Fan Fiction

Abhigya FF : Something is Wrong Part 4

Pragya and Sonali goes for shopping sharing their happiness after long time. Vishal meets his beautiful girlfriend Ishika who is Shekhar’s sister.
Ishika : I am sorry to hear about your sister, how is Pragya
Vishal : she is fine, she is with Sonali right now because she was attacked last night
Ishika : oh yeah, bro told me yesterday, but they did not find the killer yet, I hope you stay safe for a while

Vishal ; Sweetheart, I want some time off, you know Amy was my idol
Ishika : it is life and we have to move on, anyway I booked two tickets for Thailand, we will leave tomorrow okay, now cheer up
Pragya : Sonali, from long time I wanted to ask you something
Sonali : yeah what is it
Pragya : are you not angry at me that I snatched your love from you, I know you loved Abhi
Sonali : don’t worry I am fine, I realized my true love and then I could have not forced him, you are my best friend I always wished best for you
Pragya gives her warmly hug with tears in her eyes.
Sonali : okay, don’t do this emotional drama to me, you know how sensitive i am (pouts)
Pragya : lets go now

Somebody is hearing their conversation in between the grass and leaves. Rohan comes back from foreign and is happy to see everything getting to normal.
Pragya : Hi Rohan
Rohan : how are you Pragya? It is nice to see you here
Pragya : I am good
Sonali : its been long time we all haven’t gone outside for a holiday, lets head somewhere
Rohan : yeah sure, let Abhi come back and we will decide the place wherever you guys want to go

Ishika and Vishal’s plans are postponed due to Vishal’s problem at workplace.
Ishika : what?
Vishal : I am sorry baby, but boss said I cannot take leave till I solve those technical problem
Ishika : fine, then I am going bye (leaves angrily)
Rohan calls Vishal to go out for a holiday
Vishal : I was going out with Ishika but then boss is not letting me go out till I am not done finishing my work
Rohan : don’t worry till Abhi is not back, we are not going anywhere, you focus on your work
Vishal : oh god please do something so I can go with my friends and take Ishika with me
Within few days Abhi comes back and is delighted to see Pragya trying to get normal but somewhere deep down she is not able to forget the traumatic past.
Abhi : Thanks Sonali
Rohan : you are a drama king like always, is Pragya not our friend now listen I want to take everybody on a holiday mostly for Vishal and Pragya.
Sonali : What do you say Abhi? I am thinking to go in Goa, they have amazing sunset, beaches

Rohan : No way, lets go to Manali
Abhi : fine lets toss it, before you both start fighting
Rohan tosses the coin and it comes to destination of Goa.
Sonali (shows tongue ) : told you not to mess up with me
Abhi : where is Pragya?
Sonali : she is upstairs
Abhi goes to the room to meet Pragya who is leaning at the window quietly.
Pragya : you are back (wipes the tears)
Abhi : these tears are too worthy, i will not let them come in your eyes, pack your bags we are going to Goa
Pragya : I don’t feel like going out anywhere
Abhi : But if you stay like then soon you will become unromantic and then I will have to go Goa alone

Pragya : you will go alone without me (widnes faces)
Abhi : Not sure (thinks)
Pragya : you (throws pillows at him) are still the same flirt, I will not spare you today
Sonali who is coming in the room gets irritated when she gets hit by the pillow
Pragya : I am so sorry I did not see you
Sonali : why are you both fighting like small kids
Abhi : nothing your friend is getting possessive for me
Pragya : absolutely not, we girls know at the end of the day you will come to us
Rohan ; don’t challenge us Ms Rj
Pragya : I will, what say Sona
Sonali ; she is right, we know you both will not dare to do that
Abhi : well in that case you have to prove that you both are not possessive for us
Pragya ; fine, and then if you lose the bet then for three days you will not talk with us
Rohan : you cannot be serious
Pragya : Of course I am

Rohan : get ready girls we are leaving in the evening
Ishika gets angry at Vishal for accepting his friend’s offer to go at Goa.
Vishal : I am done with my work now, what is the problem
Ishika : I wanted to spend time with you alone and you want to go out with your friends, why do you need me
Vishal (wraps arms around her) : okay then, I thought we would romantic moments at beach but doesn’t matter now Goa does not lack beautiful girls
Ishika (pushes him back and runs behind him) ; I will kill you if you dare to set eyes on anybody except me

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