Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

a new ff….swaragini (hatred to love) Intro

hey guyzz…I would like to presnt a new fan fiction…..when ego took place in a heart, how can it changed to love…and how can hate become love…its completely of swasan and raglak


swara gadodia:a smart, bubbly girl…she have modern toughts…ready to help everyone. ..guitarist

ragini gadodia:younger sister of swara…traditional girl, always obey and respect others even though she does not like it…sitarist

swara has completed her studies..whereas ragini is stadying in 2nd year..SAL COLLEGE OF MEDICINE

sanskar maheswary:a very good eg of egostic..hard hearted, arrogant, does mot respect anyone exept his family members..can do anything if anyone dare to disturb him

laksh maheswary:a witty yet kind hearted boy..loves to dance…loves and cares his brother a lot and vice versa. ..studying in last year in SAL COLLEGE OF MEDICINE

Rest are same as our serial. dadi and dada loves swara and ragini equally…
durga prasad is the dean of SAL COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. ..he is very rich whereas shekhar is a middle class family….

I hope u all will like it…anyways even its good or bad, kindly inform me…

precap:*swalak meet
*love @first site
*swara to irritate sanskar……

so all my dear frnds…just enjoy…lets see whether swara can bring down Sanskaar’ s ego…or else…???

Credit to: salluzz


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