screenshift to two big bungalow…both bungalow in same compound.. this two bungalow have one common bridge…so both can go easily move from one bungalow to another bungalow…that bungalow name is Abigya…screenshift to one old lady is praying with god…today is most important day in our life…another old lady said your are right sukula…today is the day…our both family merged into one family…suddenly two man entered towards pooja room…they claimed maa…both old lady look at back…sukula dadi said come beta…we are waiting for your arrival only…both man look at eachother after they smiled…another old lady said prem where is your wife..sukula dadi asked another man where is your wife…
suddenly all heard we are here….all look at back…screenshift to two woman face…that woman face is clearly visible…one woman name is sarala…another woman is lakshi…sukula dadi said both jodi come inside the pooja room.. sarala and lakshi goes towards pooja room…sukula dadi was doing arti….all are praying to the god…another dadi look at their children face… after sukula dadi called rocku show arti to the god…yeah that is none other than our rockstar dadi… sukula dadi is mother of Prem mehra mother…Rockstar dadi is mother of raj sekar arora…that two men are their son…that two woman are their daughter in law…sarala is wife of raj sekar arora..laksh is wife of Prem mehra…after they finished the pooja…they get blessing from sukula(abi dadi) and rocku(pragya dadi)….
sarala asked is he wake up…lakshmi nodded her head as no…laksh asked is she get up…sarala come to say something…suddenly she stopped.. all heard loud music..abi father said I think your daughter started…alia said yeah papa..she is the one…always wake up him…else he will never get up…..he is so careless papa…lakshmi said chup…don’t forget he is big Rockstar…alia laughed loudly…said maa he got that chance because of uncle daughter…else he never became a Rockstar…he is always win because of her…suddenly alia friend come to there…she come there to pick up alia…alia friend asked again u started to scold your brother…he is very nice guy…don’t scold me…alia said hey you are my friend k support me always…don’t support that monkey brother…lakshmi said alia…he is your brother…just give respect to him…alia friend said exactly maa…she always blame his brother..alia irked..she thinks she is my 1st enemy..I thought she will support me…
instead maa and my friend support that idiot…di is correct…I like her technique… guys u want to know what technique used to wake up my monkey brother…just go upstairs..because that monkey room is their only… screenshift to boy was arguing with one girl…that boy said because of you pragya…I always woke up from my middle dream…u know that…always abdulkalam says just dream about your future…but u always come here to disturb my dream…screenshift to that girl…suddenly that girl turned…yeah is none other than our pragya…pragya said abi abdul kalam said just dream about your future..but u was dreaming about deepika padukone…this is your dream…you are arguing with me for this menial dream…yeah that is none other abi…abi and pragya are childhood friends…
abi knows everything about pragya…pragya knows everything about abi…both are best best best friends…abi said darling…Plze I will sleep for some more time…pragya shows death glare towards abi… abi gave sleepish smile…said today we don’t have any work…then y r u waking me up earlier..pragya goes towards abi…asked what did u say come again…abi was scared by her look…abi said kuch nahi…I said I will go to brush my teeth…pragya said I give you just 20minutes time…I will wait for you in my room…come soon…else if u come to late there..after u know that what will happen to you… abi stumbled by her talk..abi said no baby…I will never late…this Rockstar abishek always be punctual like my pragya…pragya stared at him..after she leave from the room…abi thinks what I did to her in my last birth…it follows me in this birth also…she is my big devil pragya..she is my big lovely friend…she is my darling..yeah she is my pragya…we both are best best best best friend…because of her…I got a chance a music concerts….I always wake up late…
I doesn’t know how to speak with others…she always teach me like a teacher…she always guide me like a parents…she is my people knows me…it’s because of her…she is my cute devil…thoughts engrossed with pragya…he was bathing in his bathroom…his mind was thinking about pragya… he get ready in his room…after he goes to pragya room…pragya wore blue jean with black top..abi always like light make up…she always follow everything by his choice…abi would choose her attire,her cosmetic..both are take care with eachother….pragya would choose his attirea and everything…..both can like eachother company….pragya asked abi u looks so handsome…abi ruffled his hair said I am always handsome baby…pragya said god ji Plze save me… abi and pragya doesn’t have any secrets in their life… abi knows everything about pragya…pragya knows everything about abi…they parents never know that much about them..sarala said mera beta abi finally come…
lakshmi said it’s all because of pragya only… abi always feed food to pragya…pragya always have her food with abi…both are feed with eachother…sarala think in her mind…I want my son in law as abi…lakshmi think in her mind..I want my daughter in law as pragya…after they finished their breakfast…they leave from their home…abi asked where will u go now…pragya said abi today we want to go to studio…abi asked oh darling I was totally forget about that…pragya said go fast…that manager is waiting for us…abi said don’t worry darling…if we will go late…he will never scold us…pragya said abi this is not Gud..we w never create any situation someone will wait for us…that is not good habit…abi said pragu that’s what I like you more…you are totally different from others…pragya said abi stop praising me…now go fast…suddenly pragya get a call from manager..pragya said sir we are reached…
we are in parking area…abi parked his car..after he reached recording studio…pragya was sitting in reception area….abi said come with me…pragya said no baby.. u just go inside…just record your songs…I will wait here..abi said no pragu…come with me…I will never leave you alone…pragya said if u do whatever I say right..Plze abi…I will wait here…because of our sake…we never want to break the rules…please..abi goes to half mind towards recording studio…suddenly pragya called abi…abi look at her…pragya goes towards him..she hugged him very tightly…said keep smiling…they did their signature of their friendship symbol…abi said without you…I am nothing pragu…pragya said abi I know that…just concentrate on your songs….today is your best day in your life..pragya always boost up him…pragya is big strength of abi life…after abi goes towards record section…abi closed his eyes…he think about pragya…he smiled…
after he opened his eyes…he sings a song mein phirbhi tumko chahunga…he was recording this songs….screenshift to pragya..pragya was sitting in the hall…she was reading magazines… Suddenly someone called her…that person said excuse me…pragya look at that person…she said yes,who r u?…that person said hi my name is purab khanna..actually your raj sekar arora daughter right…pragya looks confused…pragya said yeah but I don’t know you…purab said yeah u don’t know me…actually I know you very well…I saw you along with your father…one time i saw you along with your father…pragya said oh…after they talk with each other…purab likes pragya nature…abi finished his music concert…he come out from record section…he saw one guy talking with pragya…pragya was talking with him…abi come towards them…he called her pragu…pragya look at him..purab looks at abi….pragya smiled…abi saw his face…pragya understand his mind voice…pragya said purab this is …purab said Rockstar abishek…abi think in his mind everyone knows me very well…he show pride look…pragya said abi this is purab….his father is our father friend…abi said oh…hi purab…purab said hi abi…pragya said k purab..we have to leave now..bye…purab looks on…suddenly he called pragya…abigya look at his face…he come towards them….
