Categories: Fan Fiction Original


A NOTE TO MY READERS: In this story the main characters are referred as he and she you can imagine anyone in the situation or give them any name you desire.
““Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself – and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That’s what real love amounts to – letting a person be what he really is”

That full day he was with me I don’t know why but…….
I liked his presence wanted him there with me
I felt sad and almost crying when he left……..
And I thought was it right for a stranger to care for me so much……..
Well we were strangers to each other though we were classmates
I hardly knew anything about him except he was my classmate……
But a felt that I know him already
His presence didn’t make me feel awkward…………
He became part of that moment very easily
It didn’t feel he was a stranger it felt he was a part…….
The next day I had a visit by my friends
They were more concerned about the guy than my health
But that day I came to know a few things about him…..
His name and that he was Mr. Cool of the college
The class and college topper and an all rounder
Everyone wanted to be with him, befriend him……
At one time my friends made fun of me on not knowing anything
About him and the other moment
They were annoyed with me on not talking to him and not getting his number etc……
They asked me to talk to him when I met him next
And make him my friend and invite him to our group so that they also could befriend him and be the coolest in the college…..
Some of my nooo almost all of my friends wanted a chance of good friendship with him……. 😛
After all who not want to befriend Mr.cooll …….
My lovely besties my friends my only world outside my home
Showed their TrUe CoLoUrS …..
They were more concerned about him and dreaming about their friendship which was not even born…..
And hardly had any scope as he was mostly surrounded by teachers than his only and the only few friends ………..
That night my leg pained much more and so did my heart
And I got a valuable lesson ….
“There are no true friends …….”
All are meaning ……..just concerned about……. Yeah of coerce not their friends but themselves………
But the next day a warm good morning call from him gave peace to my broken heart
He enquired my health state and I blushed on phone
Unable to speak……….
That day taking a lesson from my friends I too got mean
I wanted him for me and kept my friends away from all this and never told them about his call……..
Well if I told them they would burn in jealousy that would have been nice to see but………
I did what I learned from them…….
And got my soul mate……….
Who cared for me
Made me feel special
And specially was never mean to me a selfless love
That I just heard in stories……..

Guys PLSS tell me should I continue or make this the end


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