Fan Fiction

Abhigya – Happy love Episode 8 (Janmashtami / Krishna Jayanthi Special)

Hi Guys !!Happy Janmashtami / Krishna Jayanthi to you all !!..So guys i am uploading these episodes for Janmashtami special .
.Thanks a lot for your comments guys .. Really i felt very very very happy with ur comments and my exams r nearing guys after 2 , 3 weeks i am not be able to upload . But after 2 , 3 weeks only ..And keep commenting and supporting guys ..And all the ff writers are doing an amazing jobs!!..Sorry if i didn’t comment ..But pls keep continuing as i waiting for it.Now let’s move onto the episode !!..Happy reading !!

The episode starts with all were returning to Lonavala Farmhouse . Ishani got a hurt in her leg . Pragya says Ishani u got a hurt in ur leg . Abhi says Ishani y u didn’t inform us ?.Ishani says bhai it’s a small hurt . i am ok !!..Rv says wait , choti bring the first aid box and come . Pragya says Ya bhai !
Pragya brings the first aid box ..
Rv treats her wound ..Ishani just admires him ..Tum hi ho plays …
Rv – Better ??
Ishani – Ya !!..
Pragya gets a call from Ragini
Pragya speaks – Hello maa , Ya tell me ..We all r fine here . What ?..Ok maa , Fine ..Tk i will speak to them .Bye maa ..
Abhi – What happnd Yaar ?
Pragya – Bhai tomorrow janmashtami , so maa called us tomorrow to return . As celebration is gonna take place
All gets happy
Rv – Wow that’s nice choti , today itself we will all move .
Pragya – Kya bhai ,? This is not fair . One day only we stayed here .
Arjun – Hey Prag !! comeon next time we will come here again .
Rv – Haan choti
Pragya – Then ok let’s pack up !!..
All pack up from their things and came to Mumbai .

Pragya to Abhi – Ok Abhishek tomorrow Janmashtami deifinitely u have to come and attend the party which is going to take place in our home .
Abhi – No fuggy i am not interested in these festivals .
Pragya – What’s this rockstar ?..You have to come . And bring your Dadi also to our home as i didn’t meet her
Abhi – Done !!..I am coming ..
Pragya – Oh thank u so much !!..and hugs Abhi ..
Abhi is mesmerized ..Saiyaara saiyaara plays ..
Pragya says ok meet you tomorrow !
Abhi – Ok !!

Arjun – Ok Pragya i am leaving to home .
Pragya – Hey hey wait wait Tomorrow you also should attend the Janmashtami party !..
Arjun – No Prags , I am having work ..
Pragya – Comeon Arjun , Please ..
Arjun sees her kindness and says Ok Prags Tomorrow for u i am coming ok ??
Pragya – Ok !! and smiles …

Screen shifts to Rv and Ishani
Rv – Now u r alright na ?
Ishani – Ya sir , I am perfectly fine
Rv stares at her !
Ishani – Oops !! Sorry sir !! ..
Rv again stares
Ishani – Ok Ranveer !!..
Rv smiles ..
Rv – Tomorrow i will meet u in Janmashtami party
Ishani – Ok bye !!

The next morning …Ragini and Rv r decorating the home for Janmashtami celebration .
Ragini – Ranveer beta , Did u informed the caterers ?
Rv – Haan mom ..
Ragini – Evrythng is ready na ??
Rv – Ya perfect .
Ragini – Did u arranged evrything for games and competition ?
Rv – Ofcourse mom !..Evrythng i arranged ..
Ragini – Tumhaari choti kahaan hai ?
Rv – Don’t know mom ?..I think she will come
The guests started to come . Ragini And Rv welcomes all …
Abhi and Ishani arrives …
Rv welcomes them ..
Ishani was wearing a Blue ghagra choli . Rv was wearing a blue kurta. He was mesmerized with Ishani’s outfit .
Saiyaara saiyaara…plays
Rv says to Ragini Mom this is Abhishek Mehra /Abhi and this is his sister Ishani . Me and Choti’s best friends !
Ragini – Hello beta !!
Abhi – Namaste aunty !!
Rv takes them inside …
Arjun arrives …
Ragini – Hi Arjun beta !!
Arjun – Namaste Aunty ji !Where is Pragya ??
Ragini – Beta all r inside only !!..
Arjun – Ok aunty !!..

