Fan Fiction

Abhigya:Love for 7 lives!! chapter 10 (Last chapter)

I am sorry for the delay , actually my exams just finished yesterday and I was free and got my lap top as well as my tablet so I can easily post it? Anyway , Today’s episode will be a long 1 , and the couples , Aviri *Sunehri and Avinash* , Rahi *Raghav and Shashi* also known as Abhigya *Abhi and Pragya , Rabul *Purab and Bulbul* will be realizing their love for one another , this update will be enjoyed by all , I hope so?

Guys , as I have mentioned before that this FF will be of 15 chapters but I decided to make it of 10 ,because I think it is quite boring and my concept is of Love for ages , so it does not have any story to proceed and one more thing ,Abhigya or Rahi will be dying and uniting in heaven , because my story shows the pure love of Abhigya!!

I am sorry if anyone is disappointed by my decision and everything has its end so this journey enda here !!! Thank you guys for your love and support throughout , I am also thankful to the silent readers , you guys were an indirect support…..

Camp site…..
Ria is fuming in anger , and walking here and there when she bumps into Nuszz , who had a cup of tea which fell on her dress , which angers her more!!
Nuszz:I am sorry!!
Ria:Sorry…My foot!!
Nuszz:I think so you are angry due to which you are taking all your frustration on me!! Aha!! Go on!!??
Ria:You idiot!! You psycho!! You….

Raghav comes there….

Raghav:Why are you shouting in her!?
Ria:You know what she did…Idiot girl!!
Nuszz:Let it be ??

Raghav:Will anyone tell me why this Mahabharat is going on…
Ria:Actually this bl**dy idiot girl(sorry Nuszz for so much insult?? Hope you can forgive your lil sis.) spolied my dress which was worth 35 thousand rupees???
Nuszz bursts into laughter:This towel is worth 35 thousand rupees…

Actually Ria was wearing a red , skiny , very short frock…

Ria:Look Ms. mind your tongue!! I had enough of you , I don’t underatand how your family bears you!!
Raghav:Just shut up now!! You are crossing your limits!!
Ria:Yes , you like to always insult me infront of all , whether it is Shashi or this girl!
Raghav:Nuszz why are not you speaking!?!
Nuszz with a sweet smile?yet tears filled in eyes:I don’t have to answer her , who is she to question my upbringing , and by saying this she has insulted herself and her family , I don’t think so I should say more to her…
and leaves from there , wiping her tears , and so do Raghav in anger.

Ria thinks , “I had enough of it , Abhi did the same years ago , but I won’t let him win this time , he belongs to me , No Pragya , nor any Sahshi can come in between us , I will finish this chapter tonight itself!!” And smiles evily….

Nuszz is seen sitting alone , a handsome , dashing boy , places a hand on her shoulder…He says , “Excuse me , Can I help you , you seen dis heartened.Anyway , I am Sid.”(played by Ravi Dubey of Jamai Raja)
Nuszz asks , “Do you have a family?”
Sid:Is it a question to ask , of course!!
Nuszz:If anyone does not have a family so why they pin point it?
Sid:Answer is simple Ms…
Sid:So answer is simple Ms.Nuszz that if anyone says so , so don’t pay heed to it , or else it will be tough to live in this selfish world.Anyway nice meeting you.

He leaves.

Nuszz self talk:He was such a nice person.

@4 a.m

Shashi is washing clothes by the river side , someone is observing her , she feels and turns to see no one and thinks it as “veham”(inner fear) She gets back to washing , the same person holds a gun , and points it towards Shashi , he/she (will reveal later who was that person) pulls the trigger and the bullet fires , the bullet side pass Shashi and did not hurt her , but she dis balanced and was about to fall in river when a hand holds her hand and she does not fall , the person is none other than Raghav. (Allah Waariyan plays)He pulls her up , and they indirectly hug , they compose.

Raghav:U ok??
Raghav:Good for you….
Shashi:What happened you look angry?!?
Raghav:Yeah….and narrates the whole Ria and Nuszz incident!!
Shashi:Bechaari Nuszz,but that Ria she is too much???
Shashi:We should talk to Nuszz and also to that Ms.Anaar.
Shashi: That Ria anger is always on the tip of her nose!!
Raghav:Not bad…

They both leave.

Shashi comes to Ria , while Raghav goes to Nuszz.

Shashi:What is your problem , you can not insult my friend like this.
Ria:Excuse me , who are you to tell me what should I do and what should I not. It is my will what to do and what not to.
Shashi:Acha!!It does not mean that you insult anyone..
Ria:I did not asked you!!
Shashi:Ok , so now listen , you idiot , you pagal , you psycho , you bl**dy , you ill literate , you problem , you hittler , you duffer , you..Leave it…

And leaves from there frustated , while Ria fumes.

Raghav:Nuszz Look , do not take Ria’s words seriously…
Nuszz:Hey!! I am totally OK , don’t worry!!
Raghav:Are you sure!
Nuszz:Damn sure!After all I have friends like you and Shashi and an angel helped me!!

She reminces her talk with Sid and smiles , while To se naina jab se mile plays in BG!!

Raghav:Hello??waving his hand.

Nuszz comes back to reality.

Raghav:Where are you lost??
Nuszz:Nothing..It is quite late , go and sleep!!??

They leave.

Scene shifts to Ria’s camp.

Ria:That bl**dy Shashi , insulted me , Ria Mathur , how dare she!!??? Now look Shashi sorry sorry Pragya how will I amke you and Abhi apart like I did years back??

And laughs evily , she is disturbed by the sound of clap she turns to see Sunehri?? clapping.

