Fan Fiction

A Mesmerizing Love Story Of Those Golden Days – Episode 5

The episode starts when Rakesh gets frustrated and shouts, “What do you want to hear? Fine, I will just say it. YES, I LOVE BOTH SEEMA AND MANIKA. THEY BOTH ARE MY WIVES!!!”

Hearing him shout, the neighbours come in running and everyone is shocked hearing him shout that way. People start gossiping about the whole family. One of them says, “These people are too modern to stay here. They should just leave otherwise our society n culture will be ruined.”On hearing that, Naina and Preeti give the people frowned looks. “Of course, they were leaving anyways. It’s our fate that I and Preeti are stuck here otherwise we are not fond of this place and people like you. And you all have no right to decide who will stay here and who will not.”says Naina. “Dad, Mom, and Mumma, please pack your bags. You don’t have to listen to their nonsense anymore. They will forget what rubbish they were talking about you guys in a few days but you guys will not be able to get these things out of your head.”follows Preeti. “Do we need to call a pandit now to have a mahurat out or will you people get out yourselves?” shouts Naina giving a disgusted look to the neighbours. Their parents’ eyes are full of tears and pride for their girls. As soon as the neighbours leave, everyone takes time to calm down. Rakesh realizes they have to leave otherwise they will miss the flight. They are about to leave when Naina and Preeti come and hug them with their eyes moist. “Take care. We’ll come soon to visit you guys.”Seema and Manika console them. Rakesh doesn’t say a word and the three leave.


“What will you have for dinner?”Bela asks the girls politely. “I think we have had enough by the people. We are full. Goodnight”say the girls and go to their room. They place all their things in the room and arrange the room their own way and off to bed but none of them is able to sleep. They constantly think about the incident that happened a few hours and finally Naina breaks the silence, “Ok, we need to talk. At the end, it’s just both of us who understand each other so well.”Preeti responds, “There is no point of talking about all the mess in our lives. If you want to talk about something new, I am in.” “Fine, how about school tomorrow? Anyways, we have to come up with something as I seriously don’t wanna stay here, especially among such neighbours who will definitely interfere our personal lives now.”Naina continues. “Me neither. We always try to run away from that whole chapter that occurred years ago, but it always comes in front of us in one way or the other.” “I agree but now you are the one who brought up this topic instead of talking about the school. Just let it be. We need time and rest. And don’t think too much as it will just give pain. Try to sleep. We have to get up early tomorrow Goodnight.”says Naina and Preeti nods. In their room, Anand and Bela discuss about helping the girls out and providing them a friendly environment. “They have suffered a lot because of what their parents did. They are so young and deserve a better future. We can’t do anything about their past, but will definitely try to make their future bright.”says Anand to which Bela happily agrees.


AT 2:00 A.M.

Naina is covered with sweat as she dreams of the past- RAKESH FLEEING FROM INDIA AND REACHING LONDON, MARRYING MANIKA, BREAKING SEEMA’S HEART AND…..“Mom!!!”Naina screams as she wakes up. Preeti gets up and turns on the lights. All the others rush into the room and ask if she is ok. “Please give her some space.”says Preeti and consoles Naina. Bela brings water for her and asks if she wants to sleep with her in her room. “Why are you overthinking? She will be fine. Her motive was just to disturb everyone late at night.” Taunts Beena. “Will you stop that Beena? Naina, dear, please ignore Beena. I hope you are fine.”“Thanks. I am fine now. Sorry to disturb you all. I am fine here with Preeti.” “Are you sure?” asks Anand. “Yes Chachaji.” confirms Naina. Everybody leaves and Preeti rubs Naina’s back lightly to make her feel better. “It was the same dream, wasn’t it?” enquires Preeti. “It’s not just a dream. It’s a nightmare. I don’t know what wrong did I do to anybody that this is coming to me. Why is our life like that?” sobs Naina. Preeti hugs her tightly with her eyes moist too and thinks,  “I really don’t know why is this happening to us but I promise I will always be there for you.”  Preeti begins to move her hand softly on Naina’s forehead. Soon, Naina falls asleep on Preeti’s lap and Preeti doesn’t move from her position at all otherwise it might wake her up.


Naina wakes up by the alarm clock but sees that Preeti is asleep while sitting in the same position. Naina smiles at her with pride that she has a sister like Preeti. She gets up without disturbing her and freshens up. Then she kindly wakes her up and after some time, they both come out of their room, all ready for school. “Goodmorning. Naina, do you feel better now? You two look so cute in those school uniforms.” exclaims Bela. Naina smiles and nods in agreement. “Thank you. But honestly I don’t like this uniform. It feels so weird.” tells Preeti. “You will get used to it soon.” laughs Anand. “Breakfast” says Bela. The girls refuse. “ I did not ask. I am telling that you both need to have breakfast as you did not even have dinner yesterday. Please sit down.” Bela orders. The girls relunctantly eat but it makes them feel a little better that their Chacha-Chachi are concerned about them.


“We are a little late. Anyways, today, I will take you to your classroom and introduce you both to everybody. But next time you have to reach there by yourselves. I will just drop and pick up you both as I don’t visit the school every day. So unfortunately,  no more help. You both will have to learn and interact by yourselves, ok?” informs Anand. “Ok” the girls reply. He smiles as he knows he has to let the girls build up confidence and adapt themselves in India’s environment.



A seventeen year old who loves commenting on fan fictions n now is trying to write herself. Hope you guys like it!!!

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