A trip that changed my life (IKRS)- Episode 2

Hello lovely people? I m very sorry for not posting yesterday, actually I had gone out so couldn’t post.. I m very glad with ur response but sorry for not replying to each one of u..

If u missed the last part here’s the link?

Today’s episode?

All are busy talking but there is one person who is standing and looking at his lady love. He is our Viplav Tripathi.
Viplav is staring lovingly at Dhaani who is busy talking with the guests.. But then he is disturbed by his friend, Raj who pats him and makes him come to the real world..
Raj- Looking at Bhabhiji??
Viplav(stammers)- No..no..wh..why I will look at her??
Raj(smiles)- Accha leave it, now I will ask u a question and u have to answer it, okay?
Viplav(curious)- What’s the question? Raj(says softly)- Have u proposed Dhaani di?
Viplav stays silent..
Raj- No na, I knew it. Then..
Viplav(interrupts)- Then? What then? Do u want me to propose her here, in front of everybody??
Raj(smiles)- Ha, pyaar kiya toh darna kya??
Viplav- I don’t think she loves me..
Raj(shocked)- What? How can a girl not love so handsome, good looking boy??
Viplav- See Raj, she has agreed for the marriage just because of kaki, now how can we tell if she really loves me, maybe she sees just as her friend! And what if she is hurt if I propose her?
Raj- Accha baba, at least u can have a romantic dance with her na..
Viplav(shocked)- What? Here?? In front of everyone??
Raj- Come on yaar, u are a man, be like a man… And u r Viplav Tripathi, my friend.. At least don’t spoil my reputation.. And think, Dhaani di will be so happy..
Viplav- Okay…
Raj(hugs him)- Thank u so much..

On the other hand,
Rajlakshmi comes to Raj..
Rajlakshmi(says softly)- plan worked??
Raj- How could it not work? After all, it was my plan..
Rajlakshmi- Oh hello, it was my plan..
Raj- Who said it was ur plan? It was my plan..
Rajlakshmi- Shut up, it was my plan..
Raj- My plan..
Rajlakshmi- My plan..
And they both start fighting..
Suwarna comes there and sees them fighting.
Suwarna- stop fighting yaar, its not the time to fight.. There Viplav is going to Dhaani for the dance and here u both are fighting..
Rajlakshmi- See na Suwarna, he only started..
Raj- No, u started..
Suwarna(shouts)- Stop it.. And both of u come with me..
They all go and stand near Dulaari and Kanak..
Dulaari(whispers to Suwarna)- Plan worked??
Suwarna- Ha kaki, Viplav is going to Dhaani..
Kanak(smiles)- Good job..
Raj- I hope Dhaani di agrees..
Rajlakshmi- How will she not agree?? She will have to agree for Viplav…
The episode ends..

Precap- A romantic dance?

Sorry for the same precap, I had to mention all these scenes to show that all are working to unite our ViDha? Bye bye? Meet u in the comment section…


Hey guys! Myself Mariyam or u can say Louella.. I m a die hard fan of the serial IKRS?

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