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Actor Gulshan Pandey of ‘Crime Patrol’ hospitalized due to COVID-19

It is unfortunately inevitable for us not to be reading news related to the COVID crisis going on in our country. While we do our best to avoid the news, our habit of staying updated makes us scroll the portals and we get to know one sad news after the other.

Actor Gulshan Pandey, who has been on the tube for a long time now and has been a regular face almost on the show, Crime Patrol is currently hospitalized. He tested positive for COVID a few days ago and is currently hospitalized due to the complications occurred. While there isn’t a health update on the same further but we certainly hope nothing is too serious and the actor is able to recover from it at the soonest.

We just reported a while ago that actor Aniruddh Dave too is battling for life in a hospital ICU in Bhopal where he got admitted after he had complications. We pray for everyone testing positive for COVID and wish them a speedy recovery.

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