A Twist In Tale (A RiAnsh fan fiction) Episode 1

hi guys. ,,

So here is the 1st episode of my FF






A new morning and a new journey bigins .


Riddhima was getting ready  to go to her work she was in a hurry as she was getting late .

Just then,

Sejal: riddhu at least have your breakfast and then you can leave.


Riddhima: no yaar Sejal I am getting very late today evening there is a beach party and I have to arange it, and also the owner of the party is VR.. I have heard that he is very arrogant and does not like anything which is not perfect so I hve to be careful so I have to go.  Ok bye.


Saying so she left having some decorative items and while talking in the phone with the event manager she was crossing the road And a car was heading towards her without noticing the car she  walked ahead and the car was going to hit her, she saw it and dropped the decorative items and the car turned and stopped beside the road.

She went towards the car and saw a man coming out. The man saw Riddhima and was starring her Bcoz he was mesmerized by her.

Riddhima(to the man): have you lost your mind how can you be so irresponsible while driving. It could have hitted me and I could have died..

The man: oh I was talking in my phone.. Waise you  are also responsible for this accident as you were also talking in phone..

Riddhima: what even you should be careful. You know because of you I dropped my decoration on the road and even I am an party planner. I have to do the decoration for the party of VR.


The man(in shock): Oh so you are the party planner of VR’s party.(.in mind does she even know that whose party is she going to arrange that party’s owner is in front of her) ,smirks..


Riddhima(In anger): ya, you even know that who is VR I have heard that he is very arrogant and wants every thing parfect in a party and b’coz of you all the decorations is spoiled.

Waise do you know who is VR ??


the man (in mind) she is asking to VR that who is VR wow man..

The man: oh calm down lady, no I don’t know who is VR. Waise my name is vansh.


Riddhima: And myself Riddhima ( they both shake hands.


Vansh: vaise I can help you pick up the decor if you need so..


Riddhima: ok you can but you have to even drop me to the place where I want to go and you can’t skip.


Vansh: ( murmurs) she is asking her boss to drop her to the party’s place.


Riddhima: did you said anything??


Vansh: no nothing.


Riddhima: so you have to drop me.ok?


Vansh: intresting very interesting., So you are bossing me..?


Riddhima: ya so ?


Vansh: ok so let’s go .


Riddhima: ok


They sat in the car and vansh was driving. And he started the conversation.,


Vansh: have you ever met or seen VR ?


Riddhima: no


Vansh:so how do you know that he is arrogant and deciplined??


Riddhima: just heard somewhere and I have even heard that he is very ride and he has very much attitude also . But why are you asking about it ??


Vansh: just simply.. (to himself: oh god now when she will come to know that I am her boss how will she digest it.?)

Thinking so he smirked..

After some time they reached their destination which was the beach. And vansh helped Riddhima in taking the decor out of the car.

Just then the manager came and said


Manager: good morning sir.


Vansh: good morning manager.


Riddhima thought that the manager and vansh are friends so they greeted each other.. so she said bid good bye to vansh and started doing her work .


in the evening when every thing was done . The manager came and appreciated her work .


When the party bigins she was very nervous as she was waiting for the owner (VR) to come.

Just then the manager went on the stage and took the Mike and said.


Manager: ladies and gentlemen so now please welcome the great business tycoon VR or the great Vansh Rai Singhania.

Vansh came to the stage amd the bgm plays..


Riddhima was shell shocked as she saw the man whom she bossed in the marning was her own boss. ..


End of the episode

Hope you liked it.


Precap : vansh met Riddhima in the back room of stage and they had a long talk…,

Job offered to Riddhima.



Thank you every one..










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