Aap Ke Aa Jaane Se 31st August 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com
Bhoomi was trying Sahil’s number when Vaidika appears at the main door holding Sahil. She says Sahil came home, he was drunk and will be fine if he sleeps. She only brought her husband. Bhoomi supports Sahil. Vaidika tells her to give him some water, this way he will have lesser head ache. She thanks Bhoomi for taking care of not only Sahil but also Aarya and her mother for five years. Whatever happened then twisted their lives, but one day she will surely share the reasons with all of them. She is happy that Bhoomi has made a beautiful family for herself, Ved is a cute child. She, Sahil and Ved made a perfect family. Tear fill both’s eyes. Bhoomi was upset what’s happening, Sahil went to Vaidika’s house and Vaidika is discussing about Ved. What if Vaidika finds that Ved is her son; Sahil is already in love with Vaidika. She must not decide what to do to strengthen her position in their lives.
Vaidika comes to hire an auto. She thinks about the sindoor and mangal sooter of Bhoomi. Manish meets Vaidika then. Vaidika asks Manish about his ex-wife. Manish asks her to stay for a while and she can meet his ex-here. Vaidika was in a hurry as her daughter was at a friend’s house. She hires an auto and leaves. Gauri comes to meet Manish then. Manish notices a bruise over Gauri’s arm and was furious over Deepak. Gauri complains that it was Manish who never trusted her, she has now remarried and can’t return to him. She doesn’t hold enough courage to go against the society and her family. Manish was determined to make it happen, he even knew who could help them.
It was morning. Ved asks everyone in the family to tie a Rakhi to him. Nani questions Ved if they must change the rituals for him? Sahil and Bhoomi come downstairs. Gauri tie Rakhi to Sahil. Then Prachi take her turns. Sahil distribute gifts to all of them. Ved asks who would tie Rakhi to him. Sahil says Aarya would to it. Bari Amma and Puneesh were visibly upset. Bari Amma snatch the plate off Aarya’s hand, she questions if Aarya is a family member? Sahil has favored the daughter of a murderer, but they can’t anymore fall her reflection shadow Ved’s life. Aarya begins to cry as Bari Amma accuses them to live on their money for free. Puneesh tells Sahil that Bari Amma is right, Deepak also seconds Puneesh and Bari Amma. Sahil wipes Aarya’s tears and questions the family if they are done? Are they worried that he spends a lot over Aarya? They can change it, he claims to be Aarya’s guardian from today. She will be legally his responsibility and hold a right over everything he owns. He was ready to meet Vaidika Agarwal and get everything signed from her. All the property named after him will be divided in two, his son Ved and daughter Aarya.
At the Raksha Bandhan ceremony, the clinic celebrated the event and had invited everyone who was a parent because of their clinic’s services. Maya thanks Vaidika for accompanying her here. Vaidika asks Maya if she spoke to Vikram about Anjana’s case. Maya assures Vikram would surely tell them when he finds something. The doctor comes to meet Vaidika, greets her and introduces her to everyone. She inquires about her son. Vaidika replies she had a daughter, not son. The doctor says their records mention Vaidika had a son. Vaidika requests to check the records.
Deepak comes to the room and tells Gauri how everyone will get their share in the property except them. Its her responsibility to bear a son for him. Gauri forbids him to even touch her. He can’t force her to any relation now. She was told she gave to a deceased child five years ago but now records were shown. Her heart accepts her child is alive, and till she finds her child she won’t bear another.
Vaidika and Maya check the records which stated the birth of a boy. Vaidika thinks this means she gave birth to a son five years ago and Sadika isn’t her daughter.
PRECAP: Vaidika vows to go to any extent to protect Sadika. Now she will do what she didn’t intend to. She reach Agarwal house and claims that her husband had more right than anyone else over the house. She and Sadika will live here from now on.
Update Credit to: Sona
I just don’t get why Gauri’s husband living with her in her maternal family house. Usually when woman gets married she leaves her home 2 her husband’s home but her husband is living of of her family’s money and living there 4 free what more can he want. What happened 2 Gauri’s in laws and why she isn’t living with them? I just hope Bhoomi won’t loose Ved, she loves him so much and loosing would be worst than death 4 her. She has sacrificed a lot and it isn’t far just 2 let her suffer. I hope Sahil overcomes his obsession 4 Vedika because Bhumi is really damn great las and deserves 2 be loved. Even if the writters turn her negative I don’t blame her
Nice epi…
Gauri got a good atti…
Can’t say about the preap..
