A Royal Love Story (Riansh) (IMMJ 2) Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Next day ..

R’s pov …

Where is this Vansh.. since morning he is missing … I waited for him for almost 10 min in his room but he didn’t come back .. also all other are missing .. I searched almost all the room .. where he can go ..

Kabir’s room checked .. Angre’s room checked .. Neil’s room checked .. Sia’s room checked .. kakusa’s ( Vansh’s / Ajay’s father ) room checked .. kakisa’s room ( Vansh’s / Uma’s room ) mm .. not checked .. Hain .. he might be there ..

I was heading towards kakisa’s room when someone pulled me .. for a second I thought he is Vansh .. but for my disappointment .. he was Vijay ..

” Vijay .. what is this .. ” I asked in full rag .. I have already told him a long ago .. not to do this ……….

I folded my hands around my chest ..

” Sorry ruhi .. actually all are in the backyard … And are waiting for you .. ” Vijay spoke immediately after I got irked ..

But as he said .. all are in backyard .. it means he too would be there ….

” Vansh is there too .. I mean all are there .. ” I asked .. plz say yes .. he simply nodded his head in yes …

” Then let’s go .. but what was the need of pulling me .. you could have called me .. ” I asked in utter curiosity .. yeah !! I mean what was the sudden action …. Of him ..

” Nothing let’s go .. all are waiting for us .. ” I could say he is hidding something …



As we reached backyard … All were present they were discussing something … But my eyes were searching for someone .. that’s when I Spot him with angre and sejal ..

When I reached near them .. I was about to speak with Vansh .. Vijay instantly pulled me saying didu .. is calling me .. before leaving toward didu … I just gave a glance to Vansh .. while all the way his was staring me .. Is he upset with me ?? .. but why …

Shrugging off the thought I took the steps towards didu ..

R : ” Yes !! Didu .. why us this meeting .. and from morning you all are missing .. ” before didu could speak .. Neil back answered me …

” See didu .. didn’t I told you .. she won’t have realized what is tomorrow .. I told you Diu is bulakkad .. ” he said teasing me .. huh ?? I an bulakkad ….

” I am not bulakkad .. did you get .. I can remember all the things .. ” I spoke with a pout ..

” Really riddhima .. did you forgot you yourself told me that you are bulakkad .. Hain ??? .. ” Vansh spoke chuckling .. aww he looks so cute .. but when did I said .. that to him ..

R : ” Vansh When I said ?? .. you are lying .. ”

Then he slowly slowly move toward me and leaned toward my ears .. and spoke ” You forgot that day when I was going to London .. and you were in my room …….

Then suddenly the flashback came .. instantly ..



V : – ” Tu ye le .. ( handovering a ring in a chain ) ye Papa ne diya tha mujhe ki jab me Bada ho jaunga tab me tab mein pahnunga .. Tu ye mere liya rakhegi … ”

( V : – ” Hmmm .. ok do one thing .. you take it .. (handovering a ring in a chain) This father had given me .. that when I grow up, I will wear it .. You are keep it for me .. ” )

R : – ” Par main to sab Kuch bhul jaati hun … ”

( R : – ” But I forget everything … ” )



V : ” Did now , you remember something .. bulakkad .. ” I immediately glare at him …

” Hain .. Hain .. but not now I remember everything .. ” I said with a proud feeling ..

” O really Diu .. then say what is today .. ” Neil asked me .. I know what is today …

” I know Dumbo .. today is Friday .. ” see I know everything .. and the next moment everyone started laughing .. except .. didu .. ” Now What ?? .. did I miss something .. ” I said lowered my head ..

” It’s not like that riddhima .. ” Vansh said coming toward me .. and lifted my chin .. As my eyes met his ………..

For a moment whole the world was stopped … I wish I could always be with him .. forever ……. my plus Vansh trance was broken by non other than sejal ..

( Pyaar ki dushmann …. 😜😜 )

” Ahem ahem .. let’s talk about the thing for which we all are here .. ” sejal said .. eyeing towards me and Vansh …

Ra : ” Hain .. ruhi today is chachu and chachi’s anniversary … Now you remember .. ” didu said .. ” O Teri .. I toh forgot .. ” I said biting my tongue ..

