A day with two Mafia people. #Riansh OS

Hello guys, here is my first OS. I hope you all could like it.

So let’s start.

Riddhima’s POV:

Today is a very critical and important day to me. It is a day that will decide a lot of stuff in my business career. It is the first time to me that the fear could be inside me. During the past previous years that I was working on it in the mafia world, I didn’t felt worried while doing any new deal. Today is the first day that I start to feel very worried. Today’s deal is a very critical and important deal. Today’s deal isn’t with any normal mafia. This deal is with the most great and famous mafia in the mafia world. Today I’m going to have a business deal with Vansh Rai Singhania. There isn’t any chance for any tiny mistake to happen. If this deal didn’t went perfectly, my whole career will be destroyed. Actually, this deal isn’t just related to my reputation and my business that could be destroyed if this deal didn’t got succeeded as my life could be in danger if this deal didn’t went successfully. Vansh Rai Singhania will never leave me complete my business if this deal couldn’t be completed. Everything must to be perfect today. This deal if it got successful, all my business will got very increased and I will be a very powerful business woman in the mafia world. This deal is the most important deal that I have done it in my whole life. I know that my enemies will not leave me so that’s why I have doubled the number of security today. I will not allow anyone to cause any problems in that deal. I could take anyone’s soul just to make that deal be successful.

I’m now waiting for Vansh Rai Singhania and his men so we could finish that deal and I could feel relaxed. I don’t like myself being that worried so I want to end this deal and celebrate being the most powerful business woman.
What makes me a kind of relaxed is that I’m going to make that deal beside the ocean. I got to be relaxed seeing the ocean and its blue color. This place is one of my favorite places. That’s why I have chosen that place to have on it the deal as it is also will be helpful to me if anything unexpected could has happened I could easily escape through my cruise ship so I could protect myself from any external thing.

I’m just waiting for Mr. Vansh now while being standing with my men and putting the bag that contains on it the diamonds that Mr. Vansh will take it.
These diamonds are very precious and important to me. I have spent so much money on them and now I’m buying them to the one who could give a valuable price for them.
I holds the bag that contains on it the diamonds then I made them very near to me.
These diamonds must to be very near to me. I don’t trust anyone and I will not allow these diamonds to be with anyone until I could give them to Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania. I just hope that he could arrive soon. Where are you Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania?!
While I was waiting for Vansh Rai Singhania’s arrive and I was being very worried, I have found a huge gang coming with a person who his face isn’t being seen due to the huge body guards that are around him.
I have known from that huge body guards that those are Vansh Rai Singhania’s men.
Afterwards, I have seen his face.
It was the first time to see him. I was just hearing about him and seeing his pictures, but they weren’t that clear and I didn’t got the chance to see him so this was the first time to see him at that near point.
He was wearing a black suit and he was typically a mafia person. His self confidence was very noticeable from the way he was walking with it. From the way he walks of it, I could be sure of how he is a very clever person. I could know from his confidence that he is a very well known person who would never make anyone cheat him. He really deserves to be the great and famous mafia in the mafia world.
Riddhima’s POV ends.

Vansh’s POV:

Today is a new deal for me in my dangerous business. Today’s business deal is special and different one. Today I will make a deal with Riddhima Sharma. The only girl who became very famous in the mafia world the previous years. I didn’t imagine that a girl could work in the mafia world and be that successful and could be able to do a deal with Vansh Rai Singhania. It is the first time for me that I could be very curious to know a person that much. My curiosity about Riddhima’s character is more than my curiosity to take the diamonds even after knowing how those diamonds are really precious and unique ones, but it is still my curiosity to know her is more than anything. Finally, I have reached to the place that she has chosen it. Angre was walking beside me to check that everything is being secured very well.
Everytime I start walking near, I start to see her more.
She was looking so different than in the pictures and the video calls.
She was wearing a black open blouse and a jeans. She was looking so hot and beautiful. It is the first time to me to look that much at a girl’s beauty, but her beauty wasn’t making me stop staring at her. I wasn’t understanding how a beautiful and young girl like her could be owing a dangerous business like that and could be a member of the mafia world!
I start to walk more fast so I could reach to her quickly as I was really want to start this deal fast and know more about that mysterious girl.
Vansh’s POV ends.

Vansh went to Riddhima.

They have greeted each other.
Riddhima was in a hurry so she started talking about the deal very quickly.
Riddhima( in a serious way): Here is your diamonds Mr. Vansh. Please check it and give me my money.
She offered the bag that was on it the diamonds.
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! You have impressed me of how you are very eager to work Miss Riddhima Sharma. It is the first time to meet each other on it so at least we must to have that quiet time for each other as we aren’t a normal mafia people. We are the most famous and great mafia people in the mafia world and we are finally going to make a deal together for the first time so we have to celebrate, Am I right or am I right?!
Riddhima wasn’t in a mood that could make her celebrate with Vansh anything regardless that she was very eager to know him more, but she was just concentrating in finishing the deal.
Riddhima( in the same serious tone): I’m sorry Mr. Vansh, but work will always be the most important thing to me and it will always come first and we are here to do a deal together so please let’s finish it so none of us could waste the other’s time.
Riddhima’s words had made Vansh get out from the amazement that he was on it after seeing her.
He got back to his serious and confident way.

