Fan Fiction

Abhigya and Rabul FF : Battle of good and evil Part 14

Pragya : we won’t free Tashu easily, she is a big jackpot for us
Alia : but Pragya, what will be she beneficial to us
Pragya : She have to witness lot of things that we had to, she lost her brother and now she will see her dad’s career getting ruined
Alia : but how
Abhi : Alia, I am a celebrity, I have power and popularity than him,
Purab : this time we will use his own trick to destroy him
Pragya : you are right, remember I recorded the footage of black money, those money are from a charitable fund
Sameer :I will handle that but for that we will have to leave Tashu
Alia : no way, there will be another way
Purab : Sameer is right, only Tashu is the one who can help us, she only knows the secret location of all illegal places
Pragya : but we have to make sure she does not play any double trick on us
Bulbul does not agree to free Tashu and leaves to the room inside
Purab : Bulbul, whats wrong
Bulbul : Purab, what is the need to let that girl go, did you forget how much we had suffered
Purab : for how long will we keep her here, and now her strength will weaken because Max is dead, we will make them suffer like hell
Bulbul ; she will ruin all my hard work, you know she is after that factory I built again
Purab : Bulbul, don’t you trust your hard work and effort, I know she will not do that mistake she did when I was the owner
Bulbul : thats true (says with attitude)
Purab : you know, both of you sisters will never leave that attitude even if this world shake up but never mind Abhi and I are the only ones who can handle it
Bulbul : well then you deserve a award for that, what say
Purab pulls her closer and tells her he like surprises
Bulbul : then today it is your day, come early today, you will get the biggest gift of your life
Purab : sure
Alia ask Abhi to ask Pragya for marriage
Abhi : what are you saying?
Alia : bhai, for how long will you both stay like this, I know we don’t care about society but its high time to settle down
Abhi : but I promised dadi that I will not get married till you settle down
Alia : fine then I am ready to get married
Abhi : Alia are you okay (touches her head), you know you need a guy to get married
Alia : in that case you should find one for me but before that you promise me that after my marriage you and Pragya will settle down
Abhi : you don’t understand, I know her very well, she has a dream she want fulfill before marriage and I don’t want to be a obstacle in her success
Alia : bhai you..( sees Pragya on door)
Pragya signs her to leave but Abhi is unaware of her presence and keeps talking
Abhi : Alia I want her to achieve the success she wants
Pragya : what if she wants to get that success by holding somebody’s hand
Abhi : I know her (turns behind and sees Pragya)
Pragya : is my achievement not yours, we promised to face everything together
Abhi : but Pragya
Pragya : this life is yours given gift how can I lose it now, I want to settle down

Last words of Pragya surprises Abhi who is overjoyed to hear and hugs her emotionally.
Abhi : but before that Alia has to be bid farewell
Pragya : i don’t know if you ever noticed but don’t you think Sameer is good enough for Alia, he is educated and from decent family, what else you want
Abhi : sameer? I mean he is good
Pragya : I told what I wanted to, you are her brother, its your choice
Abhi : If Alia and Sameer agrees to it I don’t really mind this alliance
Pragya : fine lets sort out this mess first and we will think about it

Everybody leaves for their work as usual. Abhi heads to his studio for new album. Purab and Alia goes to their office and attend their foreign client. Pragya goes to her new channel office. Bulbul starts preparing for the upcoming shows and designing the clothes for her models.
Avni : Bulbul, everything is ready, and guess what we got new order from Bangkok for more products, which material should I send it (shows her the design)
Bulbul : send this one because it new branded and quite famous fashion (violet fancy dress)
Maya : i just hope there won’t be any problem this time ma’am like last time or else we will be in big loss
Bulbul : don’t say that and lets be positive, I want everything perfect alright, we have only one month left there shouldn’t be any problem on fashion show day
Avni : don’t worry we will handle everything, you just chill
Pragya uploads the footage of black money location on news channel.
Purab : I sent Tashu to work in their office again, I am sure she will not cheat on us
Alia ; I hope so too but I still don’t trust her
Pragya goes to the store room of her office to get reference file. She finds an old newspaper of her dad’s case hearing.
Pragya : Mr Arora was framed for human trafficking and is given imprisonment of lifetime (gets shocked hearing it), I don’t believe this
She asks Sameer give her the case file of her dad’s hearing but he denies.
Sameer : it is impossible to find the case file of 15 years ago, Pragya I told you this earlier
Pragya : fine if you cannot help me then I will find by myself, I don’t need anybody’s help (leaves)
Sameer : Pragya listen , this girl is impossible
Abhi : Pragya, are you sure you want to do this, I mean I understand you want your father to get justice
Pragya : I want to know who framed my dad in false case of human trafficking and I will find out
Purab : sis I will get that case file for you
Pragya : but from where ?
Purab :you leave that to me but you don’t do anything that can risk you
Bulbul : Purab how will you get it, that thing is long time ago
Purab and Abhi sneaks into the old headquarters store room with the torch.
Abhi : Purab, you to the other side, and signal me if you find it
Both of them starts looking for files. Purab finds the file under the table.
Purab : I found it, (shows him the file)

Suddenly they hear a noise of watchman and hides behind the table. After the watchman leaves the boys goes out of window quietly.
Abhi : it was so close
Alia : where did you both go
Purab : here you go sis (gives her file), we went to the old headquarters because all files for 5-10 years ago are stored there
Pragya : why you had to take so much risk
Purab : its okay, one has to take risk to have a precious thing (looks at Bulbul)
Bulbul : you are saying that you took biggest risk of your life by having me
Abhi : no actually you both are very less risky in our lives
Pragya : Abhi (Stares at him)
Abhi : at least learn to say thank you, you know how much big challenging task I am doing by handling your arrogance (teases her)
Pragya : you both are forgetting if me and Bulbul were not there you would still be bachelor
Alia laughs at her statement but stops seeing Abhi’s reaction

Precap : Bulbul’s fashion show eve; Pragya finds out the real culprit of her dad and vows to bring that person on street rather than jail. She shows Tashu the real face of her dad

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