Abhi’s eyes is searching for Pragya . Ishani says Bhai for whom u r searching ?..
Abhi – Fuggy ?
Ishani – What ?
Abhi – I mean Pragya !
Ishani – Oh !!..
Arjun comes there and says Hi Abhi !
Abhi – Hi yaar !!
Arjun – Looking nice in Red Kurta !!
Abhi – You are looking good in Maroon kurta yaar ..and thinks Looking bad Idiot !!
Arjun smiles ..

Ragini and Rv comes to the stage …
Rv – Shall we start the party ??
Ragini – Pragya ??
A sound comes from there saying ONE MINUTE !!..
All looks towards them ..It was a group of children surrounded by a girl who was wearing a red and maroon mixed gaghra choli !. They brought her to the stage .
The girl turns back and the children shouts HAPPY JANMASHTAMI !!.It was none other than our Gorgeous Pragya !..All gets happy to see her
Abhi is just mesmerized with her beauty ….Sanam re plays …
Pragya – Happy Janmashtami to u all !!..i thought of organizing some games for children and a tough game for Mens !!..So in this party we r going to have masti , Dance , games , competition evrythng so let’s enjoy it !!..All shouts WOOH !!..

Pragya comes down to the stage . Abhi comes to her and says Happy Janmashtami !..
Pragya – Hey rockstar !!..Happy Janmashtami !! Looking superb in this kurta yaar !!
Abhi – Thanks you too looking great !!..
Pragya – Thanks !!..
Arjun – Hi Prags !!..
Pragya – Hey Arjun !!..
Arjun – Not bad your entry was great !!
Pragya – Hmm..Thank u ji !!
Arjun – Not crossed my entry !!
Pragya gives a slight beat and said u na ??
Abhi thinks Why this idiot keep on interfering with our talks ?
Pragya sees Abhi lost in thoughts .
She shakes Abhi .
Abhi comes to senses
Pragya – kya hua rockstar ??
Abhi – Nothing
Pragya – Ishu kahan hai ??
Abhi – Don’t know i think she is talking with ur mom !!
Pragya – Ok !!

Rv comes to the stage and says Ok guys !!..First let’s have a dance ..Now this 2 bowls is full of names of boys and girl ..The name which which is selected from Male and female will be selected as partners and they have to dance in a song !..Abhi thinks Oh God !! Please that Idiot’s name should not be the partner of Pragya !..
Rv calls a boy to pick a girl’s name from the bowl
The boy took and says it’s Pragya !!..
Pragya – What ? ??
Arjun – Ya u !!..let’ see who is that lucky persons who is going to be damaged as ur partner ..
Pragya stares Arjun .

The boy says and the male’s name is he pronounces A….Abhi and Arjun looks forward ..
It’s ABHI !!
Abhi is cloud 9 but didn’t show it out !..
Arjun – Go Abhi u r the lucky person to get damaged from her..
Abhi – very funny ..

Pragya whispers to Abhi ..What Arjun said was Ryt !! I don’t know how to dance ?!!..
Abhi – Don’t worry i am there na ??..Just in this full performance don’t leave my hand !!..
Pragya nods …
The performance starts … Soch na sake plays …
Abhi holds Pragya’s hands tightly …
Abhi holds her waist and rotates her around him ..
Pragya holds him tightly ..
Abhigya was not in their senses and danced in their own epic of love !!..
The song ends .. All gave a huge applause to Abhigya .Pragya whispers to Abhi Thank u ..Abhi says My pleasure !!
Abhigya smiles and says “Happy Janmashtami and wonderful Krishna Jayanthi!!…”

No precap

Ok guys !!…So the episode ends here .. So once again a hearty Janmashtami / Krishna Jayanthi wishes to u all ..Enjoy ur day guys . And Janmashtami special will continue for some episodes ..So you r going more masti in this ..And my wishes to u all commenters and silent readers and convey my wishes to your families also !! Thank u so much for ur boosting comments to me !!..Keep commenting guys !!..Happy Janmashtami and Krishna Jayanthi !!..


Naughty cutie Chattybox ?? Music Painting Lover ? #AbhigyaFan?? #Lovemyfriends????

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