Fan Fiction

Abhigya: Destiny and its new games (episode 1)

Years passed and Abhigya were happy with their two children but once again destiny played its game. It is a game of search.

The search by Abhigya for someone close to them. The search that will have a lot of emotions and new revealtions. Who are they searching for? And what will happen in the process of this search?

Pragya: Abhi day by day I am losing hope! What if we lose! Is this even possible? I still feel that we can find but why everyone around us are keep on saying just move on!

Abhi: Fuggy! Ignore what others are saying! We can do this and have faith in me. We will surely be able to succeed.

Pragya hugged Abhi in tears for comfort.
Pragya: Why do we always have to face some troubles in life?
Abhi: All these troubles make us stronger Fuggy! And make our relationship unbreakable!

What is this new game of Destiny? Do you all want to know?

Ok I just got this idea and depending on all ur response i shall think to continue this ff….not now may be later…

And so sorry for not updating my other ff…it will makes it way soon. I was very busy ytd?


❤Crazy about Abhigya!!❤ Sinuaghis senses Inihsagus ??????

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