Hiee guys!!! I am back with the first part of the story.
I am back to irritate you guys again with my story..
So firstly I would like to thank you guys for giving you comments on the intro. And thanks for giving likes or dislikes. And my silent readers too.
I’m quite busy now-a-days with the hectic schedule of college so got late.
So i’m here today
So i’ll stop my chattering here only for now and lets begin with the story.
So here you go….
Adoore Hum Adhoore Tum
Chapter-1 (It ended before it began)
The blood was coursing up his veins and tumultuous thoughts kept flitting in and out of his angry and confused mind. He had never expected that life would bring him again to the same crossroads at which he was ten years back. He never thought that he would be dealing with anything about love or anything roughly close to it after his past disappointment. He had told himself that he was never made for love. For that matter, nobody was made. It was a sham sold by writers, artists, filmmakers and serial writers for their profit. Being a part of the world of make believe, he ought to have known it.
But he had not always been like that. There was an Eden of Innocence in his life too. He too had loved somebody and offered his heart to her on a platter. But when his platter was summarily dismissed to the dustbin and his love was trodden beneath the foot by the very person whom he loved, he grew up. He lost his innocence or rather his ignorance as he would call it later. He picked up the broken pieces of his heart and carefully preserved them. He never tried putting them together. He had recovered quickly the last time because it was only an infatuation and physical attraction. He buried himself in his work. He was a self-made man. He was Kabir Goenka or KG as his fans would call him.
Kabir had turned thirty today and was one of the top names in the Indian television industry. The press had exclusively devoted the whole of their Page Three to this momentous event as they preferred to see it. He had received hundreds and hundreds of bouquets from his fans and well-wishers. They had gathered in huge numbers before his house demanding just a glimpse of him. The press was also there. They wanted to know if this year at least he was going to acknowledge the presence of someone very special in his life. As usual, they had nothing to write but of their own disappointment and about his still most eligible bachelordom. He could never understand what was so different about this day. It was like any other day for that matter it made him older by one year.
At last KG had got rid of all of them and could be at peace with himself and think about all that had happened in his life. What he had told the press was a blatant lie. He did have someone very special in his life but when he saw that she too had a hidden agenda in her relationship with him, his whole heart broke into a zillion smithereens. He took out all his frustration and anger on the poor, wretched glass of alcohol which again became his companion in sorrow. He summarily dismissed it towards the wall on his left side. The broken pieces of glass lay there scattered all over the place, while he wistfully continued to stare into the distance. Her face kept coming before his face even though he was trying his best to forget her.
But this time was different from the last time. He was madly and passionately in love with her. It would take him a life-time to forget her or the moments and memories they shared with each other. How would he support himself this time? He never knew that he was in love until he was submerged in it shoulder deep. He used to think then that he, KG, was immunized to love, but he was wrong. She was very different from anybody he had met. But circumstances and evidences now seemed to prove that he had misjudged again.
He had been happy in his misogynist world. But she came and changed all his tested notions. It had all started as simple admiration of her genius. When feelings of respect joined and when friendship blossomed between them, he could hardly tell. He had always been wary of female friends and co-stars. He kept them at an arm’s length. He would never open up with any of his acquaintances or associates. But how she broke through that wall he had built around himself, he could not tell. Her attentions towards him piqued his interest, her affection for him roused a tender chord in his heart, and her care for him and his needs were like a soothing balm to his cynical heart. KG really could not tell when he had started investing so much in this relationship. All the accumulated anger of the previous hurt came back with redoubled vigor this time.
The words of her ex-husband continued echoing in his mind, “She is a cheat. She might be famous and all today. But it doesn’t take away from the fact that she cheated me and deserted me when I needed her the most. Now she has powerful friends and superstars in her life. I can see that she has no place for me now in her life. But once upon a time when she was practically unknown, she was mine. She used me as a stepping stone in her ladder towards success. And once my job was done, she kicked me out of the path. One day she will kick you too out of the path after she is done with you. Beware!”
She had come to wish him and be with him on this special day. She knew that he hated celebrations and parties of all kinds. Despite being in the industry, he was not a party animal. He loved to concentrate only on his work and let his work speak for itself. Another superstar of his stature would have organized a huge event on this occasion. But it was better this way. She would get an opportunity of confessing what she felt about him.
Sanchi Reddy never knew that even this day would come in her life. Her first marriage had scarred her ability to love and trust anybody unconditionally. She hid herself behind her stories and characters. She lived vicariously through what she wrote. Stories and reel life characters never had the ability to hurt you as human relationships did. And they would always remain in your control. You could twist and turn them according to your wishes and desires. But love happened in her life also, a second time. This time she ardently wanted to give it a chance.
