Fan Fiction

Addicted To Love (Part:50) EPILOGUE

¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢Chapter :50

Two Year Later:


Maheshwari Mansion:

Swasan Room:

Swara was standing at window with tears in her eyes looking at the dark sky

Swara: Why why did you left me you said you will never leave me even for a second then why did u leave me i hate you I HATE YOU SANSKAR

Mumbles swara with tears in her eyes suddenly she feels a pulls on her leg she leg she looks down and finds a cute baby girl of a year swara wipes her tears and sits before the baby

Swara: Smiley baby wt happen

Smiley: Mamma Paaa i want paaa

Says the baby in her cute voice crying before swara while swara too holds her tears and lifts the baby girl

Swara: Smiley dont cry baby come lets goo to dadi

Says swara coming out of the room as she starts moving she gets strike with a person before swara and baby falls the man catches swara and takes baby while swara makes a angry face

Swara: Viren Bhai can’t you see and walk if we would have fallen

Shouts swara at viren while he makes a sorry face while smiley claps her hands seeing viren getting scolding from her mamma

Viren: Princess bad manners I’ll complain ur maa that ur laughing at ur papa

Soon a girl enters in room and smiley starts jumping in her papa arms

Swara: Bhabi see bhai is threatening smiley

Says swara to jeevika smiling

Jeevika: Viren have some shame

Viren: Areee iam not romancing with you that ur saying me that

Jeevika blushes hearing him while smiley jumps in jeevika pulling her cheeks and kissing her

Viren: Ayeeee Miss. Riya Viren Vaddera it’s my right to kiss ur mamma

Shouts viren getting a smack from the three viren makes a cry face and all laughs suddenly viren slaps his forehead

Viren: Oyee shit

Swara: Wt happen bhai

Viren: Voo arjun came to meet you today is rakshabandan u had tied rakhi to me but wt about arjun

Swara face become serious listening his name she turns other side jeevika leaves smiley on ground while she runs to her dadi

Jeevika: Shona its been a year to that Incident still u didn’t forgive him he wasn’t at fault shona

Swara: Bhabi that day was the worst day of my life

Says swara throwing a vase making a huge sound

Swara: I want to leave alone somw time

Says swara going towards balcony nd virika sighs looking at her and leaves from there

Swara: That one day


Swara: Sanskar…………

Cries swara hugging sanskar tight shomi catches swara hair nd holds her chin tight in her hand

Shomi: I was waiting soo soo much for this day swara u know wt this is tit for tat ur mother took my everything while now i took everything for you

Swara looks at shomi confusingly when shomi continues

Shomi: I wanted your father from the very first sight i was attracted to him but he was already in a relation with ur mother janki i tried every possible thing to seperate them but ntg worked and then i got a golden opportunity on their send of party i had mixed some drugs in his drink and gave him that he drank nd lost his senses taking it a opportunity we both became one

I thought i will get everything then but next day morning your mother came and slapped me hard and thrown me away and warned me to stay away from ur father then arjun born after nine months nd he didn’t know that later after two years your father became rich enough to give me everything then again i wanted him but then he married ur maa who was pregnant with you and you born after few months and then when i got a chance i had pushed her from the hill

All thought that was a accident and happened because of you then i made ur dada and dadi impress to marry shekhar we got married and i started provoking him against nd he got in my trap and started beating you but ur dada nd dadi protected you then one day we bought arjun who just entered school then everything was going right

One day ur dada dadi got to know my true face nd also that arjun was my own son before they could doo anything i killed them that had became a strong point for making shekhar hate u to the core nd ur idiot father believed me blindly

All was good then one day i got to know that whole property was in ur hands and u can use ur powers after u turn 21 or if u get married ur husband could use the powers i tried every possible way to seperate u and ur protector sanskar but no he didn’t leave you nd protected u always

Then suddenly your father was getting extra love seeing u and ur husband together nd with the fear of his confession of his and our crimes i killed him too

After that i thought i could get back u with the help of sanskar dadi but noo Then suddenly one sanskar revealed that ur his wife

And my dreams got shattered but an idea clicked in my mind if ur husband will die then u will become my slave again soo now see i did everything which i could doo now ur my slave i will rule you and everything which is urs

Hahaha hahahaha starts laughing shomi revealing everything in front of swara suddenly she felt a tight slap and she was on ground she looks up and finds swara

Swara: How dare u to harm my sanskar u killed my mother my dada dadi

Says swara and holds her hair and slaps again virika arjun and anjali reaches their and panicks seeing situation

