A Special Father’s Day #Choti Sardarni #Os by #Snowflake

Hi guys, Im back with another Os!!!! This one is dedicated to all the fathers, especially mine! LOVE U DAD!


In Amritsar, Punjab, 3 children: Param, Karan and Seher were busy doing dome work on their tables.

Their mother, Meher enters.

Meher: So what are ull busy doing children?

Karan: We arent kids anymore, mom!

Seher: Yes!

(So guys, for this Os, I have taken a 10 year leap)





(Mothers n granny’s in serials never change even after 100 yrs lol)

Meher: I know kids,er..I mean…KIDS! For their parents, ull will always remain small kids!

Seher: Where is papa?? Today is such a special day…

Sarab: Welcome the king-TADA!

Seher, Karan and Param run and hug him…..


Sarab: Thank you!!!! Where are my gifts??….

Meher: C’mon Sarabjeet ji! They are not kids anymore, right?

Param: Mumma, u just said, for parents, kids are always kids…..So we planned everything today!

Karan gives him a gift:

Param too:

Sarab: Thanks for the keychain Karan and for the wallet Param…..And Seher?

Meher nods her head in disapproving nod.

Seher: Papa! These ppl bought readymade stuff, I made mine special for u! Bcuz I love u the most!

She gives him some photo frames:

Sarab: All ur childhood pics! Wow Seher, So thoughful!

Seher: What will u do with artificial gifts, at least u can stare at us all day!

They all laugh and proceed to have breakfast.

Later in the day, they decide to plan a surprise for Sarab.

Seher: Let us cut a cake

Karan: No, that’s too basic…We will have a dinner party

Param: We do that all the time, Lets watch a movie!

Seher: No, I don’t like movies, Cake only!

Karan: No! Dinner!!

(They all fight like kids)

Meher comes there….

She tells them something quietly.


Sarab is relaxing on his sofa .

Suddenly all the kids come n blindfold him.

Sarab: What are ull doing?!

Seher: Come with us!

Sarab: I’ll fall!

Karan: We r catching u come!

They take him in the garden. And open his blindfold…..

They tell him their plan. It turned out that they planned to have dinner, Cut a cake AND watch a movie, all put in place by Meher!

Sarab: Oh My gosh! Ull r making me emotional…..I just have nothing to say…Thank you’ll so much!

Param: Papa, we have to thank you. Here is a small speech by us…

We are lucky to have you in our lives. And we just want to say, THANK YOU. We remember all those adventures, funny moments n sorrows. We are always together in everything. I have to say that we don’t always follow directions, and when things do not go the way you planned you laugh it out and forgive us. U r the best dad in the world. Thank you so much for everything. WE LOVE U!

                -From Param, Karan and Seher.

Sarab gets emotional and hugs them.

Sarab: Thank ull kids, for being my life, ull mean everything to me! I love ull!

Meher: (clears her throat): And me?

They giggle n share a family hug.

Meher: Lets continue the program, Kids?

Karan: Mumma, not kids, Please!

Param: Let it be Karan!

Seher: Haha….Yes…..Now Dinner time!

They all have dinner laughing n enjoying the cool night breeze. Later they sing n cut a cake. They all have fun eating it too.

Param: Ok papa, one last surprise…

Sarab: How many more surprises?!

Param: Last one!

He bring a projector n starts a movie.

Sarab: Yes! I love movies! Meher ji hasn’t shown me a movie in ages!

Meher: Why are u blaming me?! Huh!

They watch Angrezi Medium(which is quite emotional)

The movie is finally comes to an end. All of them stand up, and turns out that Sarab and Seher are fast asleep!

Meher: Like father, like daughter!

They all giggle n wake them up.

Seher: Oops, Sorry guys!

Sarab: I’m sorry too! Anyways I’m really feeling sleepy lets go to sleep!

Sarab rushes in his room to go to sleep.

Karan: Papa, where r u running??

Sarab: What do u mean?!

Meher: He means that tonight, we r sleeping together!

Karan: Yes, Mumma! Papa, today u have to share ur bed!

Sarab: Ummmm…ok….Fine!

They giggle at Sarab’s reluctance.

They all go and sleep together dreaming of the wonder full memories. As for Sarab, he was already snoring away… That night was indeed a special father’s day….


That’s it guys, hope ull liked it…. And yes, Happy father’s day to all the fathers out there! It was indeed difficult to find those pics…….Tell me how u guys liked it n do share it as well. Till next time take care, bye!




Sapne mein chahe jitni bhi taqleefein ho ... aankh khulte hi sari taqleefein mitt jaati hai♥️

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