When producer Ekta Kapoor announced the fourth season of the supernatural show Naagin 4, the fans were super thrilled as they knew one more show with jam packed entertainment is about to hit the screens. The show has managed to keep the audience hooked on with interesting twists and turns. The show features Nia Sharma and Vijendra Kumeria in pivotal roles, playing the characters of Brinda and Dev.
Just recently we read the news that actress Anita Haasanandani who played the role of Naagin in one of the seasons entered the show once again. Now one.more actress who played the role of Naagin in the previous seasons is about to join th cast of Naagin 4.
Anita Hassanandani’s entry intensified the narrative and brought in some interesting twists and turns. As Anita plays the role of Vishaka in the show currently, the current plot sees the actress trying to kill Dev pretending to be Brinda on the show. While Dev and Brinda’s chemistry is intriguing, Vishaka’s entry in their lives is almost creating trouble between them.
According to reports in a leading tabloid, Bela aka Surbhi Jyoti will mark her comeback on the show and in order to save the lives of Dev and Brinda and protect them from the wrath of Vishaka. The report read, “Bela will return to save Brinda and Dev’s lives and will kill Vishakha.” As per the reports, Bela will be ruthlessly cutting off Vishaka’s neck and leave her body in two parts. The report further stated, “She will ruthlessly cut off Vish’s neck and leave her body in two parts. Bela will take her revenge from Vish, who had betrayed her loyal friendship 150 years ago.”
Would you like Surbhi to enter the show?
I think, to boost up the ratings, makers are bringing Surbhi Jyoti as she is the most successful naagin in the franchise. But there is no need of bringing old characters. Makers should concentrate on revenge track and should end the kidnap track. They are dragging this so much. Anyways excited for SJ’s comeback. Even I come to know, Jasmine is also returning to the show. Let us wait what happens.
now the fun begins
i agree with you they are dragging the kidnapping so much like a common show
waiting for behir’s return & fed up with vish’s dual character
I’m very happy to come across this post and hopefully this will be useful for me.