A Fairy Tale Love Story (Part 23) Paris Days

Hello guys, I am back with another post and its about the paris trip. Hope I did my best to potray the Paris days and all of you tell me how u liked it.


Vansh : I have checked the flight details and booked tomorrow’s flight. So start packing now, we have to reach the airport at 10 am.

Riddhima : I am so excited đŸ€©. Siya, we have to start packing now.

Vansh : Sweetheart, don’t pack random stuff. Actually I have the strength to carry your bags still don’t pack any random stuff.

Riddhima : I will try 😜.

Vansh : Try 🙄

Ishani : Aryan come, drink some energy drink.

Kabir : Oo
For what 😉 ?

Aryan : My dear Kabbu
you are married still don’t know for what. All husbands are Wife’s free luggage picker.

Kabir : Bechara Aryan. But I didn’t have to face anything like that. Right Ragini ?

Ragini : I forgot to tell you kabir even you drink some energy drink along with Aryan. Even you should be energetic for carrying my luggages.

Kabir : Ragini
.I didn’t expect this from you. Both you and Ishani are same to same

Ishani and Ragini : Hi-fi đŸ€œđŸ€›

Kabir (To Vansh ) : Vansh
As a friend I can’t see you in our plights. You should think twice before marrying, you still have time.

Aryan : Kabir is Right Vansh. Riddhu is my sister but I know that she is shopholic.

Riddhima : Now I have a doubt that whether you two are my bhai and jiju. You’re trying to stop my marriage. (To Vansh ) Won’t you marry me hearing their advice ?

Vansh : No Sweetheart. Their advice is not more than your love.

Riddhima smiled hearing that.

Riddhima : That’s my Vansh. (To Karyan) Both of you heard it right ?

Karyan : Sweetheart and her Lover. Both are mad. So let’s go guys otherwise we will be late to pack and will miss flight.

Everyone : Ok bye.

Everyone went to their respective rooms and started packing.

Next day they went to airport and reached Paris after 4 hours travel. Each couple enjoyed their time together.


All went out from Airport and reached their hotel. Riddhima is the most happiest person there. Vansh is also happy seeing her cute face.

Riddhima : Guys, I have an super amazing idea to make this trip more interesting.

Siya : What’s that Riddhu ?

Riddhima : If we all go to same place together, it wouldn’t be enough amazing. So I have thought that if we go by couple that too each couple go to different place. None of the couple will go to same place a day. So we can enjoy our time here with respective partner along with site seeing. At night we all will join together at hotel and spent sometime together. How is my idea ?

Ishani : Riddhu
your idea is superb. I liked it.

Vansh : Yes Sweetheart. Your thinking capacity increased with my company. Interesting
.Very Interesting.

Everyone agreed to Riddhu’s idea.

Aryan : But Angre and Siya are left and they aren’t a couple.

Vansh : Yes that’s right. What will we do ?

Siya and Angre are worried about thinking what will happen. Riddhima understood that if the talk about siya and Angre goes on then their relationship might unravel. So she decided to cover up the topic.

Riddhima : Let’s do one thing. We all are couples except Siya and Angre so let pair up them.

Vansh : What ?

Riddhima : I am saying that let pair up them FOR THIS TRIP.

Aryan : It sounds good.

Vansh : Ya. So from today onwards we will roam around Paris as couples for 4 days. Now everyone go to their respective rooms. We will start our roaming after Freshen up.

Everyone(mockingly) : Ok Boss.

Vansh : All you

Everyone went to their respective rooms. Angre and Vansh stays in one room and Siya and Riddhima stays in one room. Other couples in their respective rooms.

After freshened up all had started to go out with their partners. RiAnsh, AnYa, RagBir and IshaAn went to different places. AnYa is happy to spend some lone time with each other that too with everyone’s consent.

Riddhima and Vansh are enjoying the beautiful scenarios.

They firstly went to Louvre museum.

Riddhima : Vansh
Wow what a beautiful museum ?

Vansh : Sweetheart, this not a museum years back. The French kings used to stay here earlier. There is a art gallery too inside it. It is impossible to see it all in one visit. If u want then we can visit here during our honeymoon. (He said kissing her hand)

Riddhima : Vansh
Tum bi na. You are being Shameless everyday.

She pats his shoulders.

Vansh : What to do sweetheart, I am like this only.

Riddhima : Ok my to be hubby.

Then they went to sainte-chapelle &


The next day they went to :

Parc des Buttes-Chaumont (A beautiful garden in Paris)

Parc de La Villette

They enjoyed two days together in Paris and So does the other couples too. In these days Angre and Siya got much time to live the life of Girlfriend and Boyfriend which they didn’t get.

Precap : Riddhima – I DON’T LOVE YOU

Hope all of you enjoyed the episode and surely got a shock reading the precap. Wait for the next episode eagerly guys. Till then Bye. And yes don’t forget to drop your valuable comments.


Passionate Dancer💃 Writing, Reading and Dancing 💃 IMMJ 2 Lover from KERALAđŸ€© Riansh Lover forever😍😘😘

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