munch munch …… crunch munch…. gobble gobble glup gulp………ah….. burrppp…..oh…. seigh… any guessess were are we well we are on the breakfast table of the gangwal house where these sounds usually dominate the mornings than other sounds from the background….. & here our sweety nishu is having her breakfast with her superrr big family’s antique table with her superrr big family consisting of 16 members u might be thinking of the two extra members i included well they are our rukma & saurabh rukma is like a family member to them well she is living with the gangwals since her childhood she was brought from the village to be taken care of after he passed away dada g brought her with him & educated her but to her low intrest in studies she just studied till 10th standard & now helps them in their domestic work….about saurabh what to say he is our joint family’s cousin groups only bestie & the only one who knows all their secrets,likes dislikes,hideouts etc….he is the first one to know the cousin matter & any neighbourhood gossip……& spends most of his time in the gangwal house much to roopan’s dislike who thinks he is a person who lives on their expences & spoiles her daughter’s & he is a bad company for the gangwal children juzzt like nisha ……. umesh finishes his breakfast & gets up from the breakfast table & asks J & B to come with him he is gonna drop them in the car ……. nisha also gets up and with her mouth full of food she asks umesh that she is also coming & asks sukku also to come as theyv are going in the same direction/way …..with food sprinkle all over decorating other people plates & faces with the delicious breakfast she is eating welll itss a way of sharing we can say (mean she is speaking with mouth full of food & as she speaks food is coming out from her mouth and falling/dropping all over) yuks nishu… eewww just shut up & swallow wat’s there in your mouth…& then speak..a daring voice is heard calling from behind……….it’s kirti jwala’s elder sister and another one of the cousin group …. she is beautiful…..& a fashion freak more worried about her looks and so called image than anything els but always ready to do anything for the cousin group …………they are about to leave but stopped by roopan who asks kirti to have her breakfast but she dclines saying that she had fruits & on a dieting seeing her over cautioness dada g & elders seigh……

moving on to the disaster struk men viru & kabby gayatri again ask them were are they going ??? viraj is about to speak but kabir cuts him & say college ……. viru gives him a stare & kabby ask him to co-opreate as if buaaaa g will know their actual plan she will spoil it & there she will just put down their image in front of all…… viru agrees and say y-y-yes gaya we are going to the college …… college!!! gaya screams in shock the men look at her…….. the driver dares to ask her what happened just to get a scolding in return ……. she exclaims suddenly & viru & kabby mummer over acting…. but show as if their sympathy is with her in sulking voice now my lovely nephews also started lying to me ,,,,,, viru & kabby say wat lie bua g we mean gaya….. she says you are avoiding me huh….. and lyig that you are going to the college they both sweatdrop on seeing her drama & say no no gaya we aren’t lying we are going to college only u can come with us and check………… she says ok fine but in these clothes…….. both boys look at their clothes & blush & say just a minute they change & comeback……gaya sits in the car & smirk…….

wereas they cousin’s car is packed (mean all are seated inside the car)…. and ready to move but!!! sukku makes an excuse and say that car is cunjusted & he will come himself… he will take a bus…. umesh says when they are going the same way so why will he come alone there is no need to waste money & he is saving money these days & a little uncomfort will add on to his savings & the car is not too conjusted…… while nisha B & J give them a weired stare narrowing their eyes & nisha points out that sukku is avioding coming with them something is fishy and ask him the matter…….. sukku gets tenced and to avoid their questions & scary looks he jumps into the car at once & umesh says that he will now drop him daily to college and keep check on him and his activities sukku also pin points him & say he knows were he was all the time & entering the house with ramesh chachu doesn’t coverup his……… & umesh says itss fine lets go but a voice says umesh dids u does somethings wrong tells me were were you??? a well co-ordinated voice from the cousins answer did you do something wrong & tell not tells dolly di …… the girl says ok fine…… this is miss dolly gangwal the eldest of all cousins & umesh’s sister she is very talented & a good person from heart but gets scared easily mean she have a small heart & she is very bad at speaking english but still speaks it giving a light moment in all situations…….. kirti says if alll your blackmailing & accusations is over then let’s start we are already late and B&J have their exam also……or else this jawalamukhi (volcano) will burst anytime …..pointing at jwala…….. all get into the car & start their journey…….

we see two simultanious frames in one viru & kabby travelling in their car with bua g in other cousin party travelling in their fully packed car….. and they reach a chowk or a fourway driving road which is linked to a heighway and umesh speeds up the car & they pass by an overbridge & the voices heard are all mixed ones like hooting of J, B & N dolly shouting to decreace the speed or else she will throw up the breakfast sukku asking her to control & enjooy the ride & kiri just worried about her hair & makeup…….. and they pass by the big royalle car mean v & k & G caar gaya is doing herr makeup & shocked by this heigh pitch noice she ……… i hope u got it frends…… & she is fumed at this & shoughts at the driver to overtake them….. & viru & kabby ask her to calm down but she has lost it all & not ready to listen & just some broken distorted verses are heard from her like how coud…. illiterate people……… no sence……parents…….manners (note:she is in anger so she is speaking only some words of her sentence which may be wrongly said or pronounced which is common when a person is angry or not in sences)……. the cousion car get out from their site gayatri asks the driver to get them at any cost V ,K & driver worry seing her this furious monsterous shade (in hindi daanav roop)……..& the driver paces up the caar & the not at all suspence filled thrilling detective chase starts…… the happy chtty cousion caby is on their move when suddenly a car emerges infront of them from somewhere & umesh applies sudden brakes & dolly hugs jawala & nisha hugs bunty sukku holds the stearing & V &K bend down from their seats & a voice is heard oh shi…….. a screeching sound heard …….. and a blackout……….

VO:what will happen now what have destinee planned for our young heroes ???? stay tuned & keep reading & uessing till the next update to know the answer……..


SORRY FOR SPELLING & GRAMMER MISSTAKES & STAY TUNED & KEEP READING FRNDS… 😉 & giv ur valuable feed back & cricisims are welcome

Credit to: fan writer


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