Categories: Agnisakshi

Agnisakshi 21st September 2023 Written Episode Update: Jeevika reveals her truth to Satvik

Agnisakshi 21st September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Utkarsh thanking Jeevika. Jeevika says I have to lie to Satvik, though I want to tell him truth and says I have fallen in my own sight and I feel angry on myself and feels betraying him. Satvik goes to Rajnandini’s room to check the file. Utkarsh tells her sorry and says the lie which is said for someone’s betterment is not a lie. Jeevika talks to Swara and tells that everyone went to watch the film, and tells that she will ask them when they return. She says Satvik didn’t come home till now, though he knows that she gets scared being alone. Just then the electricity goes. She ends the call and calls house help. She sees the puppet show on the projector screen, and Satvik tells that God made them meet to have 6 children, and then they will take our half dozen customs

forward, and says 6*6 will be 36 and then this big Palace will be small for us. Jeevika gets shattered hearing him and sits on the bed. Sukanya asks Pradeep, why he is worried? Pradeep says I feel that we shall tell the truth to Satvik ji. Sukanya says what you are saying, and if he wants their marriage to end. She says I am thankful to God that he has made Jeevika forget her memory. Pradeep says he wants Satvik to know this, so that he gets time to accept it. Sukanya says I can’t take any chance. I know Satvik is a good person, but he is a human and not God. She asks him to think about Satvik’s baba and says what will happen to their marriage if the reason for the marriage doesn’t exist. She says I will not let you say anyone.

Satvik comes to room. Jeevika is crying. He asks why you are crying? Jeevika says I can’t hide any more truth from you. Satvik asks her to look at him and asks her to see that he is with him. Jeevika says I am afraid, that you will leave me. She says you have the right to fulfill your hopes and dreams, go away from me. Satvik says nobody can separate us, I will be with you. Jeevika says helplessless, weakness and bad luck separate us. Satvik says we are one and holds her hand. He says you scared me. Jeevika says your countdown stopped before its start, and says half dozen kids….and says 6 kids…but I can’t give you even one kid. She says I couldn’t become a mother. Satvik gets shocked. Jeevika sits down.

Satvik asks what you are saying? Jeevika says I am saying what your ears heard, but heart is not accepting. She says I can’t become a mother. She says I wanted to tell this to you, when I came to know about this. She says due to the puja kept in the house, for my pregnancy news, that day Aai told me this. Satvik holds her hand and recalls Jeevika saying that she can’t sit for the puja. She says I wanted to tell you truth, but I don’t know how to tell you, and don’t know how you will react and you will leave me. Satvik says I will tell you one thing and says there is no power in the world which can separate us, and says you know how much I love you. Jeevika says I know and that’s why I didn’t tell you, and didn’t want you to compromise with baba and your dreams, as I know that you will not leave me. Satvik recalls Jeevika asking divorce from him and then getting divorced from him. He asks her to get up and makes her sit on the bed. Satvik says you left me thinking I will not leave you. He says you have taken decision for me also. He says I was pleading infront of you, for my love, but you didn’t stop and broke my heart. He says if you had told me then your pain would have lessened.

Jeevika says if I had told then would you have allowed me to go. Satvik says I will not let you go anywhere, you know how much I love you. Jeevika says I know and says you don’t know how much I love you. She says I love you so much that I can leave you for your happiness. Satvik says but you can’t stay with me for my happiness. Jeevika says your happiness doesn’t limit to me, as you have a fulfill your dreams and have children. She says I can’t do this.

Satvik says I talked about kids 2-3 times, that you took such a decision, without thinking what I will feel. He says I thought of this dream with you, and tells it was for you. He says you met me at such point of my life, when I bend down infront of baba’s stubbornness, I was lonely and you have put life in me, taught me love, and says about this dream, I wanted to fulfill your dream of 6 children, and not my dream. He asks her to ask what is his dream? Jeevika asks what? Satvik says you are my dream. Jeevika hugs him and cries. She says I am so sorry Satvik. Satvik also cries. Jeevika says I shouldn’t have hid this from you, and tells about her Aai’s promise, and says what I would have done. She hugs him and cries.

Precap: Rajnandini returns home and keeps hand on Jeevika’s eyes. Jeevika hugs her and asks how are you? Rajnandini asks how did you remember me, I thought you have lost your memory.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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