Categories: Agar Tum Na Hote

Agar Tum Na Hote 8th March 2022 Written Episode Update: Niyati gives birth to a baby girl

Agar Tum Na Hote 8th March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Niyati is rushed to the hospital, Mr Panday informs Kinkar that Niyati is in the hospital and he must not be worried and only come after finishing his work, Abhimanyu exclaims that he wants to go in the operation theatre since he told Niyati to not walk down the stairs alone but she did not listen, Mr Panday explains that the doctor is coming out of the operation theatre.

Abhimanyu at once questions the doctor who explains that Niyati is fine and there is nothing to be worried about, they question about the child when the doctor informs them of the great news that Mr Panday has become a Grandfather, they all rejoice with excitement and Devi even hugs Mami jee. The doctor informs it is not that simple since Niyati fell on her stomach so there was internal bleeding, and the child would be

kept in observation this worries Abhimanyu but the doctor leaves assuring there is nothing to be worried about.

Abhimanyu is standing with Manaroma looking at the child, he explains that she is his child and he has become a father, he informs that he won the bet with Niyati who said that they would be the father of a baby boy but he instead desired a girl so now is the father of a girl, and so there is his young Niyati, Angad is walking to them both, he congratulates Abhimanyu giving the sweets but Abhimanyu makes him eat it first, and asks that he see his niece, Abhimanyu hugs him exclaiming he has also become an uncle, Manaroma exclaims she said everything would change after the child is born and he saw how it caused tremendous happiness, Manaroma asks him to come since it is time for the doctor, she leaves with Abhimanyu even when he doesnot want to.

Gajender assures Ram there is nothing to be worried about and the child is a little weak which is why she has been kept in an incubator, but the doctor assured she is fine. Ram explains he is really tensed so will come with Sulochana, Gajender exclaims he is always worried but can come to his house anytime, but the child will come back after seven days so he should come then as they both would celebrate.

Angad standing outside the room exclaims she is really stubborn, but he will not allow anyone to come in between of his right, but even he is really stubborn so now when she was about to come home after seven days, instead she is going to go far away.
Niyati wakes up in the room, she get shocked seeing that the swing is empty, Niyati starts crying but Abhimanyu enters the room questioning what is she doing as she might fall, Niyati questions about the child, Abhimanyu explains they have become the parents of a baby girl and he won the bet, he hugs her when Niyati questions where is the child, Abhimanyu explains that there was some complication in the delivery since she fell but now everything is fine and the child has been kept in the incubator. Niyati questions where the file and she is needs to see her, Abhimanyu refuses saying she needs to sleep, Niyati insists on seeing her. Abhimanyu explains that she did her job as a mother and so now should let him perform his duties as a father, Niyati once again pleads to see her when Abhimanyu replies that the doctor asked her to rest so she must lie down, Niyati starts to emotionally blackmail him exclaiming he would not know the pain of a mother.
The entire family is outside when Devi exclaims, they will name her Pari, Mami mentions that the Bua gives the name so she will be called as Rupali, Amma jee mentions they can give her any name as she will call her as Charia. Gajender agrees with her.
Abhimanyu mentions she is really clever as she is using of the card of being a mother to make him do all his work, he will just try to do it but it is not a promise, Abhimanyu heads out when Manaroma questions if Niyati woke up, Abhimanyu explains that she just woke up but has now gone back to sleep, Amma jee also insists on meeting her when Abhimanyu explains she will get disturbed as the doctor told her to rest and she even threw him out saying he must go back, Gajender explains she did the right thing as he would have started talking with her, Abhimanyu replies they all should go back to house while he will stay with Niyati, Manaroma questions if he would be able to do it when Abhimanyu informs that she herself said he is now a father so she should let him perform his duties, Amma jee exclaims that even if someone would have to stay then it would be a family member. Abhimanyu questions why she is talking like this to Maa, he sends them all back home.
Abhimanyu takes the wheelchair to Niyati asking her to come as they are now going to meet their child but before that she must take the medicine, Niyati however refuses exclaiming she will have it after seeing their daughter, Abhimanyu says he would not take her until she eats the medicine, she questions why is he scolding her, Abhimanyu exclaims there is no need to be emotional since a nurse once told him that one should also take his medicine, he after giving her the medicine helps her sit on the wheelchair.

A ward boy walks to the other door where the incubator has been kept, Angad seeing him signals him and he assures he is going to do it. Abhimanyu while walking with Niyati explains if a doctor finds him and scolds, he will give her the entire blame, Niyati assures nothing wrong will happen since she used to help a lot of patients bunk the rooms. Abhimanyu takes Niyati to the room when she requests him to take her inside if he loves her, Abhimanyu asks that she is becoming really demanding. He says that her eyes would be like her, and face will be like him while the simplicity like her, and the swag will always be like him, whenever she will walk to Niyati, she will always think of him as it is said that daughters are always like a father, Niyati questions why just himself as daughters are also like their parents, Abhimanyu explains he is happy with just a single Niyati, she says he is really bad, Niyati exclaims what is wrong when the father is worth hitting. Angad exclaims they should enjoy this moment since this happiness would not last for long.

Abhimanyu is helping Niyati, they even have the lunch. After some days Abhimanyu is with Niyati while on the call with Ram and Sulochana, Ram says that Gajender has not even sent a photo when Gajo assures that he was about to send the photo, Abhimanyu exclaims that he should come now to meet his granddaughter, Ram and Sulochana start preparing the gifts for them both.

Abhimanyu is with the family when the doctor enters the room with immense tension, she after a while rushes away without saying anything, Manaroma questions why did she rush like this, Abhimanyu along with Niyati and the entire family rush to the room where the doctor is inspecting the child, Niyati tries to enter when the nurse explains that the child is having breathing problems, and Niyati cannot enter the room as the child might get an infection since she herself is a nurse so would know the protocol, Niyati pleads to meet her daughter. Niyati questions Abhimanyu what is wrong with their daughter when he assured nothing wrong with happen, Manaroma request her to calm down since her condition might get worse, Amma jee exclaims that she doesnot have the strength otherwise would have gone to the Mandir, she asks Rupali if she remembers the time when Vedhi was born so they went to the mandir, Abhimanyu turns mentioning he would go to the Mandir, Niyati also agrees to go with him informing that they both would go, Niyati and Abhimanyu have tears in their eyes.

Update Credit to: Sona

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