Fan Fiction

Abhigya – Obsessive love Episode 16 , 17

Hi guys ! Thanks a lot for your comments . I know you are having many questions soon you will get your answers in the upcoming episodes ?

Episode 16 , 17
The episode starts with Abhigya hugging each other Sanam plays ..
Pragya – That’s all I can’t be separated from you anymore .
Abhi – Even I too but we have to do this to expose that Maya and the person who helps her !!..
Pragya looks on ….

A fb shows ..
Abhi – Go Pragya but I will not leave you because you are mine ..
Pragya comes and hugs him…
Abhi – Do you love me ?
Pragya – More than others
Abhi – Do you have trust on me ?
Pragya – More than myself .
Abhi – Pragya believe me Maya is lying ! She is not pregnant . We both were close but we never crossed our limits . She is having fake reports .
Pragya – You both were in a relationship then why you both broke up ? .
Abhi narrates the fb to Pragya .
Pragya – 1 year before ? Where she went 1 year before ?
Abhi is stunned – Australia !!..
Pragya is shocked .. – Australia ?? Which means something has happened in Australia !.
Abhi – Ya Pragya that day she was speaking to a person “Yes 1 year before we were in a relationship we were close and you clicked..”
That time I entered and she stopped there itself ..
Pragya – All the things were pointing on Australia . Which means we can easily prove it to all ..

Abhi –  No Pragya let it be as it is . We have to find out who was that person in Australia that Maya spoke on the phone .
And they should never get to know that you know the truth . We have to catch them red handed and no one should get to know about this.

Pragya – I think she has returned with that person only one way is there !
Abhi – What is that ? tell me definitely I will do !
Pragya – Marry Maya !..

Abhi is shocked . He holds her tightly .
Abhi – Are you mad ? I love you dammit !
Pragya – You have to ! Then only they will think they won and we can easily try to expose them !..
Abhi – Ok fine I will marry her but I will not !..
Pragya – I can’t understand !
Abhi – Fake marriage which we are seeing in Cinema and movies . we will see that the actors are getting married but it’s not real it’s fake . Fake mangalsutra , Fake sindhoor , Fake register papers !..

Pragya – You are making fun of marriage !
Abhi – No Pragya I am not . We both only know that it’s a fake marriage . No doubt will come to Maya !..
Pragya – We are not doing wrong na ?
Abhi – No Pragya .. After marriage ?

Pragya – After marriage I will say to Raghav , Naina , Purab , Bulbul , Rv , Ishani that I am going to Australia .That I can’t live here remembering about you . So I am going there .

Abhi – No Pragya I can’t leave you alone there .

Pragya – Wait na .. I am sure that they will all accompany me to Australia . I am going to Australia with them because surely they will try something to unite you and me and our whole plan will be spoiled and in Australia definitely they will help us .

Abhi – Fine then ?..

Pragya – And then they all will come home and say some reasons to you to come with me to Australia . But..

Abhi – Ok ..But ?

Pragya -But Naina will personally come to you and say that we are going to Australia . Because she trusts you more even you are accused to be the guilty !

Abhi smiles ..

Pragya – Your work is to bring Maya to Australia without doubt that you both came here as a tourist .

Abhi – Fine I will ..What will you do there in Australia ?

Pragya – I have a college friend in Australia . So no problem I will manage .

Abhi – Let’s see now how they both are going to escape from our trap ! Pragya smiles ..

Fb ends !!..

Pragya – So came here for honeymoon ?..
Abhi holds Pragya close – Yes with you ..
Pragya – Don’t forget our motives !
Abhi – ok madam ! As you told Naina said everything to me . I am sure that she would have informed others that I will come to Australia !
Pragya – She may ?..
Abhi – In airport also Maya was speaking to someone with sweat on her face .
Pragya – As we expected !..

Pragya sees Aditya coming there .
Pragya – Abhishek move from here !.
Abhi – Why ?..
Aditya comes there and sees Pragya sitting alone in veranda .
He comes and consoles her .
Abhi sees that from behind and gets angry .
He thinks – Pragya didn’t tell me that her friend is a boy
He angrily leaves from there …

Aditya – Pragya so sorry I didn’t want to hurt you

Pragya thinks Oh no Abhishek would have seen Aditya and definitely get angry on me .

Aditya – Pragya !!..

Pragya – Ya  ..It’s ok !..

Aditya – Pragya today we are having a official party in Holiday inn . As now you are a part of my office you should come.

Pragya – It is the hotel we all are staying right ?

Aditya – Yes !

Pragya – But no Adi please I can’t come !!..

Aditya – Pragya you have to come that’s it ..
Pragya – Fine I am coming .

Screen shifts to Maya
Maya thinks He called me today night to holiday inn . But how can I go ?

Abhi comes there – What are you thinking ?

Maya shocked – Nn..nnothing..
Abhi – Ok ok relax ..Don’t know in which hotel we have to stay !
Maya – Holiday inn !!
Abhi is stunned – Holiday inn ??
Maya – Woh ..My friend told me that it’s a nice hotel so only I said .
Abhi – Ok fine let’s move.

Screen shifts to Holiday inn .
Raina , Ishveer and Rabul were sitting in the cafe .
Ishani sees Abhi and gets shocked .
Ishani – Guys turn back and see .
All sees him and left stunned.

Purab – So bhaiyya is also staying in the same hotel !

Bulbul – Haan but with that Maya .

Naina – We have to say sorry to him for not trusting him .

Raghav – Ya you are right !

Ishani – Now we can’t do anything ! Maya is with him ! And moreover Pragya should not see him !..

Rv gets a call from office .

Pragya enters the hotel but that time Abhi and Maya leaves to the room .

Pragya sees them sitting in cafe .
Ishani – Pragya !!Where do you went ?

Pragya – Ya I just went out with Aditya .

Pragya – Aditya invited us to the official party of his company conducted in this hotel  !..

Rv – Ya Pragya now only I got a call from office that our company is also taking part in it . So anyways we have to attend it .

Pragya – Ok guys I will get freshen up and come.

Ishani – Ya go !

Raghav – Guys problem arises in this only . Which means Abhi would also be invited right ? !

Rv – Ya you are right !

Naina – Something is going to happen tonight !

Screen shifts to Abhi and Maya .
Abhi – You go and freshen up . I will be back .
Maya nods

Maya calls – Hello ! I am staying at holiday inn ..
That person – I don’t care about it tonight you have to come .
The call cuts ..
Maya – Hello..
She throws the phone .

Abhi calls Pragya .
Pragya – Hhhello..
Abhi – I want to meet you in the restaurant cafe !..Come right now
Pragya – no I can’t ..
Abhi cuts the call..

Abhi desperately waits for Pragya in the cafe .
Pragya comes frightenedly and sits.
Abhi sits silently . Suddenly he holds her hand .Pragya gets scared .
Abhi – Why you didn’t tell me about him ?
Pragya – I told right college friend !
Abhi – You don’t know what I am asking ? You know that I don’t like to see you with another man.
Pragya – It’s for exposing them.
Abhi – I don’t care about them . Now also I can take you to India and make you mine .
Pragya – Please understand ..
Abhi – That’s all within 2 days i will tell Maya about the fake marraige and we are leaving .
He angrily leaves from there .
Pragya – I have to do something within this 2 days .

Precap : Pragya and Aditya dances closely . Abhi sees them and breaks the juice glass in his hand . Maya goes to the room and asks Why you called me now ? . That person says Welcome madam !..


Naughty cutie Chattybox ?? Music Painting Lover ? #AbhigyaFan?? #Lovemyfriends????

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