Ra : ” Ok so we have make arrangements so I , Kabir , Sia and sejal are going to take maa , chachu , chachi , kakisa and kakusa to mall .. and you ruhi , Vansh , Angre and Neil will do the decoration .. As Vijay is going to airport pick uncle and aunt .. okkk !!! Is that ok .. ” On everyone nodded ..

Then we all left for our respective work ..

And at 4 pm …

I must say didu is a great manipulater she manage everything and then after 15 min , they all left for the mall .. and we started decorating ..

V’s pov ..

As I got the message from Neil we early in the morning to came to backyard ..

There , we all where present except riddhima .. even Vijay was present .. I hate me for no reason .. what’s wrong that he is Riddhima’s friend .. I don’t know what is going on .. but I just knew one thing .. I can’t see him with my riddhu .. never ..

After waiting for almost 10 – 15 min ..

Neil spoke ..

” I told you .. she won’t remember .. that today is maa and Papa’s anniversary .. she might still be sleeping .. ” he said with a annoying facial ..

” I think too now Neil go and wake up her .. and say her come here soon … Don’t take time .. ” ragini said .. with a disappointed expression ..

” Me .. not at all she would kick me out .. to disturb her sleep .. Diu is a devil if it comes to her precious sleep and dream … I am toh not going .. ” he said putting his hands in air …

” Then who ?? .. ” ragini said thinking … I was too thinking .. that’s when I saw Vijay was about to say something but was cut by Neil ..

N : ” I know .. Vansh can go .. that day also he made Diu arrive at puja on time ….. Even I didn’t hear any Pot breaking noise or alarm clock breaking into pieces .. or any shout of her ( 😅😅 ) .. he can do ”

” I toh knew Vansh can do anything.. and to related to riddhi .. he is expect in this …. ” Sejal said winking at me …..

What does it mean .. 🤨🤨🤨

” Ok toh Vansh you go and bring riddhima .. ” as the Ragini said I was about to move .. when Vijay approached me ..

” Can I go too .. I mean what if she is not in her bedroom or with someone else .. ” he said directly looking in to my eyes .. As everyone nodded .. we both moved different direction …

First I searched her in her room .. then in my .. I don’t know I thought she could be here ..

Then when I going toward mum’s room .. I thought she could there … That’s when I spotted her moving in mum’s room .. before u could call her .. someone pull her in a corner … In the opposite side there was mirror ..

That’s why I saw the person who pulled her … was non another Vijay ..

I was burning with rag .. I left from there … And went in the backyard ..

I made my mind to be angry with her .. but after seeing my little ruhi .. or my bulakkad ruhi .. all anger was vanished .. And the most important and best is that we both are here .. whereas he will be at airport ..

For atleast some time .. I won’t be able to meet or see his face .. he is not less than Mole rat .. ( chhachhoonder .. 😅😅 )

As now it is 6 pm .. we all finished the decoration .. I decided to do something for riddhima …

So I secretly went to her room ….. And kept that thing …

( What might it be ????? …. )

Vijay’s pov ..

( He is in cab and heading towards airport .. )

This VR is been now my enemy .. I can see ruhi is most attached to him ..

But let not forget .. I am here too .. ruhi is only mine ..

Yes !! Ruhi you will be mine soon ..

I will put so much misunderstanding between you two .. That you will never be one again ..

I made VR believe that ruhi and I are bestest friend … Or there could be something more …



That’s why I pulled her in nick of time when VR was about to call ruhi …



From the very beginning I know ruhi likes VR .. but who’s gonna tell her .. I will part you away from him ..

And then we will get married ruhi .. I can’t wait …… ( Evil smile 😈😈 )



Authors pov ..

By the time everyone comes back home Angre , Vansh , Neil and Riddhima .. decided to let cake be ready …..

It was not a big function .. a small one where only family members were present ….

R’s pov ….

” Ok .. the cake is ready … Yess !!! .. wow riddhima keep it up .. ” I said and patted my back ….

” Hmm … Cake looks beautiful plus tasty can I taste .. ” Neil said while eating apple .. then extended his hand towards cake …

I slapped his hand .. ” Don’t you dare .. bro .. I will kill you .. I made it by so much love .. and you will ruined my cake .. ” I glared him …..

