Categories: Agar Tum Na Hote

Agar Tum Na Hote 23rd November 2021 Written Episode Update: Abhimanyu reveals his feelings infront of Niyati

Agar Tum Na Hote 23rd November 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

In the night Ram mentions that their one decision should not ruin the future of their daughter and he feels that Aanad is the right life partner for Niyati, she asks then what about the truth about her past, Ram exclaims they should forget about it and not even try to think of them, Sulochana prays that this is what she desired and now Niyati would have a bright future, Sulochana exclaims she will go and light a Diya when Ram thinks he cannot tell her the truth because he found out that Abhimanyu might not be able to get healthy, he exclaims this is why he cannot reveal the truth.

Abhimanyu exclaims he is leaving the hospital tomorrow when Niyati questions why is he still planning to run away even after all that has happened, Abhimanyu assures that his mother is the one who is taking him

away from this hospital come hotel, and now the rest of his treatment will take place in his guest house, Niyati asks then why is he saying this to her, Abhimanyu exclaims because he wants her to be the one to handle his case, Niyati exclaims the hospital decides her case and it is very late, Aanad tries calling her but she doesnot answer, she asks Abhimanyu to end the call as Aanad is calling when Abhimanyu asks why does she have to talk with him, Abhimanyu exclaims he doesnot know when he started liking her and then fell in love, Aanad in ager scolds Niyati asking why was she not answering his calls, she asks why is he talking like this so he apologizes mentioning he got worried, she explains Abhimanyu called her which worries him who asks why did Abhimanyu call her so late, she exclaims that he doesnot need any reason to call her as this is what he is like.

In the morning Niyati is getting ready when she receives a call from the nurse in charge who explains that her duty has been changed and now she will have to go to a house duty, Niyati asks how will she get the files when the in charge exclaims that she will get them at the house, Niyati walking out asks Sulochana to not pay the person who will come to fix the water purifier, then Ram coming out of the kitchen exclaims that the breakfast is ready, Niyati exclaims she will not be able to have it since she needs to rush for a visit but Ram insists that she eat it as this is her favourite dish but she takes a bite praising how delicious it is, Ram mentions just like Aanad, he explains that if one keeps someone waiting for so long then they might end up moving away which is not a good thing, Niyati agrees saying she will think about it but for now needs to leave. Sulochana demands Ram to tell the truth because first he was not ready to get her married but is now pressurizing her when Ram exclaims why is she still worried when he is thinking about the future of his daughter.

Niyati reaches the location she wonders if this is the acutal address, a dog appears from behind and starts running after her, she gets scared so tries to run away when she bumps into Abhimanyu who caches her, he asks Buzo to not be so ear as he would be scolded, Niyati questions if this dog is his pet who is so hyper, Abhimanyu replies indeed Buzo is his dog but when would she stop judging everyone, Niyati asks if this is his house, he replies why would he stay in someone else’s house with his own pet, Niyati understands he has called her here, Abhimanyu takes the bag from Buzo mentioning he has ruined it all, he asks her to not be scared but she once again gets shocked when he walks her in the house.

Aanad in anger scolds the in charge questioning why she let Niyati take the case of Abhimanyu when he has specially ordered it, does she not value her job, she replies this what the trustee also said and he wanted Niyati to attend this case even after she told him of his orders, Aanad is really frustrated.

Niyati walking in exclaim she told him that she cannot attend his case but even then why did he ask her, the trustee says that he has called her here because the father of Abhimanyu is a friend of their chairman who has requested him, Niyati exclaims that she cannot take this case because of personal reasons, the trustee exclaims Niyati is a nurse and has to follow their orders otherwise she will be fired, Abhimanyu asks why did Manaroma ask their father, she is not able to reply when Abhimanyu assures Niyati that he did not know she involved his father but Niyati can decide on her own, Aanad coming from behind exclaims that he is right because the parents of Niyati do not want her to take this case, Abhimanyu questions who is he to interfere because it is matter between him and Niyati, Aanad exclaims that he will always stand in between them both, Abhimanyu asks Manaroma to go and talk with her parents but Manaroma exclaims that they only tend to talk with those whom they know.

Niyati is walking when Aanad stopping her exclaims that she should not worry her parents and even offers to drop her home but she exclaims she will leave on her own, Aanad warns her to not take this case as she might get hurt, he leaves when Abhimanyu comes which angers Niyati who exclaims that she thought he was different then other rich people who try to use the force of their money but he is also the same, he explains he just came to apologize because he knows she is the only one who can make sure he gets healthy however Niyati tries to leave when he stops her holding her hand, she insists he let it go exclaiming she doesnot know if she will come back but Abhimanyu exclaims she has to come back because otherwise it will affect his treatment, he mentions that he only accepted he is ill because she cared so much for the umbrella which her father gifted her, so he feels she will be able to take care of him, she should come as a nurse even if she doesnot consider his love to be true.

Ram in anger is shouting at Niyati questioning why is she going to perform her duty even when he asked her to stop from this case, Niyati replies that she has a duty which needs to be fulfilled ands it is her duty to make sure everyone is healthy, however Sulochana exclaims that it is one thing to perform a duty but another to risk ones life, Ram exclaims that she has made a habit of not accepting his orders, Niyati asks what has she not accepted, Ram replies she has not agreed to marry Aanad, Niyati asks what has gotten into him because he has been forcing her since yesterday, she is sure he is hiding something and must reveal the truth.

Precap: Aanad reveals that their family has arranged their marriage and Niyati has also agreed, Abhimanyu is also shocked when he asks why did she agree to marry Aanad in order to get away from him, Niyati explains Aanad is the right choice for her but Abhimanyu questions when would she accept his love.

Update Credit to: Sona

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