Categories: Aankh Micholi

Aankh Micholi 4th April 2024 Written Episode Update: Sumedh refuses to Malhar’s offer

Aankh Micholi 4th April 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Sumedh seeing Rukmani in the mirror and smiling. Kesar looks on. He shaves his beard and gets a cut. Kesar jokes on him. She asks Rukmani to get haldi for Sumedh’s wound. Rukmani goes. Malhar looks on. She gets the haldi. He says Sumedh is your husband, apply the haldi. Rukmani sits. Sumedh applies the haldi himself. Malhar smiles. Kesar and Rukmani go to buy the vegetables. Kesar asks what else do we have to buy. Rukmani tells the things. Kesar says good, you have good memory, take the vegetables, I will just come. Malhar pulls Rukmani aside. He says I know, you still love me. She is shocked.

She asks did you get mad, how dare you hold my hand. He says I have made a mistake to let you go. She says I m married. He asks are you lying to yourself, this sindoor and mangalsutra

are a drama, I know Sumedh didn’t touch you, you had hidden the bedding from me, you forgot I m an IPS officer, I observe things, you didn’t let Sumedh come close, this proves you love me.

She says I just hate you, Sumedh loves you a lot, you are thinking of yourself. Malhar says I love him a lot, I know you can never give him love, I have the right on it, you only love me. She asks him to stop nonsense. Kesar calls her out. Malhar says please listen to me. Rukmani goes to Kesar. Kesar says you didn’t take grocery, its okay, come. Malhar says you have to answer me.
Rukmani comes home. Shivani and Bhavin talk about Malhar and Rukmani. Malhar comes and says I need to talk about Sumedh and you, come fast. Rukmani worries. Malhar says Sumedh is getting a chance to show his talent in Mumbai, he can go to Mumbai and open a tea brand, they are offering 50% partnership, Sumedh will become rich, I want to see him become rich. He thinks sorry, Rukmani will never accept my love in your presence, you have to go away from her, I will explain you everything later. Kesar says you have just thought of us, its time, you think for your family, I will be glad if you progress, Rukmani will go to Mumbai with you.

Malhar says housing will be expensive there, Rukmani should stay here. Kesar asks Sumedh to decide, do you want to go. Sumedh hugs Malhar and says you just think about my happiness, nothing can give me happiness that I go away from family, I can stay here and expand my shop to earn money, someone has to be here. Malhar says yes, how can someone think so, but Kesar said its time we do something for you, I will handle things here, I will support you.

Rupal says they just got married, it won’t be good if they get away. Rupal and Shivani have a talk. Sumedh goes to Rukmani. She says sorry, I didn’t see you. He helps her in work. He asks are you upset with me. She asks why. He says your permission is necessary, sorry to decide it alone, I just want Kesar’s happiness. She smiles. She says Sumedh gives much imp to his family, I have to tell him the truth about Malhar and me. Kesar says we are going out, Sumedh is at the store, you can go to him if you need anything. Rukmani thinks to tell the truth to Sumedh.
Malhar asks Rukmani to sign the divorce papers and leave. She stops him. Sumedh asks her what is it. He gets the divorce papers. He says maybe our fate don’t want us to stay together.

Update Credit to: Amena


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