A Royal Love Story (Riansh) (IMMJ 2) Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Riddhima’s pov ..

As maa took me downstairs , where I saw Vijay sitting there in mandap and was looking really happy .. which made me smile a little too .. at last some is glad with this wedding ..

Later maa makes me sit beside him and soon pandit starts saying his mantras ..

But I all the while was looking for one and only Vansh .. How stupid I am here I am going to Tie with Vijay .. but still my heart is asking for only Vansh …

I want to just run to Vansh .. and tell him that I Love Him .. but No .. because now my family honour is in my hand .. If I ran away , how will I ever face them ..

[ That’s is the only reason we women never take steps for ourselves .. because the most important thing to us is our family’s honour .. ]

( She closed her eyes , while a drop tears got released .. )

The time we spend with each other .. are the most beautiful moment ..

The way we fought on silly reason .. The way you take care of me .. is perking me ..

But soon a sound came making me out of my thoughts …

When I slowly opened my eyes only to get a shock …

Official .. what are they doing here .. But the most shocking was their next word ..

” Mr. Malhotra you are under arrest .. ” What !!!

I and Vijay immediately stood up ..

Authors pov ….

As the police officers spoke the word .. The atmosphere there was grip by tension and fear …

Mrs. Malhotra was the first to break this silence ..

Mrs. Malhotra : ” Official are you out of your mind .. On which statement you are here .. ” Her voice raise at ever word ..

Official : ” Plz ma’am calm down .. And you can’t stop us .. we are here to arrest Mr. Vijay Malhotra .. accused for kidnapping Miss Rhea and attempt to kill her .. ”

Everyone was shocked .. is a understatement .. , riddhima was rooted at her place … While Vijay was sweating badly …

Mr. Malhotra : ” No official .. you have mistaken .. my son can never do this .. and that to why … ” asked in disbelief ..

” Because I was going to expose him .. that how low is he .. ” came a voice from behind .. revealing a person with her .. which was the most shocking .. to everyone ..

Uma : ” Va .. Vansh .. ” whispered in little joy and suprised ..

Mr. Malhotra : ” Who are you …. ( pointing to rhea ) What’s your problem with my son .. and VR you to joined her too .. ” said pointing both of them ..

Rhea : ” Sir , You won’t remember me .. but I am rhea … I used to work in your office .. While your son had a lusty glaze on me … And one day .. it was late night when your son rapped me .. and blackmailed me that he will kill my mum .. if spoke anything about this ..

And later I came to know I am pregnant .. even this ki , Vijay is going to marry Riddhima .. I couldn’t see how , her life gonna destroy .. hence I marched here yesterday morning but unfortunately Vijay came to know and kidnapped me .. while he told me that he will kill me when he would be married to her …

While he ( pointing towards Vansh ) saw me and Vijay .. And I am here just because of him .. ”

That’s was it Naina slams down thinking ” she was going to ruin her daughter’s life with her own hand ” while akash try to calm her down ..

Whereas Vansh and Riddhima ran to her .. which make a eyelock between them …

Naina ( crying ) : ” I was going to ruin my daughter’s life with my own hands .. I am sorry so sorry riddhima .. ” And joined her hand .. while riddhima shook her head in No in between her cries …

Riddhima : ” No maa .. it’s not your fault .. ” and soon she took her in her embrace , rubbing her back …

While Vansh stood up and turned towards Vijay …

Vansh : ” Official arrest him .. ” glaring Vijay .. while two of official caught the Vijay from both the sides .. whereas Mr. And Mrs. Malhotra tried to free him ..

Vijay : ” It’s not completed VR .. soon .. soon I will return .. be ready .. ” whispered Vansh , soon he was taken away …

As all thought that now everything is sort out .. but No .

Lady : ” Poor Riddhima , her marriage got broke before itself , Now who gonna marry ?? .. ” This was shocker for everyone ..

Lady 2 : ” Thakur family can’t even get a proper alliance for their daughter .. ”

But this was not enough as they were ready mock them more , All Thakur’s and Rai Singhania’s were pissed off .. And before they people could say further ..

Kabir shut their mouth…

Kabir : ” O please .. here you should be happy .. that riddhima got safe , before her life ruined .. but you all are here to just taunt .. Plz leave or I would do something .. ” said joining his hand .. While ragini ran to him ..

Soon all the guest started to leave ..



Naina and Akash room ..

Naina : ” Didi .. they all are right , we ruined her life .. now who gonna marry my daughter .. ” placing her palm on her head ..

Badima : “Calm down Naina .. we all there for her .. ”

That was the moment when Uma and Ajay enters the room ..

Uma : ” Emm .. if you all don’t mind .. can I say something .. ” said as soon she sat beside her ..

Naina : ” Yeah !! .. ” Was all she could say .. in between her sobs …

Uma : ” I want Riddhima’s hand for my son Vansh .. ” while all eyes were widen ..

Akash : ” What you are saying ?? .. ” asked in a shocker ..

Ajay : ” Yeah !! We always wanted riddhima for our Vansh .. but before us .. They kept the alliance .. and so we pulled back .. ”

Uma : ” While don’t think it’s our sympathy toward you .. No .. it’s not … You might have saw Riddhima and Vansh , their bonding .. I am sure they love each other … But not for us but for riddhima .. she will be shattered when everyone will mock her .. God never do this .. but what if she thinks to be a burden and tries to harm herself .. ” with concern ..

And before she could say further .. Naina interruptes her ..

Naina : ” No .. No .. Akash .. she can’t do anything .. plz save her .. ” said while on the verge of crying .. Whereas Akash was trying to handle her ..

Badima : ” I think we should agree for this .. Infact we know them we can trust them .. What say Akash .. ” On which they nodded ..

Uma : ” I will make Riddhima and Ajay will make Vansh , both of them down .. you all go and prepare everything .. ”



Both Riddhima and Vansh got ready for this marriage ..

Pandit was chanting the mantras .. everyone were happy except riansh …

For Vansh it’s just to make Riddhima feel safe , but for riddhima it was her family’s honour …

They love eachother , then too they won’t love each other ..

Is this a Love Marriage or Arrange Marriage ?? , Or …….

Hii !! Guys ..

Hope you like it ..

Now next phase in Rai Singhania Mansion ..

So be ready ..


I love to be like I am .. If you don't like it's your problem ..

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