The door was open but an eerie silence filled the whole house. Where were all the servants? And Kusum aunty had invited her to come today. Even she did not seem to be inside. Was everything all right? While she was standing at the doorstep confused on what to do next, she heard a booming voice say, “Come in. I’ve given the servants a day off. Ma has gone to the temple to seek blessings from Lord Shiva on my birthday. It’s good that she too is not here now. It would be better if we get it clarified between ourselves now. It would save both of us the scandal that would happen if this was discussed before everyone.”
KG’s tone was perfectly unruffled, and his actions were highly composed, a direct contrast to his thoughts at the moment. Sanchi looked surprised but she let his remark go. She had something so important to tell him. She wanted to tell him that she was in love with him. She wanted to be a part of his life. She wanted to share his joys and his sorrows. She wanted to experience the joys of womanhood with him.
Sanchi never thought that such feelings would ever resurface in her life again. But that is the paradox of life. She began, “Kabir, I’ve something important to tell you. I…” While she was hesitating and searching for words, he bluntly said, “I met your husband today, or let me say, your ex-husband! He told me everything about you. I learnt a lot about you and also the mistake I was about to make.”
Sanchi’s words stuck in her throat. She knew what Nikhil would have told Kabir. She only expected the worst from Nikhil. But she had really begun loving and depending a lot on Kabir. She wanted him to listen to her words and trust her. So she was utterly shocked. She just wanted to know what and how much of Nikhil’s words Kabir would believe.
Sanchi chocked, “So…did you believe…he is not…” KG replied, “Yes, I believe him. I would have been foolish if I didn’t. Anyhow, do you have anything else to say?” She proudly looked at him, facing eye to eye, saying, “No! Nothing important! Happy birthday, Kabir. I see that there is nothing more for me to explain as you seem to have understood everything perfectly. Good bye!”
Sanchi forgot to give the single red rose she had brought along with her to give him after confessing her love. It fell down from her hand unnoticed. She quickly turned back on her heel and was about to leave when a piece of glass got stuck to her leg. She winced in pain and staggered back towards the wall to support herself. She looked towards him to see if this made an impact on him. But he stood where he was unmoved.
Sanchi brushed aside the tears that had started filling her eyes unknowingly. She took out the piece of glass on her own and put it in the dustbin. Without speaking a single word, she swept all the glass pieces in the room into the dustbin. He could be callous but not her! How could she let him get hurt by those glass pieces? She limped her way outside and shut the door behind herself. She quickly shuffled herself to the parking lot. She didn’t want to show herself weak before his eyes. She just could not believe her eyes that all this was happening again in her life.
All her dreams came crumbling down before her own eyes. She quickly got into her car and drove off without knowing where she was going or what she was doing. Suddenly, she lost control over her car and hit a tree. She was bleeding profusely and she thought that this was the end. She did not want to live anymore. She had fought a terrible marriage experience and her tendency to hide behind her stories and characters and fell in love again. But of what use?
KG believed the worst about her. He did not stop even for a moment to think that she could be innocent. He did not give her even a chance to clear herself. He had believed the words of people who were strangers to him. Didn’t he remember all those moments they had shared together? Were all of them false like her first marriage? She was happy enough in her world of make believe. Why did she think of getting out of it? Love in the real world was never pleasant. If it was her story, the ending would be in her hands. But here, she herself didn’t know what fate awaited her love. She soon lost consciousness.
So guys that’s all for today
So if you happen to like it press the like button and if not then press the dislike button and if you have time then do give me your reviews. It really matters alot.
Love you all my readers.
“Guys an important thing I’m planning to quit my another story ‘Pyaar Ki Kahani’ due to less time and lack of ideas I want to know about your guys opinion”
With love
Hey it was mind blowing episode and interesting plot, excited to know what happened in their past n what will happen in future with them ? all the best n Take care

Thanks dear
Hey Rishika,
The plot was amazing
The way you expressed each and every feeling was awesome
Waiting for your next part
Post soon
All the best and Take care
Thanks dear
Hey it was very nice.
Hii rishika …… It was amazing ..the way u expressed it was good. ..lovely. ??
Thanks vishu
Hii rishika ? the story was awesome…… please post next one asap……I’m waiting for it……..lots of love for you and TC…….
Thanks dear
So so amazing and awesome episode yaar……………….. sorry yaar for commenting late yaar
Thanks dear I’m glad you’ve given comment so doesn’t matter being late