Only vedhika will know the truth everytime and Sahil will always be kept in the dark..Fa a change, let Sahil come to know of all the truth..things will change..
Agree with you Santana Russo ,even I love Bhoomi’s character..and Ved shouldn’t be taken away from her …Ved is already five and the only mother he knows is Bhoomi.It will be quite traumatic for him to accept someone else as his mother even if it is his biological mother…..Regarding Sahil ,he can not love anyone else other than Vedika and Vedika also loves him… Better Bhoomi unite both of them as hers is only one sided love….But is it so easy for everyone to be saintly and have a big heart..Even I won’t blame if she is turned negative….If we have to be fair to Bhoomi, we must accept that it was Sahil who made the blunder of marrying her,fully aware that she started liking him….She never asked him to marry her…Infact objected also..Now after five years of sharing one roof with him and giving a mother’s love to Ved, Bhoomi can not be expected to be get lost just because the circumstances have changed and Vedika is proved innocent…..Even Vedika didn’t say anything that day in the jail with regard to her innocence,as she wanted to save her unborn baby from the threats of the inspector…….but how is Bhoomi responsible for BA ‘s hatred against Vedika and Vedika’s helplessness…..why should she suffer now after doing everything for Sahil that a life partner is supposed to do.There is nothing wrong if she feels jealous of Vedika because she too loves Sahil now …But without mutual love no marriage sustains,,,,so ultimately Bhoomi will have to leave Sahil because he doesn’t love her….but married her without loving her…I am sorry Naz to say this ….but what does he think ….does he think that only his love for Vedika is great and he only feels hurt….If so, he shouldn’t have given a chance to another girl to fall in love with him.I agree that it was not his fault that Bhoomi wanted to help him as a friend and even started liking him later….But I do blame him for marrying her and raising hopes in her…Anyways this is a very tricky situation and I don’t have any idea how the writers are going to unite Sahil and Vedika without doing injustice to Bhoomi…But we all know this is not possible …in a love triangle ,someone has to suffer..and it is better one suffers instead of three….If Bhoomi stays married to Sahil ,all the three will suffer…So better Bhoomi be contended with Ved and unite Sahil and her sister..
Naz,you know why I am feeling so bad for Bhoomi….and the introduction of this character has raised a storm in my friend!’s married life….Radhika’s frustration ,which has been dormant all these years ,is finding voice now and Sid has nothing to say except for the excuse that he had told her much before their marriage that she would just be mother to her twin sister’s daughter and not expect anything from him….Last week end they came over here for dinner,and had a big argument right in front of us which I have never seen in all these years…And Radhika opened up her heart to me later in privacy which was terrible and pathetic…I feel like talking to Sid as a friend but I don’t know if I should interfere in their personal life ….Anyways this story is an exact replica of a real one …the only difference iis unlike Vedika ,Radha was just 20 and died three years after her marriage due to post delivery complications and she was a lovely wife to Siddharth …
Sorry bout ur friend read about it before but didnt comment. Hope u dont find im bein fast and outta place but in ur friends situation siddarth lost his wife to death she isnt coming back unlike vedika and rhadika im sure is a wonderful person and taking very gd care of his child and seeing dat he should make some kinda consession and give her a place in his heart. Its not easy sacrificing ur own happiness and dreams for someone else but ur friend did it and I believe siddarth should really try to c where dis can go unless he plans on being with someone else. Ur friend deserves to b happy and if she can sacrifice (although im sure she doesnt c takin care of her sister child a sacrfice he should appreciate her uniqeness and allow growth in their marriage. At some point its time to move on and let others in and siddarth needs to make dat move to have harmony in his home. Ur friend is human and has feelings and maybe talkin to u or someone else just might make him see tings in a different light. And c tings from her perspective. Being with someone yet being lonely isnt healthy for either of dem but makin room and relying on each other can make their lifes so much better. Yes he would never stop love his deceased wife but im sure theres place in his heart to love another if hes willing to let himself be happy and not feel as if hes betraying his dead wife
i m not sure whether vedika really loves sahil or not…she never cared about him..
