Fan Fiction

Abhigya- story of opposite attracts each other (epi-34)

Hi everyone! Keep supporting me and thanks for the support so far!!!
Happy May Day!! Happy Labour Day!!! And also will like to wish happy birthday to Thala Ajith!! I am not a great fan of his but a great follower of his idealogies and characteristics!!!

Pragya was keep on asking what happened but Abhi continued to cry and finally started to talk
Abhi “Pragya we just got married right? But now I will have to leave u and go to US for a concert! I totally forgot about it! And just now Purab called me and informed that I need to leave the country by end of this week!” Pragya “For this you are crying like a small kid! U know i got so scared that something bad happened!” Abhi “Pragya! Why u don’t understand I will miss u a lot and why now because I want to spend more time with u now!” Pragya “Work is more important! And u are talking as if we are in the times of only communicating with letters! We can see each other often through skype! So no worries!” Abhi ” I still feel very sad!!” Pragya “How about a treatment?” Abhi asked in excitement, ” U mean kiss treatment?” Pragya ” Haan baba close your eyes and I will do it!” Abhi ” This time no cheating ok?” Pragya ” Don’t talk too much then my mood will change!” Abhi ” Okok I will close my eyes now” Pragya was shy but still did kiss Abhi on his cheek. Abhi ” On cheek now? Not on lips? But its ok Pragya after I come back from concert u should give where i want” Pragya’s face turned pink hearing to his response.

Due to Abhi’s overseas concert trip he was busy practising his compositions and Pragya was also giving him moral support in all possible ways. It was the day that he need to leave and both were very upset but didn’t really expressed their sadness to each other and continued to talk as normal as they could.

In the airport…
Abhi looked at Pragya. She too looked at him with a cheerless face as she was going to miss him badly… It was the same emotion that Abhi was going through. Abhi ” Pragya I am leaving and take care of yourself! Don’t do overtime at work and eat your meals on time!” Pragya ” You too! Don’t skip your meals and eat sufficiently” Abhi ” Ok I have to go now already…Will miss you my sweetheart!” Pragya ” Ok enough of speaking a lot and leave before u start to cry and also make me cry!”

Pragya saw him moving from there and slowly disappeared from her view…in her mind, I can’t stop u from leaving me as I don’t want u to feel weak by saying to you that Don’t leave me…As how much you are worried leaving me, I am also going through the same amount of worry. Will miss u a lot which i can’t express in words…

Abhi boarded on the flight with the thoughts of Pragya and was hoping that she would take care of herself in his absence as he know that she will miss him a lot…

In Mehra mansion….
Pragya felt very lonely although there were other family members in the house. She didn t felt like going to their room as she know that it will only makes her reminds of him. With heavy hearted she went slowly inside the room and only could see him at different positions with a wide smile on his face….Unable to stand all these she tried to close her eyes and sleep but that was also not possible to her….

Abhi was also very restless in his flight and was keep on looking at Pragya’s photo that he had saved in his mobile phone….

Pragya was eagerly waiting for Abhi’s phone call!


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