gets concerned, asks to open his eyes. Family surrounds him. Raina then picks green stone from havan and keeps it on Rishab’s injury. Injury heals instantly. Raina and family gets happy seeing wound healing. Narsimha turns into Rishab. Rishab emotionally asks him to open his eyes. He gets up and scolds Raina that Chindi is khatron ki khiladi and risks her life for him. She hugs him. He says if she has to be his wife, she has to obey him else. Mitali and Daadi ask what else then. Rishab says he does not know. Ved gives him jacket. Lakhan and villagers enter and see Brahmarakshas dead on floor. Rishab asks Raina to promise that she will not risk her life. She says she will promise only one thing that she will love him forever. They both hug and reminisce all their romantic past. Mujkho mila…song…plays in the background. They then hold each other’s hand and walk away. Narsimha stone is focused.
Serial ends on a positive note with Raina killing Brahmarakshas and saving Rishab.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
Going to miss show.. ??????
Weekend ka best show tha and weekdays ka Bahu Hamari Rajinikhant.. or dono issi week me end ho gye… ???????
Ab tym kaise pass hoga…. ??????????
Gonna miss this show and the amazing cast,mostly Aham Sharma and Krystal Dsouza.
Brahmrakhas is best show
Misss the showw
oh no ? I love this show?… ended….
going to miss aham and krystal.
It was my favorite show ???
No dragging I wish all the serials must end short is sweet
what a lovely ending .miss u guyzzzz.hoping for season 2..,waiting for zee rishtey awards
Pinku di aap apni behen ko bhool gaye ho haina ?
Loved the episode and rishaina were amazing… The sequel should come
My annual exams will be started on 27 th February..
i am going to miss this show…..and aham and krystal
I love this show want season2 and have some doubts about kiara nalin and sudha what happened to then as they alive l u
Nice brahmanas Eenadu kubadia like Brahma Rasi natak Pooja devariya Mein Kisi Ko Kisi Aur bata dijiye please
Paramaras bojpuriya nadiganin like ata wajale Biryani kaise ho aur bata dijiye plz bahut jyada hai Kankaria lake
Hi Nazneen nahi behana never how can i forget u.. hru?
hi gUngun all thebest dear
Thanks pinku
Appreciable performances by ahem Sharma,Krystal d’souza,and above all prag tyagi…the most exemplary brahamrakshas…we all want this great show back….season 2 with same cast….going to miss brahamrakshas a lot!!!!
I gonna miss this show on weekend very much. love rishab and raina very much. wish ssn 2 should must come. oooo god pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Pinku di.
Ab toh brahmarakshas ho gaya hai. Di aapne kaha tha na aap apna number dengi mujhe. Hum whatsapp mein chat karenge ?
Pinku di kaisi hai aap?
Mujhe laga aap nahi comment karengi ?
Hi Nazneen
Hello Pinku di. Di aap apna number dijiye hum whatsapp mein chat karenge ok ?.
Gr8 show….becoz of d serial’s good trp d show is going to hv a season 2 soon…hpe to c raina and rishab aka ahem and crystal together again.loved their chemistry n d show…brahmarakshas rocked…
really moni ? are you sure that ssn 2 will come?