Categories: Agar Tum Na Hote

Agar Tum Na Hote 28th February 2022 Written Episode Update: Abhimanyu forgives Manaroma

Agar Tum Na Hote 28th February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Abhimanyu is with Manaroma who sits down, explaining she has tried a lot to kill him so why is he not understanding, she starts weeping, he is kneeling in front of her exclaims he knows she did not try to kill him but was forced to by her second child, but he is really angry as why did she not tell him the truth, he would have drank the poison himself, she asks him to stop. He exclaims what did she think, he would forget the love which she had for him just because of a single bottle of poison, he knows all the love which she showered on him since their childhood, Manaroma says she is his step mother but Abhimanyu informs it is said that Bhagwan is not present everywhere which is why he created Mothers so that is why mothers are given the status of Bhagwan just like she is for him, Manaroma mentions

she is not like that because she did not gave birth to him, Abhimanyu mentions he got to know the name of his birth mother yesterday, but only knows she is his mother. She did everything because she was under pressure, he will not let the love of twenty six years go in vain because of a single incident, her tears are proof that she doesnot have any hatred against him, how can he stop loving her since she taught him the meaning of a mother, she was his friend and guru, he cannot forget her, she is his world and no one can snatch his world from him, he exclaims she cannot leave him like this, Manaroma mentions she is not worthy of his love and so he must let her leave, Abhimanyu exclaims he has every right to love her, children can be wrong but a mother would always remain true and honest, she can never be wrong. Manaroma apologizes to him, Niyati also stands behind them both crying, Manaroma stands beside him, holding her hands apologizes to Niyati informing she wronged her a lot, Niyati exclaims that parent feel good while giving blessing, she informs she is proud to be his wife.

Abhimanyu takes the hand of Manaroma, insisting to take her back when Niyati exclaims she is going to stand by his decision being his wife, but does he think that the family would accept her, Abhimanyu says thy would have to otherwise would lose him, Manaroma asks him to not do it, he however asks her to come with him.

Abhimanyu along with Manaroma and Niyati enter the house, Amma je and the rest of the Panday family are shocked to see her, Mami exclaims some people do not have any shame, Kinkar questions if she wants to kill someone else because of which she has returned, Manaroma tries to turn away, however Abhimanyu takes her hand walking into the house, Amma jee informs she is not his mother and even tried to kill him, she is the reason his father is paralyzed, Abhimanyu asks if he had made the mistake then would they have thrown him out of the house, but they would have forgiven him so why are they not forgiving Manaroma, Abhimanyu mentions that he is also going to leave the house if they do not allow his mother to stay in the house, Mami jee mentions it is wrong to trust this women once more as she is not worthy of any sympathy, Mami jee also warns Niyati that she cannot be trusted, Niyati explains after what happened yesterday, Abhimanyu split personality has started to recover, he gets really excited while Manaroma is also smiling. Abhimanyu takes Manaroma to her room, Amma jee warns him to not expect them to not believe what they have seen with their own eyes.

Abhimanyu sits with Manaroma in the room, he starts applying the medicine when asks Niyati to bring some food for her since she would not have eaten anything, he even offers her some cookies. Manaroma questions why he is so nice since she is not worthy of his love and only hatred, he asks how he can do it since he doesnot know how to hate since his mother has only taught her how to love. Manaroma mentions she feels only Angath started hating, she met him one and half years ago and realized how much he hated him, she followed each and everything which he said and caused so much pain to Abhimanyu, she in order to be close to her son started doing each and everything which he said, Manaroma insists on leaving since she stayed because of him when Abhimanyu informs if she left then he would die. Manaroma mentions she doesnot want him to die, he informs Niyati that tomorrow is the birthday of his mother, and they are going to celebrate it with full zest, he promises to bring his brother back with him, Manaroma stops him informing he only has hatred filled in him so he is not going to go, Abhimanyu however insists Manaroma tell him the location of his brother.
In the morning Niyati is sitting in her room, she is really tensed when Abhimanyu hands hr a box asking her to open it, she is excited to see the bangles, asking if he remembered it when Abhimanyu informs how he knows everything, she used to insist with Sulochana who would go to and argue with seller. Niyati shows him the bangles, asking how are they looking when he mentions they are really beautiful like everything which he likes, she gets angry saying that he is calling her a thing but he assures that he loves her and if she wants to fight then can play the music with these bangles, she assures there is no need to fight from now on, he kisses her on the cheek, requesting her to look after Maa since everyone in the family is angry with her, Niyati asks him to not be worried about her, he stands to leave when Niyati stops him requesting that he not go since they donot know anything about Angath except that he is the son of Maa, Abhimanyu assures he is going to make sure nothing wrong happens, he leaves Niyati when she thinks she doesnot know why she is worried when he is leaving, she prays that Abhimanyu return safety with Angath.

Mami jee mentions she doesnot know why Abhimanyu is planning the party of the same women who tried to kill him, karan enters through the front gate mentioning why did not do anything even after all that happened, since Gajender Panday was paralyzed but why did she not do anything, Amma jee exclaims that Abhimanyu is not listening to anyone.

Niyati walks into the room, Manaroma standing mentions she cannot do it anymore, she questions why did Niyati forgive her when Abhimanyu is her son, she mentions she did it for herself as she wants the love of a mother in law but now Manaroma has a chance to prove that being a step mother is not wrong and she can take care of him, he loves her a lot and is the reason he went to bring back Angath.

Abhimanyu stops the car meanwhile Angath walks up to the truck when everyone is cheering for him.

Update Credit to: Sona

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