when yash forced her for marriage ..she was the one to keep this marriage deal a secret from sahil ….and if she really loves sahil then she shouldn’t have agreed to beget an heir for yash ….plus even after the doc told her that yash cant become a father she was the one who insisted on getting pregnant that’s just so ridiculous ..and i cant forgive vedika for this disgusting decisions of her..that was cheap and gross …and still the makers thinks sadika will work ..really ??? now this stupid leap … .and ….even when she was in jail she still had the chance to tell sahil the truth …and he would have definitely saved her..but she never trusted him…after she ran away with the baby ..she tried to contact arya so many times..but did she ever tried to contact sahil to tell him the truth …no she didn’t ..for these past five years sahil was hurting so much from inside …but she never felt bad for him….all decisions taken by vedika was full of stupidity and the person who suffered the most is sahil ….
the makers r the most stupid in the whole planet …this serial shows that u should never fall in love with and older woman or else u will have to suffer for the rest of ur life…
isnt this show was about vedika fighting for her love to…she always fight whenever its about her children’s that means sahil was never there ..sadika was only sahil’s imagination
and i hate this baccha stuff that means vedika never had the guts to accept her love for him without baccha ..that means if sahil wasn’t the donor of her …then it would have been the end of this story ..kyunki koi story thi hi nahi ..
and still the makers r too overconfident that this whole nonsense track will work ….
I agree with all all you that Vedika did wrong to Sahil but she was protecting Sahil and his family. Bhoomi staying with Sahil was her choice. Sahil did something in anger but when he realise he did give her the choice to walk away and she did not. She knew what she was letting herself into and accepted the consequence. But holding on to some else child is wrong specially when the child was snatch from their birth mother.
How the writers is going to solve this situation is a mystery to all of us. But with Vetika moving back in Agarwal house I think she will get close to Ved as Ved is already a fan of hers At some point BA with put a food wrong and blurr out the truth I think.
Sahil hatred for Vetika is justified but I do hope that we could see our hero romantic side again.
I like the new going Gauri. I cannot imagine her joy upon finding out that Vedika has brought up her daughter. I feel that Vedika will help her getting back with her ex husband with will no doubt angered the rest of the Agarwal.
i know she married yash ..since he blackmailed her ..but he never threatened her to hid the truth of this marriage …2nd thing did she get pregnant for sahil???…sorry but the moment she decided to get pregnant was the point where i lost all respect for her character …
she has done a lot like ..she deceived sahil into marrying nidhi ..she didnt trusted sahil regarding nidhi preg ..then arya mms , slapped sahil out of misunderstanding many times, she got engaged with yash out of anger , ….then marrying yash without telling sahil the reason.. that means she didnt trusted him that he will do something …till here i was upset with her decisions …but never felt disgusted with her character ….but now i dont respect her …and instead of correcting things they showed everything as god desire …why they never showed that courageous vedika who can fight for her love too and has the guts to express her love for sahil …she has always fought for her children/s very bravely …but why not sahil …?
as for bhoomi i know she will out …they will turn her negative …but in the process she will loose many things …sahil’s frndship, trust , ved and her marriage too…i just dont want bhoomi to do the same thing as nidhi did ….pretending to spend the night with sahil and then telling him that i m preg with ur child …
A mother will always b a mother and if a mother thinks someone did someting to hurt her child even if she luvs dat person she will show her angst. Yash was hurtin d ppl dat she cared about so yes she married him to save dem and give dem back wat she believes r theirs and telling sahil would defeat d purpose of wat she was trying to do. But once she married him she wanted to give d marriage a chance just dat yash was full of hate and revenge dat she couldnt care for him at all. As for her begettin a child…yash was her husband and he was dying so all one can feel is empathy for a life cut short and all he wanted was someone to carry on his name being his wife she had d power to do so and decided to. Bad decision maybe but remember here was a woman fighting her feelings for someone she considers unattainable in HER society, we all know dat an older woman younger man is taboo in our society and many myself included would think 100 times before going with someone younger much less half my age. Its not only d society but also ur upbringin and values. As for boomi there was never any doubt in her mind bout sahils love for vedika and wen she was given d out she didnt take it. Yes she raised ved as her own but hes not hes vedikas child and he was stolen from her she never abandoned him and no mother should have dat happen to dem. In life theres never any black or white situations but alot of shades of grey so we make mistakes, hide our feelings, do gd do bad , take chances and sometimes let it all slip through our fingers…its called being human.
