A Royal Love Story (Riansh) (IMMJ 2) Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Authors pov…

Vansh : ” Now open your eyes .. ” and as soon she opens her eyes .. she was surprised to see a saree ..

Riddhima : ” Vansh when .. you .. ” she was so surprised to see a well prepared dress ..

Vansh : ” Ooho sweetheart .. Ok I can explain you.. ” , ” You better .. because from last ten minutes I was so worried but still you didn’t told me .. ” asked riddhima ..

Vansh : ” Ok so .. when you were complaining to the manager .. this saree grabbed my attention .. so just bought in the nick time .. and kept it as a surprise .. “

Riddhima : ” Hmm .. ” , then she moved to him and started beating him with her small fist .. whereas Vansh was enjoying this .. and soon Vansh pulls her to him … encircling his arms around her tiny waist .. and slammed his lips on her … Kissing her passionately ..

While rubbing and kneading her br*ast .. on which she moans .. then he started biting and chewing her lower lip .. leaving her lips .. he started kissing her collarbone ..

But as soon Riddhima came out of the trance , she pushed him ..

Riddhima ( furious ) : ” Leave me .. you cheater .. you were enjoying all this while when I was scared and nervous .. huh ?? .. Go and today don’t dare to return in my room … ” saying so she pushed him out of the room …

While he kept apologizing her , but she was hell bent on pushing him …

Vansh : ” Sweetheart .. sweet.. ” but till that the door closed with a loud bang ..

Vansh ( shout ) : ” But sweetheart my suit is in room .. ” and before he could complete ..

The door opens quickly , throwing his suit on his face .. riddhima instantly closed the door .. whereas all while Vansh was standing like statue .. digesting the act ..

As he was left with no option .. So taking a deep breath he moved towards the adjacent room ..



8 : 00 pm .. Downstairs ..

All the preparation were very well done even the guest had arrived , whole mansion was full of guests , relatives and media people .. All the media were busy in capturing the every moment .. In search of what is so special that there’s a sudden party .. And this event was shown live to all media ..

Meanwhile Thakur family too arrived at Rai Singhania Mansion ..

All the Rai Singhania’s were already dressed up .. And now main part of this reception was the arrival of riansh left .. which is unknown to all the guest ..

The reporter could not take this more , so they straightway move to The head Rai Singhania that is Ajay and Uma ..

R 1 : ” Mr. Rai Singhania , why you all returned to India after these years living in London .. ” asked the first reporter ..

R 2 : ” Ma’am where is Mr. VR , and why we have been called here on a sudden note ?? .. ” and in the same way all the reports dashed on the them nonstop ..

Kabir : ” Listen plz relax .. In a minute Bhai will be here .. till then plz maintain a distance .. ” said interrupting the reporters ..

And soon the reporter left ..

Ajay : ” Thanks my son .. there were so irritating .. ” said caressing his face ..

Kabir : ” O dad .. that’s ok ..( turning to Uma ) mum what’s about Bhai .. “

Uma : ” Arre Haan .. let me ask Sia .. “

Uma ( Whisper to Sia ) : ” Where are they ?? .. “

Sia ( whispered back ) : ” Don’t know mum … Should I call them .. “

Uma : ” yeah move .. quick hurry up .. ” Sia ran to their room , while Uma left to Naina ..



Riddhima’s pov …

Though I am angry on Vansh but whatever .. he bought the dress .. and that’s important ..

Well now I am all down .. I think he too would be ready .. I heard the knock on the door , breaking my chain of thoughts ..

” Yes .. Who’s there ?? .. ” I asked as I am wearing bangles …

” Bhabhi are you and Bhai ready .. ” came the voice , Sia .. O no .. I have to be quick ..

” Emm … Sia I and your Bhai is ready .. We will be down in five minute .. ” I said ..

She just muttered yes .. and I think left ..

But Vansh how to call him .. because I am mad at him … and if I do so .. I will directly forgive him ..

That’s when someone again knock the door … But this time it was ..

” Sweetheart are you gonna come out or not…. ” And that’s it .. I started jumping .. god you fill my wish .. but ruhi stand straight .. you have to put the poker face ..

” Yes .. ” I just spoke yes .. he need to understand I am his wife .. and prank with your wife is dangerous ..

Vansh : ” Sweetheart .. are you still mad at me .. ok leave it .. come out we have to go down .. “

I didn’t spoke anything … I with a quick step I opened the door but Before hiding my smile ..

And as soon I opened the door .. O my .. my .. he will kill me with his look .. O god what a handsome man you gave to me ..

He was talking on phone .. but he was looking so dashing ..

If I am not showing him that I am offended by him .. I would just pull him in and lash this door ..

( Badi jaldi hai 😂😂 .. riansh baby ki .. )

Vansh’s pov ..

I called her out for second time but she didn’t reply .. Is she that mad ?? .. I shouldn’t try this prank ever .. but wait it was surprise isn’t it ?? .. then why ?? ..

But then a call disturb my trance .. O it was a client .. I immediately pick up ..

I was so engaged in it that I didn’t notice that the door clicks revealing her ..

As soon I glance at her .. I froze .. Is she really there …

I again look at her .. she was looking ravish .. Plz someone pinch me … ( Let me do .. 📍) Ouch .. She is really here ..

( Actually I think it’s beautiful 🙃.. )

” What ?? .. ” came her voice ..

” Nothing .. let’s go .. ” I spoke .. while she shook her head ..

I extended her my hand .. she accepted too but rolled her eyes ..

Here I want to propose her .. but she is hell bent on ignoring me .. ” damnit .. ” I exclaimed ..

Riddhima : ” What ?? .. “

” Sweetheart there’s nothing plz let’s go .. ” I spoke trying express a smile .. but failed ..

Riddhima : ” Smile a little .. do you want that they judge our relationship .. Is our relations that worst .. ” I smiled .. she really my .. my everything ..

Riddhima : ” If you think I pardon you … Then you are wrong ..you are still out of my room .. ” Now again .. O .. girl have mood swings without periods and pregnancy too ..



Authors pov ..

Downstairs ..

Meanwhile all were busy in the chat .. And as soon Kabir and Sia saw that RiAnsh are there upstairs ..

They all took the centre of attention ..

Kabir : ” Listen .. listen everyone .. the time I , you And we waited for is completed .. “

Sia : ” Vansh Rai Singhania , The most handsome and eligible , businessman of the year , bachelor .. really Kabir Bhai bachelor ?? .. ” asked to Kabir .. this made everyone confuse ….

Kabir : ” O No Sia .. not bachelor .. because Yesterday itself the businessman of the year got married .. So let’s welcome Bhabhi or Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania .. ” while all claps there hands ..

And there comes our riansh hand in hand .. smiling at eachother while some are aww on them , while some are jealous .. while some are adorning their bond ..

Hii !! Guys ..

Hope you all like it …

Precap : ” Vansh propose “

Stay safe and continue reading my ff 😜 ..


I love to be like I am .. If you don't like it's your problem ..

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