Anjali and virika settles near sanskar and tries to make him up but couldn’t arjun holds swara trying to control

Shomi shout and turns back when she feels a hand on her shoulder her eyes widen she gets a tight slap making her stumble she looks up to find shekhar with a ragefull face she gets panick and starts walking backside without watching

Once shekhar got hold of her slapped her tightly shomi stumbles and falls from the hill top shouting making shekhar shocked

While on otherside arjun holds swara seeing arjun her tears starts flowing badly her eyes falls on sanskar body who was lying lifeless

Arjun: Shona… Shona look at me

Swara: Sans… My sanskar she… She killed him

Arjun: Shona relax it was a our plan to make shomi reveal her truth sanskar was wearing bullet proof jacket

Swara runs towards sanskar and shakes him

Swara: Sanskar get up sanskar

Arjun sits down and looks at sanskar he shakes but he doesn’t get any response seeing noo response arjun opens sanskar shirt nd gets shocked seeing the jacket got cutted with sharp edged knife nd he was injured badly

Swara becomes numb soon they took sanskar to the hospital


Sanskar was taken into icu swara was numb nd anjali condition was not less virika were all broken seeing sanskar in this condition

Arjun comes and sit before swara and cups her face

Arjun: Shona iam sorry i thought Mrs. Gadodia will use gun nd i had said this plan to sanskar and he agrees he didn’t say to anyone because he thought you will get scared i don’t know this will happen……..

Chatakk comes a sound all looks at swajun swara had slapped arjun soo tightly

Arjun: Shona….

Swara: Dont did u get it (she holds his collar) u r a cop that doesn’t mean you can do anything how dare you to doo this with sanskar if anything will happen to him I’ll not leave u I’ll not leave you

Says swara jerking him shekhar tries to hold swara when she moves back

Swara: Dont you both father and son are same just get lost from my sight get lost

Viren holds swara while she hugs him getting warmth of a brother

After a hour

Doctor comes while swara was the first one to question him

Swara: Doctor how is my sanskar

Doctor: If u would be late for a minute also u would have lost him he is now fine but needs complete bed rest

Says all were happy as he was fine

Fb ends:

After a complete bedrest of two weeks sanskar gets fine nd their life gets filled with happiness a year passed and jeevika gabe birth to a princess who become light of the house filled with smiles

Swara comes back to her sense when she feels two hands on her belly nd wet lingering kisses on her neck she holds the hand tight

Swara: Sanskar…..

Sanskar: Hmm

Says sanskar busy in sucking her skin soon he turns her towards him but finds tears in her eyes he drinms away her tears nd hugs her tight

Sanskar: Baby stop thinking about past iam her with you

Says sanskar cressing her back her condition was vulnerable seeing him like that it took soo many months for her to get well but still some where she is afraid of loosing him they both need each they both are made for each kther they are ADDICTED TO LOVE from eachother

After sometime sanskar breaks hug nd kisses her forehead he cups her face

Sanskar: Shona if iam with u here means it’s because of arjun he wouldn’t have said the Intensions of Mrs. Gadodia they may bee i would have been di……

Swara hits him nd hugs him tight

Swara: I love you dont say that

Sanskar: And sorry for not taking you for US it was just for a day so i didn’t want you to get stress

Says sanskar pecking her forehead while she nods nd pecks his cheeck

Soon swasan comes down nd smiley jumps into sanskar she is soo naughty and most pampered by anjali nd swasan

Swara looks at arjun who was waiting for her sanskar sighs swara to go nd jeevika goes near sanskar

Both swara ties rakhi to arjun while jeevika to sanskar while sanskar gives a gift to jeevika

Otherside swara stands up without talking to arjun making him sad she tries to go but he holds her hand she turns to find him on his knees holding his ears she gets tears looking at him

Arjun: Sorry shona

Listening him swara couldn’t control anymore nd hugs him tight all smiles looking at them (to mend few relation just a small word is enough they will break in ur embrace)

Swara: Iam sorry too

Arjun rubs her back to control her tears soon both stands up

Viren is holding smiling ns side hugging jeevika he pecks her forehead looking

Anjali looks at her children happily

Sanskar comes near swara and back hugs her he kisses on her cheeck while she smiles holding his hand she pecks his lips winking at him

Screen freezes on their happy faces

And thank you for all ur extreme belief on me I know I wrote soo worse and a worst ending but I am not sorry for that sorry if I was rude

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