A Royal Love Story (Riansh) (IMMJ 2) Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Next day ..

Authors pov …

It was almost 10 am .. All were enjoying their time … Like our Ragbir ( Ragini and Kabir ) at backyard , Anjal ( Angre and Sejal ) at garden Vijay in his room .. while all the elders are in the hall .. and Seil ( Neil and Sia ) went for a long drive …

But where are our riansh ??? 🤔🤔

At hall ..

Mr. M : ” The children had organized the party well .. ”

Mrs. M : ” Yeahhh !!! I wish my kids too would do something like this .. you all are really lucky .. ” said with smile ..

Badima : ” No .. actually we also didn’t expected this .. ”

That’s when Mr. Malhotra received a call and excused himself …

On call …

Mr. M : ” Yeah !! Ok .. make that file ready .. What in next four days .. ok .. I will look on this .. ”

Then he moved to Vijay’s room ..



Where Vijay was lost in something .. smiling ..

Due to this sudden change in Vijay .. Mr. Malhotra was amused .. then he sat beside him on bed ..

Mr. M : ” Is something bothering my son ?? .. ” Vijay was little startled ..

Vi : ” Da .. dad .. you here .. Do you need something .. ”

Mr. M : ” Hmm .. my son who is lost in someone’s thought .. may I know ..” said teasing Vijay …

Vi : ” Dad .. there is nothing .. you are just thinking a lot .. ” said tried not stammering ..

Mr. M : ” Common son .. just say her .. ” said patting his shoulder ..

Vi : ” What do you mean by her , what and whom ?? .. ” said been confused ..

Mr. M : ” O son Riddhima .. say her that you love her .. that’s it .. what’s the big deal .. infact I and your mum like her too .. “said blinking his eyes ..while Vijay was all shocked ..

Vi : ” Dad .. how .. how you .. I mean .. ” before he could say something Mr. Malhotra interrupt him ..

Mr. M : ” O you are my own blood … I know what’s there in your head and your heart .. ” said pointing towards his chest .. on this he smiles a little ..

Vi : ” Thanks dad .. but I am afraid what if she rejects me … ” he said , making a sad face ..

Mr. M : ” first try at least and one more thing .. who can reject my son .. you can do this and Hain ..

I wanted her as my daughter in law at any cost so now it’s upon you how would you do this .. ” said encouraging him .. and then left him so that , he could think upon this proposal …

Vijay’s pov ..

😈😈 Smirks ..

Dad .. you are such a fool , she is my obsession .. How can I leave her ..

Soon dad .. soon she will your daughter in law ..

My second step to create a rift between Riddhima and Vansh is also finished .. Now the third and last is my proposal to her .. which she would not disagree ..

( What does he mean by second step over .. 😳😳 )

Authors pov …

There was a person , who had heard all the talk of this father-son’s duo ..

Then he ran toward someone ..

Man : ” You know what I heard ?? .. ” said tiring to catch breadth …

Lady : ” It’s you how heard not me … ” said siping her juice ..

Man : ” Arre !! Vijay is going to propose riddhima .. ” and that’s was it .. she spit all juice on him .. and started coughing …

Lady : ” Angre .. you are joking right ?? .. say it’s not the truth .. ” said as she got stable ..

Angre : ” No .. seju .. I said what I have heard … But this is not possible .. bhai loves riddhima whereas Riddhima loves Bhai too … The only thing is that …

Sejal : ” That they are still unaware of their feelings … for eachother … ” said looking into Angre’s eyes , completing his sentence …

Then she placed her head on his shoulder ..

Sejal : ” You know Angre .. I was so happy when I met you that day .. I was in love with you from the very first sight .. it was not a attractions .. it was pure love .. ” later said directly looking into his eyes …

Angre : ” I know sejal .. I love you .. ” said cupping her face …

Sejal : ” I love you too Angre .. ” said with teary eyes ..

( Haasshh !!! Inka toh ho Gaya … 🤪🤪 )

Angre : ” But now we have do something .. they are a late realizer .. Seju let’s go to Vansh Bhai’s room …

Let him know first about this .. ” while sejal nodded and then they both rushed to Vansh’s room ..



In Vansh’s room ..

From last 10 minutes they tired to wake him .. but all the attempt was of no use … So at last they decided to do one last attempt …

1..2..3 and boom ..

V : ” What the hell is this riddhima ?? .. ” said without opening his eyes .. as he sat on the bed ..

A : ” Bhai .. ” said in a low voice ..

V : ” Angre .. you aahh .. ” said holding his head …

A : ” What happen Bhai .. are you ok ?? .. ” said panicking ..

V : ” Aahh .. nothing just having a headache .. you say what was the need of plashing water on me .. ” said rubbing his eyes ..

S : ” Actually .. First of all good morning .. ”

V : ” Oo Hain .. Good morning sejal and Angre .. ok now say what the need of waking me this early .. ” said yawning ..

A ( shocked ) : ” Bhai .. it’s been now 10 : 30 am .. and your were still sleeping …. ”

V : ” What .. I slept this late .. ” Angre was about to speak something but got interrupted by sejal ..

S : ” Now .. let it go .. Vansh .. is Riddhima your friend .. ” on which he nodded .. ” Do you like Vijay .. ” On which he nodded in No .. ” Ok so the matter is this Vijay is going to propose riddhima … ”

That’s it .. Vansh found as his heart is breaking into pieces … He was like , he would broke up any moment .. but then he managed himself .. and asked …

V : ” An.. and how do you know ?? .. ” tired not stammering ..

A : ” Yes Bhai .. I heard him and his dad .. that he was encouraging Vijay to propose her … Plz Bhai do something… Make him fail in this .. ” he sais pleading ..

That’s when Vansh recalled all his and Riddhima’s moment .. who they used to fight , tease and care for eachother .. but this lays in all the relationship but her and Vijay’s relationship is far more better than their … And last night … That’s was it ..

V : ” No .. ” this made sejal and Angre confused …

A&S : ” What No .. ?? ”

V : ” I don’t like him , but it does not mean .. that I have a problem with him … ( Taking a long pause ) I think Riddhima and Vijay like each other … then we should not interfere in their matter … It’s better that you all should stay away .. ” and started moving towards the bathroom …

S : ” But I don’t think .. ( Vansh stops in his way .. ) I think she love you .. and infact you love her too .. ” and this time Vansh closes his eyes .. while a tears escape his eyes ..

A : ” Yess !! Bhai .. I too think you should go and talk to her .. ”

V : ” Plz neither I , nor you will go to her .. and sejal I don’t …….. Love her .. ” and slam the door …



After locking herself in room from last night … Riddhima decided to move out and catch some fresh air ..

When she was desending down the stairs .. someone approached her … And it was priyali ..

Priyali : ” Riddhima have you saw Vansh .. I searched the whole palace .. but can’t find him …. ” This made riddhima’s blood boil ..

Riddhima : ” I don’t know you yourself go and search him …. ” said furiously ..

Priyali who understood the jealousy of riddhima thought to make it more …

Priyali : ” Actually .. I wanted to talk to him the last night ….. ” and starts blushing …. But it was all fake …

The memory of last night made riddhima heart tearing into pieces …. And she again ran to her room …

While she again locked herself …. And cried a lot ….

R : ” I hate you Vansh .. I hate you … Why you did this … ” and starts sobbing ….

Hey guys I am back ..

So what happened that night which this drastic change between their relationship ..

Let’s see in next chapter ..


I love to be like I am .. If you don't like it's your problem ..

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