A Fairy Tale Love Story (Part 10)

So guys, here is the most awaited Love Confession. I planned to post this episode tomorrow but I can’t resist myself So I posted it. Hope all of you like it and encourage me so that I could continue my writing this level. 


Next morning Rudra and Anupriya arrived VR mansion along with Aryan & Ishani. Ishani and Aryan hugged everyone. All are present in the hall except Vansh. He is making arrangement for proposing Riddhima.

Dadi (to Rudra): After Ishani and Aryan’s marriage you seems to forgotten me. (To Anupriya) Atleast you could make him remember.

Anupriya : What will I do mom? Rudra is busy after the wedding.

Rudra : Sorry mom. I have been busy these days that’s why i didn’t got time to come here.

Dadi : Thank God. At least you remembered me now. Anyway what makes you come here today.

Rudra : I’ll tell the reason but where is Vansh. I want to tell it in front of everyone.

Ahana : Uncle, he is busy in something. Even I didn’t meeting him from morning.

At that time Vansh came to hall smiling. Riddhima thought that he is smiling like this because of yesterday night ‘s love confession. So she avoided him.

Rudra : You seems to very happy Vansh. What happened?

Ajay : Even I didn’t saw him so much happy in this lifetime.

Vansh : Dad, uncle nothing special. Just like that. Uncle why are you here unexpectedly ?

Rudra : Yes actually I am waiting for you to announce something. A marriage proposal came for Riddhima. He is son of one of my friends. I know him very well. So I thought to give response to him after knowing Riddhima’s decision.

Everyone shocked to learn this, especially Vansh and Riddhima shocked to the core.

Riddhima : But dad
So fast..

Vansh : Yes Uncle. Is it happening too fast. I mean Riddhima has the right to select the person with whom she spend the whole life. We should ask her opinion, right? (Thinking ) I am sure Riddhima won’t agree to it. Even she loves me.

Dadi : Vansh is absolutely right Rudra. Riddhima’s opinion is crucial.

Rudra : Riddhu, What’s your opinion? If you say no then we will reject the proposal and if you say yes, then we will go forwad with the proposal. Say your opinion after thinking, we won’t force you. Now its upon you.

Riddhima thought about the memories she had with Vansh and then the last night’s incident.

Riddhima : Its a
.YES from me.

Vansh is shocked to hear it.

He take a look to the ring in his pocket and went from there angrily and sadly. No one is unable to understand why Vansh behaved so other than Ahana.

Rudra : Are you sure Riddhu?

Riddhima : Yes dad.

Ajay : Its a decision of lifetime Riddhu.

Riddhima : I thought about it a lot and said yes.

Dadi : Then its an occasion to celebrate. But didn’t know where Vansh went.

Uma : I’ll come with sweets.

Anupriya : I’ll help you.

Then everyone had sweets and celebrated the occasion. But Siya was sure that Riddhima didn’t make the decision from her heart.

At night everyone had their Dinner.

Rudra : Where is Vansh? He didn’t returned yet.

Ahana : Vansh called me, he had an urgent meeting that’s why he left

Just then he arrived.

Ajay : How was your meeting today ?

Vansh (eyeing Riddhima) : I lost it.

Rudra : Its okay beta. It happens in business. Did you have your dinner?

Vansh : No uncle, I am not hungry.

Uma : Ok.. if you felt hungry then come to kitchen, I’ll keep some for you.

Vansh : Ok mom.

Riddhima : Dadi, I want to go for a night walk. Can I?

Dadi : Okay but not alone. Vansh will you accompany her?

Vansh : Ok Dadi.

Riddhima : Its not needed dadi.

Dadi : You can’t go alone. If you want to go then Vansh would accompany you.

Riddhima : Ok dadi.

Vansh and Riddhima went to road and walked with silence. Finally Vansh decided to break the Silence.

Vansh(furiously) : Why did you say yes to the proposal without knowing the person?

Riddhima : My dad’s choice won’t be bad. Anyway why should you have a problem with my decision?

Vansh : I want to talk to you about something. Yesterday night Ahana

Riddhima didn’t allowed him to complete the sentence.

Riddhima : I heared it when I came to your room last night . I know you and Ahana are in a relationship. Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone .

Vansh : What
I and Ahana are in a relationship ! What nonsense. She is my good friend nothing more than that. And you come to my room last night? Then why didn’t you came inside.

Riddhima : Don’t hide your relationship with Ahana from me. I told you na, I heard about yours talk about love with my own ears. And I came to your room to tell you something but hearing your conversation I thought not to disturb you and Ahana.

Vansh : Riddhu, I think you misunderstood the talk. Yes it was about love but not of Ahana and mine . Its about mine and you. The feelings that I have for you.

Riddhima : How cheap Vansh. Last night you told Ahana that you love her and tonight to me that you love me. I didn’t expect that you could stoop so low. You always call Ahana your “sweetheart” and now says you love me. What an act Vansh !!

Saying so she tried to walk away from but Vansh grabbed her hand.

Vansh : Hear me out Riddhima. I called her sweetheart only to make you jealous nothing more than that.

Riddhima : Leave my hands. I don’t want to hear anything.

She freed her hand and walks in the road leaving Vansh behind. Vansh falls on his knees.

Vansh : Riddhima, I LOVE YOU
.I can’t live without you. You’re the only girl I loved in my life. There is no one before and never will be in my life except you. I promise on Dadi that I only loved you not Ahana. Yesterday Ahana came to me and made me realize the love I have for you. This is the whole truth. Please accept the truth.

Hearing Vansh’s heartfelt confession Riddhima stood dumbstruck. She turned with teary eyes.

Riddhima : Really !!!!

Vansh : Yes Riddhima
You’re my first and last love. I feel like my whole world crumbling down when you’re in tears. When you’re hurt then I feel the pain. When you’re close to me I feel like I am the Happiest man in the world. If you’re away from me I feels like I’m gonna die. I Can’t live without you.(Taking the ring from his pocket) WILL YOU BE MINE FOREVER ?

Riddhima : Ye

A truck hit Riddhima before she could say yes to Vansh.


Precap : Dr: Her condition is dangerous.  If she didn’t wake up and respond to medicines, she’ll fall into coma.

Will Vansh and Riddhima’s love story end before it could start ???


Passionate Dancer💃 Writing, Reading and Dancing 💃 IMMJ 2 Lover from KERALAđŸ€© Riansh Lover forever😍😘😘

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