He starts checking up the diamonds.
He became sure of its reality.
So he sings to Angre to get the money to Riddhima.
Riddhima’s POV:
I’m now standing with Vansh Rai Singhania, the great mafia man, and we are just waiting for his men to get me my money. He is a very weird and mysterious person. He seems very dangerous, but when I look at his eyes I find a huge kindness inside it that doesn’t make anyone feel that this person is a great mafia man. I could feel how he is wanting to talk with me more as I can observe from his eyes that he likes me, but I don’t have the time for that. I must to be very practical in my business. I must to finish that deal and leave. My enemies and Vansh’s enemies will never leave us complete this deal. Maybe in another place or another life we could have the chance to know each other more, but for now we are just a mafia people who will have that deal and each one of us will go on his and her way.
Riddhima’s POV ends.
While Angre and Vansh’s men were coming while holding the bags that are full of money, a group of people have came and have killed a lot of Vansh and Riddhima’s men.

Riddhima and Vansh got shocked and they both have looked at each other in a doubting way.
They have hided beside the table.
Riddhima(in an angry tone): You have cheated Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania and you will pay for it. No one could be able to cheat Riddhima Sharma and be able to be in that world once again. I will just handle this situation and I will not leave you.
Vansh: Don’t think that what you are saying will make me not doubt you. You are the one who has cheated me and I will not leave you Miss Riddhima Sharma.
There were a lot of gun shots being shot from Vansh’s men, Riddhima’s men, and the unknown men that have came.
Regardless that Vansh and Riddhima were doubting each other, but they have decided to forget everything and try to rescue themselves.
So they started working as a team.
Riddhima holds her gun and she starts shooting the men while being in her place.
While Vansh were shooting with Angre the men that were being around them everywhere.
Riddhima has gotten out from her place and she starts shooting the men.

There was a man coming from her back and he was going to shoot her, but Vansh has came and has shot that man.
Riddhima has looked at Vansh in an amazed way.
Vansh: Don’t be that shocked Miss Riddhima as if I’m the one who was wanting to cheat you I would have never came to rescue you and actually if I want to cheat you I would have never left you alive till now so let’s focus now on getting rid of those people as a team and then we could know who wants to destroy our deal.
Riddhima nods to him.
Then they both start shooting the men while being one each other’s backs.
They were working as a perfect team.
They have proved how they are a perfect mafia people.

They were looking at each other after they have gotten rid of that people.
They have both received a message from a person.
It was the same video that has send to both of them.
The video was from Kabir and he was the one on it.
Kabir( in the video): Well done Vansh Rai Singhania and Riddhima Sharma I wasn’t thinking that you both will be able to kill my men, but don’t you both think that this game has got ended. No, I will never make you both have that deal together and be more powerful. Even if I will not take the diamonds and the money, this deal will not be completed. I was just thinking in destroying the deal by taking the diamonds and the money, but after what you both have done with my men you both will die now. There is a bomb has been putted now and the great two Mafia people will be killed now. Good bye Mr. Vansh Rai singhania and Miss Riddhima Sharma.
After the video has got ended.
Riddhima and Vansh have looked at each other.

They weren’t knowing what shall they do now.
They were shocked and it was the first time they became scared, but they weren’t scared about themselves.
They were scared about each other and they weren’t understanding the reason.
They hold each other’s hands and they were trying to escape, but before they could do that the bomb has got blasted!
Kabir was being on a ship seeing the fire and the blast.
He was smiling very much.
Kabir: This is the end of those two great mafia people. In that amazing moment I have remembered a poetry which says Ek hasrat bas itni hai..
Teri chahat ban jau..itni hai… badkismat nhi khushnasib hai hum..warna tere jesi mohhobatt sabko kaha milti hai..
He starts clapping for himself.
Kabir( laughing and smiling): Wow Kabir! You must to be a poet! What a poetry?! But if I will leave the mafia world and I will be a poet who will rule the mafia world after I have gotten rid of the great mafia people?! I think that they will he happy now that they have both died together! The great Miss and Mr. Mafia people!


The end of the OS episode. It was just a trial to do a mysterious and one shot episode. I hope it was a successful trail. I hope you like it. So tell me guys how was it? Tell me your feedback and opinions and tell me do I must start publishing an OS updates or not? The credit of this amazing Shyari is reserved to my dearest Aisha. The upcoming episode of my ff will still be with my own Shayri. I’m just waiting for the target to be completed and I will publish it until that enjoy this OS and don’t forget to tell me your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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