A romantic and hot day between two love birds. #Riansh OS

Hello guys. Here is a new OS. I hope you all could like it.
So let’s start.
Vansh’s POV starts:
Today is my anniversary with Riddhima.
2 years have passed on our marriage. Those 2 years were like a dream to me. She has made me known that my life was nothing without her presence in my life and before I could have met her.
She has made my life very beautiful. So I decided that I must to surprise her today and make so much stuff to her in that day so she could know how much I love her so much.
It is now very early morning and I’m going to do a small thing from what I have prepared to her on that day.
She is standing in the room arranging some stuff so I will come from her back and surprise her.
I starts moving towards her without making her notices me then I surprised her.
Me: Boom! I’m here sweetheart.
She got surprised from what I have done.
So she throws herself in my arms.

Riddhima: Come on Vansh! You will never stop scaring me in that way?! I always got shocked when you come suddenly to me in that way.
I has hugged her back to calm her down.
Me: How I could stop doing that when you will always hug me that amazing hug when you got surprised seeing me in front of you?!
Riddhima: Really?! So Mr. Husband enjoys a lot seeing his wife that terrified!! That not good Vansh!
Vansh: Of course not sweetheart. I can’t see my beautiful wife terrified. I just like to see how you love me and how you just feel safe when you are in my arms.
Riddhima: You have a point!
Vansh: By the way, today the whoke family will leave and we will be alone. So of course we have to not miss that moment, you of course understand what I want to say.
I winked at her after finishing my words.
I was sure that she will understand what I want to say.
She smiled a very beautiful smile that made me has known that she has understood what I meant.
Riddhima(smiling): You will never miss any situation without being naughty on it.
Me: You still haven’t seen any naughty behaviour yet Riddhima as I have prepared a lot of naughty stuff to do it together as today is a very special day to us and we have to celebrate it in a very special way, Am I right or am I right?!
Riddhima: You made me curious to know what my husband has prepared it to me today.
Me: Wear that clothes that I have left it to you and come to meet me at the poolside as I will be waiting for you. Please don’t be late on me as I will be dying to see you in that clothes.
Riddhima: Don’t worry Vansh I will not make my dearest husband wait for me so much time. Just go now and I will follow you.
After she has finished her words, she has kissed me in my cheek.
I kept putting my hand on my cheek after she has kissed me that lovely kiss.
Then I left her to get ready and I went to the poolside to wait for her.
Vansh’s POV ends.
Riddhima’s POV starts:
I was sure that Vansh will never miss that day without a huge preparations that’s why he became sure to make the house empty today so we could celebrate our anniversary together being alone.
I’m sure that a lot of amazing stuff is awaited for me at the poolside.
Actually, I’m also preparing to him a very amazing surprise and I’m sure that he will fly from happiness when he will know it.
I just must check that clothes that he has bought it to me and I could wear it and go to the poolside to see what my lovely husband has organized to me.
I have wear the clothes that he has bought to me.
It was a short green shirt and a jeans.

He will never stop his habit in making me wear that short and hot clothes!
After I got ready, I went to the poolside.
I have found a lot of flowers being scattered allover the poolside.
I also have found a lot of candles.
Everything was just perfect and it was very suitable to a very romantic date.
Then I have found him in front of me looking very attractive in that simple chemise.
He makes me closer to him.
That closeness made me able to feel his heart beats that were pumping very fast.
Vansh: I was sure that you will look super hot in those clothes sweetheart. You always amaze me of how you always look that beautiful. When I got to be that close to you, I could feel your breathes and heart beats that makes me feel so attached and connected to you. Each and very detail about you makes me fall for you more madly. Your make up, your cheeks, your lips, and the smell of your hair. Every single and smallest detail related to you makes me love you more than anyone in the whole world. Your beauty always makes me got mad in your love sweetheart.

He was touching my hair in a very romantic way.

He was kissing my cheeks while he was very romantic and amazing.

Then I decided to cut that hotness.
Me: By the way, you also look so hot today. Actually, everything is just perfect for that hot moment.
Vansh: It is just the beginning sweetheart. This night will be more hot.
He lefts me for a second.
Then he has came with many boxes.
Me: Impressive! What all those boxes are for?!
Vansh: Each box contains something that you love it Riddhima. It has been 2 years since we have married and during those 2 years I have known each and every detail about you. I have known your likes, dislikes, what you fear from it, what you enjoy while doing it, and every single stuff about you. You became the adventure that I enjoy every moment while I’m able to know new stuff about you.
He has touched my heart by his words.
So I have came near him and I have hugged him.
Me: You will always be able to make me fall for you more and more for what you are doing. Your presence in my life is just enough to me Vansh.
Vansh: So you don’t want to know what is inside those boxes?

I have liked at him while I’m raising my eyebrows.
Me: Of course I want. Please open them quickly.
He has smiled a smile that made him look more attractive.
Then he starts opening the first box.
I got surprised to see my favorite Indian food which is biryani.

Me: Biryani! You know how much I love it.
Vansh: That’s why I have gotten it to you.
I have taken a spoon from it.
Then he has opened up other boxes.
It was included many others food like gulab jammo, pani puri, chappati, and many more food.

I have taken a bite from each of them.
Then he has opened other boxes.
I have found a lovely accessories.
He has gotten to me my favorite accessories.

He has opened other boxes and I have found my favourite flowers which are the tulip flower and the sunflower along with my favorite chocolate which is dairy milk and many more lovely stuff that I love it so much.

