This is my first story for new couple CHuKKar as am liking them very much…Hope you will also like them….Pls read and drop ur views


Chukki : Related imageRelated image

Omkar : Related imageRelated image

Now the story begins :

Kannada new year Yudagi arrived so quietly for Omkar as everything was so normal for him…..For Chukki every thing was filled with much excitement, right after sankrathi new year that is yugadhi arrives at home that means Devi Mahalakshmi is going to enter with new hope for every streets of karnataka…..As per amma’s [ omkar’s mom and chukki’s mother in law] chukkar decides to visit chukki’s home and village as this was the first festival right after their marriage…..The journey was long and EDWAT RANI [ GADBAD RANI] Chukki was so impatient in car as Omkar was driving car so slowly…..

Chukki : Omkar avre [ Omkar ji] Why you are driving so slow ?

Omkar : Chukki avre, We need to take care while driving and moreover seeing this road’s condition we should be really very alert…

Chukki : [interrupts] Arrey, pls stop lecturing, we need to do this and that…..

Omkar : I know chukki avre, you will say this only after all you are EDWAT RANI [ GADBAD RANI]

Chukki : What do you mean  ? I am doing all Edwats and what about your so called Ego ?? See it has reached top of your head and now you are Ahankar only who is having two horns like these……

Omkar gives a daring look to chukki’s eyes and wears his sun glasses …

Chukki : OMG!! Bandhu bitta Dodha hero [ Aa gaya Bada hero ]

Omkar : Excuse me, I wore it for protecting my eyes only….

Chukki : Waah re waah!!! What a dialogue, Yavu picturenalli hero ee tarah mathadithu nodilla, [ Iss tarah ke dialgue kisi bhi picture ke hero ko bolte huye nahi dekha] You deserves a big clap….

Omkar : Chukki avre, pls for god sake stay quiet…

Chukki : Arrey, why should I ? Nann baaye, naanu ondalla eradalla eshtu bekathru mathadithine, nimagenri thondre ? [Meri moonh, mein ek nahi do nahi apni marzi se jitne chahe baat karungi, aapko issse kya takleef ?]

Omkar : I am not able to drive properly….

Chukki : Oh Teri!! Sahib is appearing for Public Exam and he need concentration…..Chukki you don’t understand this simple thing ??

Omkar : Chukki avre, pls……[chukki nods her head and smiles] Mmmh….Wear your seat belt….

Chukki : Oh hello, Ahankar avre, I am not a baby who will fall from this seat, and this road is much familiar to me …Trust me nothing will happen to me….

Omkar : I know you are brave Edwat Rani, means Jhansi Rani, but thing is it’s part of the traffic rules ….

Chukki : Maruti!!!

Omkar : This is not maruthi, it’s BMW

Chukki : I am not talking about car, I was calling my companion, my bhagwan Maruthi only….

Omkar : And what he said to you ??

Chukki : He said chukki , you need to bear this ahankar for long time it’s written in your fate…..

Omkar looks at her and smiles….

Chukki : Why are you smiling ? I am telling truth …

Omkar : You know what your maruthi bhagwan told me also the same thing…..Omkar, you need to bear EDWAT RANI throughout life…

Chukki : Maruthi is my bhagwanji, he will never tell call me like that…

Omkar : Oh, So only you have full copy rights on Lord Maruthi, what about those people who worship maruthi ?

Chukki : I don’t know about others, but first he need to look after his devotee Chukki only, I am lord’s favorite ……

Omkar smiles and thinks ….” Chukki avre, you are my favorite also, Don;t know when you will understand this fact ? “

Chukki : Did you said something ??

Omkar : Not at all….

Chukki : I felt so……



Sun always rises and spreads light, but sun flower expect sun to lime light and may be sun is not able to do it. But sun will show care through twilight.True love will succeed

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