SCENE 1: Riddhima is in her flat…

Riddhima: It’s been a long day at work! Perhaps exhausting i must say…it felt good to defeat a guy who has never lost! If my guess is correct i guess i will get call from him, just a gut feeling!

Gets a call

Riddhima: Hello, this is Riddhima Mishra here…

Rudra: Hello, we are speaking from Raisinghania Industries

Riddhima: You won’t believe me i was low key expecting a call from you guys! Anyway why did you call?

Rudra: Vansh sir, wanted to meet you as soon as possible

Riddhima: It would be really an honor to meet him, but i am sorry, i can’t meet him, due to tight work schedule! And as a CEO of a company i hope he gets it! But when i am free, i will let you know before hand!

Rudra: But..

Riddhima cuts the call

Rudra: Sir, She says that she can’t make it..

Vansh: I will not leave her that easily! She has to meet me!

He tells Rudra something

SCENE 2: Next morning, Riddhima gets into the cab..

Riddhima: Can you drive faster please, i have a really important presentation to get to…

Driver: Sure mam…

Riddhima: Wait, this is not the way to my office! Where are you taking me? Stop the car otherwise i will have to call the police..Speak something!!

Driver: You will get to know soon mam!

Riddhima: No! Just stop the damn car!

The car stops and Riddhima gets down..

Riddhima: This looks like someone’s house? Where have you dropped me you idiot?

Car leaves and someone from inside who appears to be a servant comes out..

Riddhima: Can you please tell the guards to open the gates?

Servant: Sir has not bought you here to just leave like this! At least out of courtesy, come and meet him!

Riddhima: Sir? Out of courtesy? Will someone for god’s sake explain me what the hell is going on here?

Servant: All your answers lie inside that house, i would recommend you to go in!

Riddhima: FINE!!

She goes inside and is mesmerized by the looks of the house…

Just then vansh comes down…

Vansh: Nice to meet you again!

Riddhima: So you were the one behind all this?

Vansh: Yes! Since you couldn’t give me time, i took, let’s say a loan from your time! Don’t worry i will make sure that you don’t regret it..

Riddhima: People regret those decisions that they take! But why would i regret something that i didn’t choose! Just because you have money and power that doesn’t mean that you can control everyone on your finger tips! Please come out of that trance Mr. Vansh Raisinghania!

Vansh: Shall we sit and talk, so that you will get to know my point!

Riddhima: No! Just tell me why you wanted to meet me?

Vansh: Fine, i have a offer for you! Come work in my company, and i am willing to pay you thrice than what they are paying you!

Riddhima: It’s a NO! And you should have asked me on the phone itself, so that both of our time wouldn’t have been wasted like this! There is a thing called Loyalty Mr. Raisinghania and i believe in that! And i am sure, if i accept your offer you would get a doubt, that in the future will i leave your company just like this!

Vansh: You will work for me!

Riddhima: I am not like you Mr.Raisinghania, i have not been handed down everything how your father gave you! I have worked hard to get where i am now! And I am not one of your toys that you asked for and you will get it! I respected  you till  now because,  of your position, but now i realise that you are not worth giving the respect you need! You are just a mean and rude person!

Just then Ishani, vansh’s sister comes down..

Ishani: Oh hello! Mind your language, your talking to my brother, you don’t even have the standards to talk to him and you are insulting him? How dare you?

Riddhima: Oh? Standards? Ok, if we are talking about standards, let me tell your brother’s standards! He might be in a very high standard in the society, but his mental standards are very low! And i guess its a vice versa in my case!

Vansh: ENOUGH!!!

Riddhima: That’s what i am saying Mr. Vansh, Enough is enough for god’s sake! Let me tell you one point clearly about your own self! You are jealous, You are jealous that first time you have been defeated that too by a girl who came from nowhere and changed what has been happening for a long time, that is you, defeating THE MATHUR INDUSTRIES!!! and i promise you that until i work in that office, we will only get the projects against you, and you damn sure have my word on this Mr.Vansh!!

Riddhima leaves…

Ishani: Bhai, why did you let her go so easily? You should have showed what you truly are, to her!

Vansh: Ishani, relax, she will soon get to know, and i won’t let her slip away so easily, no one gets away so easily from me!

Ishani: Now that’s like my brother!

SCENE 3: Riddhima is in her flat that night… and she gets a call

Riddhima: Ma? Why are you calling at this hour? Is everything alright?

Sulekha:  Everything is alright, i was just getting restless suddenly, about you, so i thought i would call you, are you fine there, if you are feeling not comfortable there come here, ok?

Riddhima: Ma, first calm down! I am alright, and comfortable here, and you don’t need to worry!

Sulekha: Did you eat?

Riddhima: Yes!

Sulekha: Tell me about your day..

Riddhima: *skips the fight with Vansh and tells everything* Thats it, Ma its getting late i should sleep, so goodnight bye!

Riddhima’s pov: Now after speaking to Ma, i also feel a sense of calmness in me, *recalls the fight* I shouldn’t have behaved with him like that, i called him rude, but when i, myself behaved liked that, then what is the difference between him and me! Though his father has handed down everything to him, he has maintained the position of company always at the top, i shouldn’t have disrespected him like that! Ugh! Now i feel guilty, though it was his mistake! And i can’t bear this, tomorrow i will go to his office and tell him sorry, for my behaviour, but i am not sorry for rejecting his offer!




A writer, new to this website, but not new to writing...if you are on wattpad, you can find me there also under the name Ruhika1104

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