Categories: Agnifera

Agnifera 22nd February 2018 Written Episode Update: Anurag Scolds Ragini

Agnifera 22nd February 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anurag/Ragini and Vishu/Shristi’s romantic valentine’s day date continues when Daadi calls them and collapses. Anurag and Ragini are about to kiss when they hear her voice and rush down. Vishu and Shristi also rush down. Revathi with Dulari silently watches hiding. They all pick Daadi and make her lie on cot. Daadi says she felt dizzy after having Ragini’s given medicine. Revathi reminsces Ragini giving medicine to Daadi, Daadi while praying signals to keep it aside. Once Ragini leaves keeping medicine, Revathi exchanges it with sleeping pill. Anurag checks medicine and says it is a sleeping pill, very harmful for Daadi, how can she she give it to Daadi. Ragini says she gave different medicine. Anurag continues scolding and asks where is her medicine then. Ragini says it was

here itself, but does not find it. Anurag continues scolding her. Rohini realizes it is Revathi’s dirty trick to separate Anurag and Ragini.

Revathi acts and apologizes Daadi for letting Ragini and Shristi to take care of her, from now on she will take care of her. Rohini walks in and says she knows Revathi does not like her, but she should not stoop so low to harm Daadi to separate Ragini and Anurag. Revathi yells if her speech is over, she should go and teach love to her husband and not here, whatever she tries she cannot save Ragini and Anurag’s marriage. Rohini says soon she will realize her mistake. Anurag walks in and apologizes Daadi. Rohini says he should apologize Ragini instead for scolding her without believing her.

Anurag apologizes Ragini. Ragini confronts him and says he did not even think once before alleging her. He continues trying to convince her, but she walks out. Shristi and Vishu’s romance continues. They hear Ragini and Anurag’s conversation and decide clear their differences. Vishu goes and informs Anurag that Shristi fell in store room. Anurag standing in store room sends apology message to Ragini. Ragini walks in and asks if it is his drama. Shristi and Vishu lock door and says it is their drama and they will not open door until they both reconcile. Anruag apologizes Ragini again. Ragini confronts him again and says she cares about his family as she loves him, she continues. Anurag continues apologizing. She forgives and hugs him.

Next morning, Dulari enjoys breakfast and says Ragini and Anurag will not come, so she will finish their rotis also. Vidhvan joins them followed by Vishu, Shristi, Anurag, Daadi. Ragini serves food to Anurag and drops it on his shirt. He scolds her. Revathi gets happy and asks him to calm down. Anurag says how can he, he will wipe his shirt with Ragini’s sari and does same. Revati gets jealous. Rohini walks in and says her nephews and bahus served her a lot, so she got a gift for them. She gives them Jaipur honeymoon package. Revathi gets more jealous..

Precap: Ragini packs her clothes for honeymoon. Anurag asks her to pack her night suit/bikini also. Revathi asks them to take Dulari along. Anurag says it is a big city and Dulari may go missing.

Update Credit to: MA

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