I was very happy and smiling very much.
Then my happiness got increased when he started opening the other boxes.
I started to see a collection album of my pictures with Vansh.
Vansh: Here is my favorite part of that surprise which is that album. This album is containing on it each and every memory we have spent it together since those 2 years. Those pictures are very precious to me because you are the one who is with me on it and that what means the world to me.
Me: How you always could be that romantic Vansh?! You really don’t know how you are making me that happy with all those amazing and enjoyable surprises. Every moment I spent it with you Vansh is a blessing from God that I will always thank him for it. I love you so much my one and only Vansh.
He comes very close to me and he hugs me very closely to his heart.
Vansh: I love you too sweetheart.
Then he immediately has lifted me.
I wasn’t knowing where he will take me, but I was sure that he will do something special.
Riddhima’s POV ends.
Vansh has taken Riddhima inside the pool.
She was surprised from his behavior, but she was happy.
She was smiling very much and he was also smiling.
Vansh: I want this day to be a very memorable day for us sweetheart that we could never be able to forget it. This day will be just ours and we will celebrate it till the max.
He makes her very very close to him.
He was touching her in a very romantic way.
He was making sure to make her feel how much she is very special to him.
He was holding her very closely to him and she also was holding him very closely to her.
He starts kissing her in each part in her face.
She was very shy and she was holding his shirt very tightly.
Then he starts turning to kiss her neck.
There was too much hotness in the pool due to what was happening inside it.
They were kissing each other in a very romantic way.
Riddhima has putted her hands on Vansh’s face in a very caring way.
Then she starts to be very close to him until her lips touched his lips and they got into a very lovely and long kiss.
They were very happy while enjoying their anniversary in that romantic and unique way.
They have hugged each other to minimize that hotness that was between them.
Then Riddhima starts to throw water on Vansh so she could minimize that hotness.
Vansh: You always know how to get out of that situations. Not bad sweetheart!
Riddhima: At the end, I’m Vansh Rai Singhania’s wife so I must to learn something from him.
He smiles.
Then they start both play with each other by throwing water on each other.
They were laughing from the bottom of their hearts.
They were enjoying their time so much.
Then Riddhima got to feel a kind of dizzy, but she decided to not make Vansh feel that.
Riddhima: I have to get out from the pool now as there is a surprise that I have prepared it for you Vansh in our 2nd anniversary and it will not be at the pool. So I will go to change my clothes and you follow me. I have left to you a suit so wear it and come to me at our room.
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I can observe that you start to copy me nowadays sweetheart! I have liked it! You made me very curious by the way.
She gets out from the pool.
Riddhima: If you want to know what I have prepared for you, meet me at our room after 15 minutes. See you there Mr. Husband.
She send him a flying kiss.
He was staring at her while he was still at the pool while he was looking very hot.

Afterwards, Riddhima got ready and she was waiting for Vansh at the their room.
She was much better than she was at the pool.
She has decorated the room in a very special way that could be ready to welcome that special surprise that she has prepared to say it to Vansh today.
Vansh has came while he was wearing a red suit.
They both were looking matchy matchy together as she also was wearing a red saree.

He got amazed after seeing the decorations.
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! You have done a very hard work sweetheart in a very short time! You have really impressed me so much!
Riddhima: You will be more impressed after you will know what I have prepared it to you.
Vansh: My curiosity is very high. Please tell me.
She comes closer to him.
Then she holds his hand and made him sit on a chair.
She left him for a second.
Then she get a red covered thing.
She has seated on Vansh’s lap and she made herself very close to him.
Riddhima: This news will be the perfect time to it to be announced today in our 2nd anniversary. This news will completely change our lives Vansh, but in a very beautiful way. New beginning will start in our relationship with a new journey that I’m sure that we will enjoy it so much while walking through it together. This journey will make us more closer to each other and it will make our relationship more stronger. This will be the sign of our love Vansh.
She gets the red covered stuff and she removed that cover.
It got to be a small handmade crochet booties for a new born baby.

Vansh got surprised when he has seen the small booties.
Vansh: Riddhima, are you sure?
She has putted his hand above her tummy.
Riddhima: Yes Vansh. I’m pregnant. I’m carrying our baby in my tummy. Very soon we will be a family and we will be a father and a mother.
Vansh’s happiness was very high.
He was happy and surprised at the same time.
Riddhima gets up from his lap.
She was happy seeing his happiness and surprise.
He holds her very tightly.
Vansh(in an unbelievable way): Do I’m really will be a father?!
Riddhima: Yes Vansh you will be a father very soon.
He holds her very high due to his so much happiness.
Vansh: I really can’t imagine that I will be a father and I will have a child from you Riddhima. I promise you Riddhima that I will be the best father ever.
He has hugged her a very warm hug.
Vansh: You have given me so much happiness today Riddhima.
Riddhima: Your happiness is the most important thing to me Vansh. I’m sure that our baby will be like you.
Vansh: It is the best surprise in our anniversary sweetheart. I love you so much my wife and my child’s mother.
Riddhima: I love you too my everything, husband, and my child’s father.
The have kissed each other.
Riddhima and Vansh at the same time: Happy Anniversary to us.

The end of the OS. I hope you liked it. Please guys tell me your feedback on it. I tried to do a romantic and just romantic episode as I have missed the old romance between Riansh. I hope that you have liked it guys. Please tell me your feedback on it so I could be encouraged to write more OS episodes. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. Please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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