” That is all right , but how long will these people come or they have decided remain in the mall itself .. ” Vansh said continuously glancing to his wrist watch …

” Wait, I call the sejal and ask where are they stuck .. while ago she called me .. and told me that they are still shopping .. ” Angre said .. Taking out the phone from his pocket … wait he said sejal infact why are they talking …

I think .. it’s only two days ago .. they have met .. and this soon friendship ..

Kuch gadbad hai ..

[ I think .. it’s only two days ago .. they have met .. and this soon friendship .. something is fishy .. ]

While he called her … And started talking her … I slowly leaned toward Vansh ..

” Tumhen Nahin Lagta kuchh gadbad hai .. kahin kuchh ine donon ke bich Kuch chal toh To Nahin Raha na … ” I said Vansh said in unison ..

[ ” You don’t think there is something wrong .. Is there anything going on between these two … ” I said Vansh said in unison .. ]

Then we started staring each other …

R & V : ” tumhen bhi aisa Lagta hai .. ”

[ R & V : ” You think so too .. ” ]

I and vansh started thinking the possibility … While this our thoughts got disturbed by Angre ..

A : ” Guys .. seju told me .. ”

R & V : ” Sejuuuu .. ” we both said with a widen eyes .. whereas Neil was chuckling ..

( R & V : ” it’s confirmed .. there is something cooking … ” Thought in there minds .. )

A : ” Arre Nahi .. Nahi .. seju .. ( he slapped his head .. ) I mean sejal said that they are in the way .. within 15 minutes .. they will here .. ” while we all nodded …

N : ” Vaise Angre .. you can call sejal Di as seju .. I don’t have problem … And if in some month or even if some days you would get married call me Hain .. to attend your wedding .. ” said while Angre was all red …

Omg bechara Angre 😅😅.. ( Omg helpless‌ Angre .. )



Authors pov …

A sound of parking a car was heard .. soon all the desended from the car enter the palace .. As they enter whole palace was in dark ..

Naina ( R’s maa ) : ” What is this ?? .. and where are all .. akash do you know .. are they gone out … ” Saying this she turned towards akash ..

While akash was too clueless …

Akash : ” I don’t know ?? Do you know ragini .. ?? ( As he turned at back .. ) Arre where are all .. they were just here na Naina .. ” , ” ya .. now where are they .. ” Naina said in anxious ..

” Let’s go in .. and check out .. ” as he said they were about to step in ..

” SURPRISE !!!!!! … ” all said in unison …

” HAPPY ANNIVERSARY !!!!! …. ” Again they said in unison …

Whole palace was decorated with flower and in between there was Frame with pictures of there wedding to riddhima’s birth to Neil’s birth photos to there dance photo …

Seeing all this … While Naina eyes were full of tears ..

( Ab frame toh hoga Nahi mere paas .. 😅😅 So its confirm I can’t show you …)

” Arre maa .. why are you are crying .. it’s your 25th anniversary na .. go and change in the Saree I have kept in your room .. ” said riddhima side hugging her ..

N : “Hain .. ” said wiping her tears ..

R : ” Papa .. you go in Neil’s room .. your dress is there .. and also all .. go and change … Their is party today .. ” she said clapping her hand in air …

” Hain … Party riddhima ???? … ” Said badima raising her eyebrows …

” Nahi .. Nahi .. sirf cake cutting … ” She said tried not stammering …

While badima started laughing a lot .. and moved toward hugged her .. first riddhima was startled bit soon hugged her back ..

” Why you fear of me .. this much I am your badima not strict teacher , am I ?? .. ” said badima … Before riddhima could say further ..

N : ” Na .. badima .. you’re not scary …. only something I feel like I head can cut into pieces .. and same as Diu .. ” he said .. like was joking .. but the reality is that all were watching him .. like they have saw some alien ..

Badima : ” Achha toh I will cut your head into pieces .. you just wait .. ” said while took a stick and move towards him ..

N : ” badima .. I was toh joking .. you are toh my sweet and lovely badima .. ” said hiding behind Vansh and then ran behind riddhima ..

” Diu save me … Na .. plz I will anything .. plz .. ” he said pleading riddhima .. with joined hands ..

Later whole palace was heard by there laughter …

Hii !!! Guys ..

I know I am late but I promised tomorrow I will the next part also ..

Ok so Habiba .. so for you I made this update a little bigger .. hope you like it ..


I love to be like I am .. If you don't like it's your problem ..

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