Hellooo sweeties!!!!! This is Savanshi back with a new story… it’s plot is based on a Korean show which I fell in love with…
It kept itching my Hands until I finally gave up and decided to pen it down for u all…
Mr. WHATEVER will be up soon…
Hope u all like this….
This story reveals around our playful couple SWASAN who met each other accidentally but later they realised that they are in a way related to each other. Their needs paved way for their closeness. Living with each other on “AGGREMENTS” they realise that both of them want THIS AGREEMENT for life long.
But does everyone get what they desire?????
There was something else that destiny had planned for them…
Let’s peek in their life to know their story…
Swara is seen crying outside a house.
She is shattered on facing the bitter truth of her life when she returned India after completing her studies.
She is a writer who is struggling to attain her place in film writing.
But Destiny Is Such a b*t*h…
Her bubbling hopes were thrashed like rug by her very own sister.
Sanskar in this story is a silent lover of her childhood friend Ragini who is a fashion designer. Sanskar is a popular singer who has a huge fan following. He lays his life for Ragini.
He calls her Princess whereas Ragini calls her Knight.
But still our hero is unknown to a fact that his Princess is in love with the third friend of their trio.
Laksh here is gonna play a crucial role who with time develops a soft corner for Swara. He is an businessman who has recently laid his hand in film making.
He is the other male in the trio including Sanskar and Ragini.
They are childhood friends. Laksh considers Ragini as his sister which Ragini is unaware of.
Now comes the role of Destiny again.
How are these wanderers gonna achieve their love is something you have to look forward for…
This is it… the New prologue of my Three Shot…
Shoot ur comments if u wanna know the fate of their love…
Till then this is Savanshi signing off…
Stay blessed!!!
Awesome dear will love to read further….. But can’t digest sanskar love ragini never mind. Will be waiting for further story.
Continue soon
Take care
loved it dear post soon
awesome dear
Interesting dear..Please post next part soon!!
Superb ??but few things are not at place, may b it will change as the story moves on?
Interesting..continue soon..
plzzzzzzzzz post next part soon
Nice dear love to read further and. Continue soon
interesting….a small request…show less rag—–san plz
looks interesting