Sunehri:Wow Ria!! Not bad huh…I thought that you are only ill mannered but I came to know today itself that you are a murderer as well as.
Ria:What rubbish!!! What are you saying?!?
Sunehri:Just shut up!! Don’t act infront of me , I know everything , that you were the 1 who tried to kill Shashi di today , right , I saw it.

FB shows , Sunehri seeing Ria pointing gun towards Shashi , and is left shocked , but eventually Raghav saves her!! FB ends.

Sunehri:And not only this , I heard what you said few mins back!

FB shows , Sunehri listening to Ria’s confession. FB ends!!

Ria:Wow , but you don’t know how dangerous I am!

Ria takes out a tissue from her drawer and places it on Sunehri’s mouth , Sunehri struggles a lot but ends up fainting , as the tissue had chlorofom!!???Ria drags Sunehri and brings her to jungle and leaves her there and says to unconcious Sunehri:Now this is your end , any wild animal will eat you up , Sorry!! And laughs evily????

Avinash was walking when he sees Sunehri’s ring , which falls when Ria drags her to the jungle. Avinash thinks that she is in problem as he found the ring in jungle!!!
He finally founds an un concious Sunehri , and tries waking her up but in vain, he picks her up , and walks towards the campsite…..while Tera mere sil se plays……

Ria came back to her camp and went to have a sleep.

Ria tells Bulbul that Purab is waiting for her at the hill side, Bulbul goes there. There are some rocks and pebbles on which Bulbul steps and dis balance , and falls off from the cliff.

Ria wakes up and it turns out to be her dream , She thinks something and smirks??? She says to herself:Wow Ria , why this idea did not come in my mind at the 1st place.

Sunehri wakes up from un conciousness.
Avinash was by his side.

Sunehri:I have to go , They are not save from her!! Danger!! No I have to save them!!

Avinash is all the way confused…

Avinash:Look Sunehri , you are not well just rest ok!!
Sunehri:Let me go , they are not save!
Avinash:Sunehri , just be quiet ok and rest!
Sunehri:Look please!!Actually why you even care!
Avinash un knowingly:Coz I love you!! God damn it!!

There is a moment of silence….

Sunehri:What did you just say….
Avinash:I love you!!
Sunehri:I love you 2!!

And they hug , while Agar tum saath ho plays..

Avinash:What were you saying , Danger!! And all..

Sunehri narrates whole scene.He is left shocked.

It is seen , that Ria has brought both RaBul and Rahi near the cliff and pointing gun towards them , when Nuszz , Sunehri and Avinash arrive.

Sunehri:RIA!!!!!! Just leave them!! You are not in your senses!!
Purab:Sonu , you go , she is very dangerous she can even harm you just go!!
Avinash:Purab!! Don’t worry nothing will happen , I have called the police , they will be arriving soon…
Ria:Very well!!! I was confused who to kill first so I decide that I will kill you both *Aviri* first!! BTW , Sunehri you are very strong huh , I must say , after that much you survived and standing in front of me!
Purab:Please don’t do anything with my sister!
Ria:I am sorry , but I can’t!!!!

Nuszz comes in between.

Nuszz:Don’t you dare do anything to my friends or else..

Ria pushes Nuszz , and her head hit a big stone.

Ria pulls the trigger , the bullet is off , it hits Sunehri!!??She again pulls the trigger and this time it hits Avinash!! Moment of silence…Kal hona ho music plays in BG.


Ria laughs evily????

She pulls the trigger , and it hits Purab , all left shocked , she again fires and this time it was our sweet innocent Bulbul!!
They fell on ground.
Bulbul:Before dying I wanna confess my love , I love you Purab , I love you!!
Purab:I love you 2 , Bulbul!!

Pyaar hai ya sazaa plays….

Ria:I will tell you both*RaHi urf Abhigya* a story of 2 lovers who loved each other a lot but they were seperated , you know who they were , no , lemme tell you ABHI AND PRAGYA

The name echo’s in Abhigya’s mind and they remember there 1st birth and realize their love!!

Pragya/Shashi:Ria…What is all this??!!
Ria:Janam Janam ki kahani hai yeh , Pyaar ki ravani hai yeh , Tum dono baar baar iss dunya mein ao ge main baar baar tum dono ko juda karongee.
Pragya/Shashi:You don’t know the power of love , Love is eternal you won’t understand!!
Ria:History is repeating , it was the same night 25 yrs back and today id the same thing too. Bye!!
And pulls the trigger???it crosses Pragya’s heart and pass through Abhi’s heart both fell of the cliff , holding one another’s hand , remincing all the lovely moments , while Janam Janam from Dilwale plays.

Ria turns towards Nuszz and says:You are also finished.
She was about to fire her , when a bullet hit Ria it turns out to be Sid.

Nuszz and Sid confess their live for one another.

7 yrs later…

Nuszz do prayers for Abhigya , Aviri and Rabul , as it is their death anniversary. Sid comes and gives her a side hug *they are now married* 2 kids come , 1 boy and a girl , who are there children ,
Boy:Mama , story time!!
Girl:Mama I want to listen to the story of the 2 un known lovers , which you tell us each year on this day.
Nuszz:Ok ,so there were 2 lovers Abhi and Pragya…..and tells the whole story of Abhigya urf Rahi , there unbreakable bond , the strrugles , their love!!

*Abhigya’s soul talk*

Abhi:Love is an unbreakable relation!!
Pragya:True!!Ages pass , Time changes , relations are given a new name but Love….
Abhi:Love , it never changes!

They hug???


I know it was quite boring , and sorry if I bored you guys!! I know I rushed this last 1 so once again sorry!! Thanks for the love and support all this while!! Love you guys!!


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