Categories: Agar Tum Na Hote

Agar Tum Na Hote 28th March 2022 Written Episode Update: Niyati gets a lead to find the proof against Angad

Agar Tum Na Hote 28th March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Niyati with standing with Ram, Sulochana coming explains they both should leave for the HolikaDehan because after punishing Nidtiya, she would also not be able to live peacefully, they should let the mother and daughter sort it out themselves.
Nidtiya is standing behind the door when she exclaims that the mission has completed, she goes to sit on the bed acting as if she is reading the book, she asks when did Mama come, Niyati asks her to act like this infront of her Grandparents and not her, she turns the book, Nidtiya realizes her mistake, Niyati asks her to eat the food after which they will make the Diya for the function, Nidtiya however rushes out of the room locking Niyati inside, she requests Nidtiya to open the door but she questions what was the reason which angered her so much, she

has always played pranks but she never got so angry, Nidtiya demands the truth, Niyati reveals she cannot lose her daughter once again hearing this Nidtiya questions if she was lost in the childhood, Niyati sitting down explains that just as she was born someone kidnapped her from the hospital, they then demanded fifty million from her and she was forced to find Nidtiya, Niyati thinks that she cannot lie to her anymore but is scared of also revealing the truth, Niyati informs she found out in the Mandir where they usually go, after which she is always scared of losing her again. Nidtiya rushes into the room assuring it will never happen as she will not allow herself to go away from her mother, Niyati hugs her daughter, Nidtiya wipes off the tears mentioning what is the worry if she was lost as they are still together because the Kismat connection of Nidtiya and Niyati is really strong, Niyati hugging her recalls the meeting with Abhimanyu.

Niyati is applying the medicine on Nidtiya’s hands while Amma jee is also doing the same for Abhimanyu revealing that this medicine is applied on Holi so that it is removed jus as the worries, she questions why does he not leave the house since she cannot watch him bear such evil words of Angad, Abhimanyu questions where would he go as they are his family and he will bear the words of Angad.

The entire family is performing the pooja when Amma je prays that all the problems in the life of Abhimanyu should end, Devi is also praying for their family to be happy, Kaviya rushes to Abhimanyu praising him for how beautiful he is looking, Abhimanyu replies that Kaviya is the most beautiful, she starts searching the pockets questioning where is it, he takes out the chocolate when she requests him to come with her but he sends her, Karan’s wife comes mentioning even he is waiting for someone, she explains that when she came to their house six years ago, she saw how he acts as if he is really happy but then when he is alone, she witnessed that he always gets really sad, she exclaims he misses Niyati but Abhimanyu replies he doesnot want to talk with her, they have been living in the same city for the past six years and not met once, she prays they not meet even now.
Sulochana is also performing the pooja, she instructs Niyati to put it in the HolikaDehan, Sulochana prays that the mischievous Nidtiya get a lesson, she tris catching Nidtiya when she runs out of breath, Nidtiya asks why is she running as must remain calm and chill. Niyati receives a call from the constable pooja who reveals that the murderer of her daughter who himself got murdered, he wife returned, she reveals that his wife went to Mumbai six years ago and came back to Lucknow just now, Niyati thanks Pooja who replies even she is a mother, Niyati exclaims she turned out to be more close then her own family. Pooja ends the call, Niyati thanks her for all the help.

In the morning Nidtiya enters the room of Sulochana and Ram, she thinks Nani complains to her mother about her, so she is going to teach her a lesson, she starts making something on Sulochana face, Ram comes out of the bathroom, Nidtiya is shocked but Ram leaves after smiling mentioning he did not see anything.

Ram sees Niyati who is in a rush so questions what is the reason as today is her day off, Niyati replies she needs to go and meet the wife of the person who kidnapped her daughter, Ram mentions he knew that her efforts were not in vain because she will surely be able to punish Angad and Manaroma, Niyati vows to fight till her last breath since Angad made her the murdrer of her own daughter, she is surely going to prove the truth.

Abhimanyu is sitting beside the cot of Guriya recalling how he and Niyati were excited to meet their daughter, Maya from the corner sees him sitting alone, she thinks he always makes an excuse to not celebrate any event but she will make sure he doesnot stay alone this time, she asks kaviya to go and call her uncle, Kaviya replies that he doesnot celebrate any event, Maya mentions it is because his best friend never asked him, Maya thinks that he doesnot refuse Kaviya is because he sees his own daughter.

Niyati is standing with Ram assuring to fight till her last breath when Nidtiya comes asking what is the fight, Ram mentions they are talking about her fights with her Grandmother, Nidtiya sitting on the sofa mentions their fight will always go on, Sulochana walking out of the room questions what are they talking about, Ram and Nidtiya start laughing seeing her face, Sulochana doesnot understand so Niyati asks her to go and wash her face, Nidtiya however insists they first take a selfie, Sulochana agrees however is scared to see her face, she tries to catch Nidtiya who manages to out run her, she even tease her grandmother, who follows her outside. Niyati exclaims Nidtiya has gotten really mischievous when Ram replies she is still a child and when Niyati doesnot play Holi then who should she play with. Niyati leaves explaining she feels she would be able to get the proof against Angad today.

Kaviya is insisting with Abhimanyu to come and play, she sits on the table explaining if he doesnot agree to play Holi with them, she will not use her Pichkari and would not even throw balloons on her friends, Abhimanyu starts tickling her, revealing he is going to throw so much colors on her that she will turn into a devil Kaviya hits him with water and they both start running into the room, Maya is excited to see them both, she feels bad for Abhimanyu.

Sulochana is running after Nidtiya who asks her to not be mad since today is Holi, Sulochana however manages to catch her questioning why did she do it, Nidtiya once again requests her to not be mad, she applies the color on her face, Nidtiya calls out to her mother, Ram and Niyati are trying to separate both Sulochana and Nidtiya who exclaims that she is a child so can play these pranks, Sulochana replies even she is an elder so played the prank, Niyati thinks she needs to leave as she is sure she would be able to find out some proof against Angad and give a reply to Abhimanyu for all those blames.

Update Credit to: Sona

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