Makino ,if the writers follow logic they should n’t transform Bhoomi into another Nidhi…. we all know there is a sea of difference between Bhoomi and Nidhi…. Bhoomi as a person is being portrayed as good and decent while Nidhi is exactly her opposite….Bhoomi,like any normal human ,may become jealous but can never become mean like Nidhi….She can never stoop down to such low levels,and if the writers change her into one ,just to gain the viewers’ sympathy for Vedika,then they will be demeaning this lovely character that they themselves have created….A person with all good virtues like Bhoomi ,going down the hill all of a sudden and do cheap things like Nidhi ,will be unreasonable and totally disappointing…As for Bhoomi holding on to another’s child ,….we all know that she had not volunteered or rather no need to become a mother to her sister’s baby ,,,,if I remember correctly she was not even ready to believe that her sister had actually abandoned the new born and even hesitated to take Ved’s responsibility but B.A was smart enough to convince not only Bhoomi but Sahil as well…..Isn’t it but natural that one gets attached while bringing up a baby and becoming his mother for the first five formative years….Another disappointing aspect is the writers’ lack of respect for the institution of marriage and the sanctity of rituals….Filling Maang with sindhoor seems to have become a joke ….First ,Sahil’s blood accidentally falls on Vedika’s forehead forming the sindhoor ,but Vedika coolly wipes it away and marries Yash…..Then he intentionally fills Bhoomi ‘s Maang with his blood out of sheer anger ,then realises his folly and gives her a choice to walk out if she wants to ……Marriage and its rituals are nothing but the culmination of a couple’s love into a more beautiful bond….If Sahil had no intention of giving a chance to Bhoomi as a life partner ,he shouldn’t have even entertained this idea because marriage is not just for fun sake …It is rather a milestone in every person’s life….Even I don’t have much respect for Vedika because she has neither respected nor responded to Sahil’s love and this tricky triangular love situation is her doing only…
Anyways today we have celebrated Krishna Janmasthami festival here in India …this festival elucidates the beautiful bond between Krishna and Yashoda,Krishna’s foster mother whose love for Krishna is legendary… …..Ofcourse ,he too had to leave her after the revealation of the truth and go back to his biological mother ,Devaki…but she could never take Yashoda’s place in Krishna’s heart …. Bhoomi is Ved’s Yashoda MA and I hope atleast he won’t be snatched from her…
true they have made a mockery of sacred hindu marriages….zee tv has ruined the whole show …with multiple marriage stuff …but see they have experimented with this show not other’s becoz of the trp …only this is the show where the leads r married to random persons except with EO..they never showed any proper punishment to criminals….attempt to rape , molestation, child mms , murder , marital rape …so it means the even after committing such a heinous crime..the criminal can easily get away with that …plus i m sick with the illogical things in this show…
i really hope bhoomi doesnt turns out to be a replica of nidhi …and yes as for ved i hope so he wont be snatched away …i still have a doubt will they show vedika getting preg normally ..since i have always thought it will be a good track ..how sahil taking care of her and the complications faced at 40+ age ..i dont think so we will see any of it now ..plus i hope they dont turn it like real radha krishna …they never got married ….since sahil always talking about it …since the director of bodhi house (PH of apke) sukesh motwani said in his article that viewers dont expect sadika to get married soon…this article came when before they showed yash and vedika marriage .,…
Hi Lakshmi… Sorry for the late comment…. I went up the islands on Friday but more precisely St Kitts, to watch one of the games in the CPL tournament, my team TKR won so my trip wasn’t wasted and I couldn’t wait to come home to read in solitude, more specifically the updates and I must say… WOW…. We know things don’t stick here but I didn’t expect Vedika to get this eye opening news so early and maybe I shouldn’t complain because we know how these writers have a penchant for dragging plots till we swear our grey hairs has multiplied, so I’m happy that she got the news, however, I think that the scene was rather rushed, the doctor just dropped the news like a hot potato and Vedika rushed to find the evidence. So… Where do things go from here? Everyoneon the forum has comprehensively outlined every angle, what more should I add!! Did I conjugate that verb correctly?? Has.. Have?? Lakshmi… You see how the writers pens could make or break a story!! Bhoomi is a lovely character and she would have made Sahil a perfect wife but Vedika is a numeral in this equation and without her,the problem wouldn’t be solved. With me also, Vedika has fallen before my eyes the day she got Nidhi married to Sahil and her subsequent foolishness surrounding Yash made me think that she doesn’t deserve to be loved so deeply Sahil if loved at all. I have never seen a woman push back on love like she did. What a fool. Now that she knows she’s the mother of Sahil’s son, does it give her the right to come now and upset Sahil’s and Bhoomi’s life?? I really feel for Bhoomi and