Fan Fiction

Abhi & Pragya Eternal Love Episode 35

Hi guys..I wanna clear onething abt yesterday’s episode..Its not abt separating them it’s just a fact on the situation everyone ll think like them I just wanna show that clearly..the story line is not to hurt anyone..Let’s get into the story..
Abhi Whr r u man come soon to our cafe immediately,Purab said Abhi on phone.Abhi asks,Y just now I came from office u can’t even stay away from me for half an hour within that u r calling me again..I’m tired so I wanna sleep.Purab says,Abhi be serious just come immediately it was like ur weekly get together.Abhi asks,Usually v ll meet on Sundays na today is Saturday.Purab says,Abhi..,in a stern voice.Abhi says,okay..I ll come n ends the call n thinks,I didn’t talk with fuggi for a week na that’s y this ll b her she gonna dare I was angry so I didn’t speak with her.. atleast she could try to speak with me she didn’t..Are yaar..she was also anger on me ryt then how ll she try to speak with me..anyways let’s see n left to cafe.Tanu Nikkil and Purab was waiting for Abhi.Abhi came thr n sees them n sat with them.Tanu was looking tensed.Purab was in peak of nervousness.

Abhi asks,Wht happened y u r so dull..and Tanu Whr is ur frnd..she didn’t came today..we ll usually meet on Sundays na whts the change in schedule this time.Tanu shouts,Wht happened that day Abhi.Abhi jerked n asks,Why u r shouting like this.Nikkil says,Calm down Tanu.Tanu shouts,I won’t..coz of him I lost my best friend.Abhi was scared to death n asks,Wht happened.Purab asks,Wht happened on that day Abhi.Abhi panicks n asks,Purab Whr is Bulbul.Purab says,She didn’t wanna come here hereafter.Abhi asks,Wht happened..Whr is Pragya.Tanu’s eyes was now filled with tears.Abhi shouts,Wht the hell is happening here.. what happened to Pragya.Purab gave him a letter.Abhi gazed Purab with a scared look n took that letter he opens it.His lips muttered the words that written on the center of the sheet,Im sorry for troubling u..Sorry for pressurising u..sorry and thanks for everything wht u had done to me..I won’t be a obstacle for u and ur future..My best wishes for u..And Good bye..
Abhi’s hand started to shiver.Tanu asks,See..she left us.. can’t u both sole the problem y u let her to go.Abhi asks,Purab it’s a prank ryt..Fuggi is making prank on me n u r bagging her side na.. don’t play such pranks if I lose my temper I don’t know what i ll do..just stop this my fuggi n ask her to come..wait I ll call her..wht the hell prank is this..wait I ll show her who I’ saying this he dialed her number..but the response was switched off.Abhi says,Purab ask Bulbul to come here.Purab says,I called her but she didn’t want to come here.Abhi asks,I don’t know..she should come here ryt now.Purab nods n calls Bulbul n ask her to come to cafe but she refused anyhow Purab convinced her n made her to come to the cafe.

After an half an hour,Bulbul came thr.Purab makes him to sit n gave her water.Abhi noticed she was exhausted n her eyes was swelled n thr r tears trails in her cheek.Purab asks Bulbul,Wht happened Whr is Pragya.Bulbul starts to cry again that makes Abhi’s blood cold.Abhi asks,Whr is fuggi..Is she fine.Bulbul says,Jij..she stopped the word Jiju n says,U only know wht happened btwn u both but di is now not with us.Abhi asks,Wht do u mean.Bulbul says,Last Sunday after our meeting,Di told me she wanna leave Delhi for an interview.Maa asks,Is Tanu also coming with her but di said no Tanu was in her native.. so maa said okay..she leaves to Delhi..She didn’t return in two v called all her frnds in Delhi n inquired abt di but all said di didn’t came thr.We all r shocked..then yesterday i got this letter beneath my pillow..di had written on that to give this to u..then I started to search for any letters r thr..then v found this letter beneath maa’s pillow..n took a letter from her bag n gave it to Abhi.Abhi hurrily opened the letter n read,Maa..I’m sorry I can’t stay in this city anymore..I didn’t want to marry anyone.. don’t blame urself for my condition u r the best maa in the world..u had done the ryt..u wanna me to settle down in happy life it’s every mom’s dream..but maa I’m sorry I can’t marry anyone..I can’t live in this city so I’m leaving this city.. Don’t wry maa..i won’t take any wrong decision..I just wanna live alone only I left from thr..I ll b safe maa.. don’t wry..ask Bulbul to take care of u and Dadi n ask her to take care of herself..And I’m sorry again maa.. don’t wry..I’m in safe place..I ll definitely contact u when I relived from my stress..sorry maa.. don’t mistake me..By ur lovely Pragya.

Abhi’s eyes filled with tears.Bulbul says,I don’t Whr di had is she..Abhi says,Y she left me..Tanu says,She even didn’t think of me before can she do that..Abhi leaves from thr.Nikkil calls Abhi..but Abhi didn’t respond he left the place.Purab says,Tanu Nikkil take Abhi to home..i ll b back after dropping Bulbul in home.Takil nods n follows Abhi.Nikkil holds Abhi’s hand n says,Stop Abhi..Abhi pushes his hand n falls on his kneels n hugged the letter n starts to cry..Nikkil holds him n takes him to home.Abhi was completely devastated.Tanu n Nikkil along with Abhi entered the home.Alia asks,Kya hua bhai ko..Bhai..bhai..she calls him..but he just sat emotion less.Tanu asks,Alia to bring water.. Alia nods n gives water to Abhi.Abhi pushed the glass n got into his room n locked himself.Nikkil banged the door.He didn’t opened the door.Alia asks,wht happened..Tanu says everything.Alia was shocked n says,Nikkil do something Im scared of bhai’s behavior.Purab comes thr.Alia tells Purab that Abhi had locked himself.

Purab rushed towards the window n got Into the room.Abhi was holding the letter n crying.Purab relived n opens the door..all gets in.Purab sat near Abhi n says,Abhi control urself she ll b back soon..she told na she ll contact us..Abhi says,No Purab..she ll never come before me..I’m responsible for this..Purab says,Not like that Abhi..may ur fight hurt she needs some break na..that’s y she gone..she ll b back soon dont wry..she is ur fuggi na..ur Fuggi won’t leave u at any cost..pls don’t cry n wipes his tears.Abhi asks,R u sure Purab..she ll come na..Purab says,Sure Abhi..she ll come she is anger with u that’s y..u also anger on her na that’s y u didn’t speak with that this her way of showing her anger..she ll come back to u..y u r crying for this..once she came then ask her to do sit ups for leaving u like this..Abhi says,No..I won’t if I did she ll leave me again..n hugs Purab..Puarb pats his back n says,Relax Abhi sure she ll come.. Don’t wry..she can’t live without u Afterall..u just calm down.
Abhi says,U ppl r thr for me to take care of wipe my tears..but my fuggi ll b alone na she ll cry alone no ll b thr for her.Purab says,Come on Abhi..She ll b okay when she was alone..that’s y she gone..she wrote in that letter na she want to be alone..just leave her to b alone let her stress down..she ll come.. don’t wry..Abhi just calm down..Purab says,Now come sleep..n makes him to sleep.He soon falls asleep.He covers him with blanket n came out.Abhi opens his eyes n says,Pragya pls..come to me soon..I ll wait for u..pls don’t make me to feel alone..pls come to me..
. . .
So I end this episode here.. Thank u for reading..Love u all.


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