Fan Fiction

Abhigya &Rabul FF : Journey of Hatred to Love Part 2

Bulbul after getting ready goes to shopping with her friends
Sarla :wait wait, where you going and in this clothes
Bulbul : am I not looking beauty?
Sarla : really? (twists her ear) how many times i told you not to go out in this short clothes

Bulbul : mom, its fashion of today, anyway I am going for shopping, I will see you in evening
Sarla : and remember come on time, we have to attend the Durga prayer in evening
Bulbul : okay mom, I will reach there
Shopping Mall
Bulbul : Siya, how is this earring (tries earring in mirror)
Siya : looks beautiful, but it might be expensive
Bulbul : who cares? for me life is living in a moment not worry about future
Siya : Bulbul, I am sure there will be a day when you will start worrying about future, and you will remember my words

Bulbul : chill girl, I only learnt to live in today, who knows future, neither you nor me
In the afternoon Tanu comes into Abhi’s cabin.
Abhi : Yes Ms Tanu, what is up with you
Tanu : Abhi, sometimes I think you are not concerned about your employes or maybe remember your promise
Abhi : what? (asks in confusion)
Tanu : its lunch time, and as always I have to remind you, its like I am your wife not your assistant
Abhi : I am so sorry, you go ahead I have some important work
Tanu : no way (shuts his computer and closes the file)
Abhi : Tanu what are you doing? I have to send this important email
Tanu : you can send it when we come back, lets go now (drags him forcefully)
Both of them goes to cafeteria for lunch
Abhi : oh my god, bread stuff, I love it

Tanu : then have it, and tell me how does it taste,
Abhi : oh my god its so delicious, I must say you are very good cook, and when is your brother coming back
Tanu : thank you for the compliment, he should be back soon
Phone rings for Tanu
Tanu : yes, I will be there soon, you take them to the hotel, I will see them there
Abhi : what happened
Tanu : Abhi, delegates are here, I sent Rohan to airport, and he will take them to the hotel first
Abhi : okay you go ahead, I am sure you will rock it as always
Tanu : thanks Abhi, I will see you in the evening
Abhi feels restless to see her leaving but ignores it and gets back to his work.
Pragya parks her car in front of the hotel she works and goes to her cabin. She has been employee of the month from past 3 years.
Ruby : good morning ma’am

Pragya : good morning, any meetings for today
Ruby : yes ma’am we have clients coming to inspect the hotel
Pragya : okay, then you inform the staff that everything should go well. I want no mistakes
Ruby ; sure ma’am
Pragya works on her computer and talking on phone about the construction of her new hotel. She gets call from somebody bringing smile on her face
Pragya : Rajiv? (Says excitedly)
Rajiv : yes my love, guess where am I
Pragya : where?
Rajiv : look outside your room
Pragya visions outside her cabin window and sees her dashing boyfriend Rajiv who is giving her flying kiss. She hurriedly goes outside and hugs him. Rajiv twirls her around
Rajiv : how is my sweetheart ?

Pragya : how am I looking? (praises herself)
Rajiv : beautiful as always (caresses her hair) now after your shift I have so many things to tell you
Pragya : okay, I will see you soon, you wait for me at the same place
Rajiv : bye (kisses her cheek)
Purab tells Alia about Abhi and Tanu’s closeness
Alia : what? bro and Tanu
Purab : you don’t go to office so you don’t know, ever since Tanu joined office I have noticed big changed in bro,
Alia : but you know, in this house we are not allowed to love like that
Purab ; oh stop it, you always remain like this, I feel Tanu is right girl for Abhi bro
Alia : for Abhi bro? but have you ever thought that if dad would ever agree to this relation, she belongs to middle class
Purab : thats something to think for later but I will make brother realizes he loves Tanu
Alia : you taking a wrong way bro, it will not work out mark my words

Purab : I bet you I will make it possible (snaps his finger)
Arpita informs Abhi about the prayer ceremony they attend every year.
Abhi : okay mom, I will be there on time (hangs up the phone)
Sarla informs her children about the Durga Prayer in the evening. Sid goes to chill out with his friends and spots Alia outside a library. He is mesmerized by her simplicity and innocence. His friends keep calling her but Sid is all lost in Alia’s beauty. Alia is crossing the road when a car is about to hit but Sid saves her in nick of time. Alia gets scared when Sid pulls her away. Both falls on the side of road.
Sid : are you okay? (asks with concern)
Alia gets bit uncomfortable with his touch and moves away
Sid : your hand is bleeding, let me put medicine

Alia : its okay, I am fine, thank you so much I am getting late
Sid : wait, wait I will not let you go alone, please
Alia hesitantly agrees to Sid’a condition and lets him put medicine on her wound.
Sid : I will drop you home
Alia ; thats perfectly fine, I will go in my car, thank you once again
Sid : okay as you wish
Alia is walking to the door when she turns around to Sid who is smiling to her. Later Pragya goes to meet her boyfriend Rajiv
Pragya : I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you back, I missed you a lot
Rajiv : you know what Pragya, you are very lucky for me
Pragya : really? why
Rajiv : because I got a big consignment in London’s big multinational company
Pragya : oh my god (gets delighted)
Rajiv (holds her hand) : if my company gets this contract then my job is fixed, and in a moment all our dreams will be fulfilled
Pragya : Rajiv, I want to talk something important with you
Rajiv : whats wrong

Pragya : from many days I was thinking about this, we have been together from long time, its high time we should settle down, even mom wants that
Rajiv : what are you saying Pragya?
Pragya : you know mom is bit strict about all this, she wants you to meet dad and ask for my hand
Rajiv : you know my situation, I promise Pragya, once my life settle down I will come to your house and ask your hand (bend on his knees)
Pragya (looks at the watch) : oh god, I almost forgot that I have to attend the ceremony today
Rajiv ; okay lets go immediately, I forgot too
Both of them drives in the same car to attend the prayer. 25 years ago both families used to do the ceremony together but after their estranged relation none of them attended the ceremony. After many years, unaware both families will come face to face again when Pragya and Alia from their respective family wanted to do the prayer. Pragya reaches the venue before her family arrives. Mehra family arrives there while Pragya is standing lighting the lamp in front of Durga Goddess statue. She turns behind to look whole Mehra family making grand entry inside. She sees Rakeeh greeting everybody followed by his wife and children. At the end her eyes finally reaches to Abhi. Rajiv too notices Abhi and goes to him
Abhi : oh my god Rajiv? when did you come back
Rajiv ; today, I wanted to surprise you all

Abhi : and you are meeting me right now, you were so busy with your so called girlfriend
Rajiv : for your kind information she is right here (whispers him)
Abhi ; really? where is she
Rajiv : Pragya come here (signals her)
Pragya and Abhi confront each other standing right in front of Goddess Statue.
Rajiv : I know I know, both of you have been perfect enemies but you have to shake hands one day, at least here in front of god
Both of them shakes hand for Rajiv’s sake. Arora family too makes entry when Rajiv goes to meet Sarla
Pragya : don’t think that shaking hands will reduce our enmity
Abhi : our thoughts are so similar Pragya, and you don’t be in any illusion that you are my best friend’s girlfriend, I would feel sympathy for you, never in your dreams
Pragya : what is the fun when there is no fire in enmity, I have more hatred for you than my love for Rajiv, and yes just once that hotel is built I will make sure you will not get that ownership of that, it will be my first goal to break your pride
Abhi : I will wait for that my future sister in law
Both of them walks in opposite direction.

Precap : Abhi reveals his feelings for Tanu to Purab but fears his dad’s reaction of loving a middle class girl. Pragya too confesses her love for Rajiv in front of her dad

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