I wonder how Vedika is going to be towards her now that she’s going to move back in the Agarwal’s mansion. Whatever is going to happen from now on, for sure Vedika and Sahil are going to be in close proximity to each other and for sure Sahil is going to be drawn inexorably towards her within these close confines. I foresee Sadika moments coming soon and oh my…they have amazing chemistry, however, Bhoomi is going to get hurt and it isn’t not possible that she becomes villian in the very near couple episodes, although she doesn’t really have grounds for becoming so because Sahil has never encouraged her or shown her any romantic inclinations, she knew where she stands in this marriage and you mentioned that marriage rituals have become a mockery, so true, one one hand the blood of Sahil in Vedika’s maang was frivolously dismissed by her but the the same blood in Bhoomi’s maang was worthy enough for her to be tied in marital bond with Sahil..double standards here huh…if I remember correctly, didn’t BA brusquely remind Bhoomi to make Sahil fall for her, that she got them married abroad and hopes for them to be a normal married couple?? On a more personal note… My heart goes out to Radhika.. She’s really like Bhoomi..trapped in a loveless marriage and I can imagine how painful this story is for her but I guess she’ll continue watching because she would hope to see a fictional story which epitomizes her real pain, working out in a positive way, even though hers wouldn’t. Most of these logical stories like this one and even others, has events which reminds us of someone, something, somewhere in time..which brings back the memories we thought we had forgotten… You know enough about me to know what I’m talking about…Radhika wouldn’t forget and I wouldn’t either.. Love is the best feeling in this world and Siddharth is doing an injustice to the woman who has stood by him. If we were to spend one moment of our life with someone, we would create a memory.. Radhika has spent so many with her husband, I can only imagine. Siddharth’s oblivion is his ignorance and it’s not healthy for him to be living in the past. I know they come to have coffee with you in your home and that would have been a good place to start but if you were to broach this topic, I can’t predict his response and suggesting counseling at this late in life, I don’t think he’ll want anyone trying to peek into his shuttered mind. If he doesn’t think he needs to wake up and seek help and live life, he wouldn’t unless HE makes the effort, as I see it, you’ll be risking your friendship with him for the love of helping Radikha.. Which is more important.. Your friendship with Siddharth or the pain which Radhika bears?? Chat tomorrow sis….going to make small contributions on the other forums and then it’s bed time for me, I’m tired ????
hi Leisa S Morris ur r right about that this kind of love r quite unacceptable in our society …i know but since after watching the initial promos and launch intv’s.. i thought this show was about correcting those thing which is already happening in our society …taking it step by step by …since tv is a medium which reaches to the masses i think we should consider what the show is about and what kind of message it should deliver…and we r well aware of what is already happening in our indian society ..but through this show they were supposed to make an effort to question those things and point out it very well and how the current stereotypes values should be changed …
sorry but that’s why i m nt convinced with you ans…… as i praised vedika for being so brave regarding protecting her children’s since that’s what parents do….
as for begetting an heir …it was a wrong decision …1st yash wanted his heir ..that means a child which is his direct bloodline to carry on his name since yash cant have kids normally neither as becoming a donor ,…vedika still agreed do get preg with the help of another donor.. so how does that child is related to yash bloodline ??and how does she knows that the she will have a baby boy …?? also she said to yash that his wife’s child will be his child …so then arya is there then why he need another heir….and also if we consider the bloodline isn’t saumya would have been a better choice ….and more importantly to raise a kid both the parent love is required …its not justifiable for the kid …to have a kid is easy but to raise him is difficult …plus IVF is not a joke the chances to get preg via IVF is very low rd 3%…and u go through a lot …
and as for marriage with yash telling sahil would not defeat the purpose ….becoz finding a solution for a problem till the end is different…and giving up easily is different…
and she did manage to save sahil’s life without giving up ..from gautam and pandey .. ..specially from gatuam’s sinister intention …
since marriage is not a joke and as u said she wanted to give her marriage a chance so that means u wont regret it later ?,.. then why she was regretting getting married to yash ??? if u have seen the ep after yash death where vedika went to MH she was regretting every decision she took since it hurted the person who loves her the most…not only then but while doing parikrama to bring sahil back from coma
for vedika its not easy to express her love .. …since there is always a battle going inside her about what is right….since u do consider society values too…but making foolish decisions doesn’t make u right either ….