pragya said bole purab…purab acked pragya if u don’t mind…may I know your mobile number…abi think in his mind…how can he ask my pragya mobile number…pragu don’t give to him.pragya said sure purab…pragya give her card to purab…purab said this is my card…if u need any help…just call me…abi said it will never needed…because I will there for her always…pragya murmured abi chup…pragya said k purab thank u…bye..after they leave from there…abi was driving his car…pragya was sitting near by him… abi asked pragu y did u give card to him…pragya said abi u saw that…..then y r u asked questions with me..abi he is good only…abi said pragu i was worried about you…I will never allow any strangers near by you…pragya look at him…abi raised his eyebrows…pragya said abi he is not strangers…he talked too genuine with me…abi said don’t praise anyone infront of me…abi feel jealous…pragya smiled…pragya pinched his cheeks said k meri cute king..abi chuckled..when pragya said cute king…abi said if he texted you..just tell me k…pragya inwardly smiled said k.. abi asked y r u smiling..
pragya said kuch nahi..k say how is your recording ??abi said it was nice…after they talk with eachother…they reached their home…that day nit..abi and pragya was sitting in the balcony…pragya was talking with abi…alia come towards balcony..she saw them…alia said hey monkey you are here…abi said hey donkey…pragya said abi and alia…both gave sleepish smile…abi said k alia..alia said k bhai…pragya smiled..alia shared everything with pragya…abi knows that…alia like pragya very much…abi feel very happy…alia told their college and love story gossip with pragya…pragya heard everything…abi asked darling how can you hear her boring talk…pragya said abi she is talking very nice…abi laughed…said u always supported her…I only know the truth…alia throw pillow towards abi…hey monkey…u always bad taste.. di have good taste…that’s y she likes my speech..hey huh di…abi laughed said what a joke alia…alia was fighting with abi…abi like to irritate alia..pragya was admiring them…suddenly alia mom called her…she leave from her..abi saw pragya…she was chatting with some one…abi got anger..
Immediately he grabbed her phone…he saw that text…that was purab…abi feel jealous…h got anger…he asked pragu what is this…pragya said u also read that conversation..then y r u asking questions…abi said how can he text you…pragya said i don’t know abi..what to answer to your questions…abi said I will put his contact in block list…pragya said abi…y r u Don’t like him…abi said I told you…you are my best friend…pragya said k meri angry bird…I feel sleepy…I am going to sleep now…don’t put him in block list…if u Don’t like him…just ignore his talk…k…abi said k pragu…abi think in his mind…I will talk with him…purab asked what do u like?..abi texted in pragya phone…I like lots of thing..purab asked just share your likes with me…abi said just ask specific questions …I will tell to answer with that questions…purab asked what is your favorite restaurant…abi think in his mind…pragya like roadside shop…but abi texted him…
I like to have food in italian restaurant…pragya doesn’t like Italian food…abi questions purab asked what is your hobbies…abi think about pragya..pragya like to hear music…he texted him…sleeping is my hobbies…pragya doesn’t like lazy person…abi smiled..abi texted his questions…every answer is oppose to pragya likes…abi smiled evil manner..that day nit…abi was playing with purab..few days after…abi father and pragya father invited his business friend to their home…that person is not close that much…abigya,alia and his uncle kids bundi and bubly..they are playing games…pragya was watching them…they was playing with carom game……suddenly someone knocked door…pragya said maa wait I will open the door…pragya opened the door…pragya saw purab family and one new family are standing in the door…pragya said purab aap…after pragya welcomed them…abi was shocked…abi think he is come here also…abi father and pragya father welcome them…
purab mom likes pragya.abi never like anyone close to bestie pragya…but he never utter any word…he doesn’t like…he looks silent..because of pragya…after they family talked with them…abi saw one girl…abi asked who is she…pragya looks at her…said don’t know suniyil..that girl come towards abi…that girl saw abi…pragya and abi look at eachother…that girl said hey abi…I am tanushree…abi said hi tanu…I am…tanu said I know your name…abi introduced pragya…tanu said hi pragya…pragya said hi tanu…tanu was talking with abi….she was flirting with him..purab was talking with pragya…abi was always looking at pragya….pragya was looking at game…
Purab family and tanu family saw abinu,purgya…they understand their children mind…after they prepared lunch for them…sarala and lakshmi served lunch for them…as usual…abi and pragya was having food in same plate..tanu asked what are you doing both…abi said having food..pragya smiled…abi feed food to pragya..tanu and purab feel jealous…tanu mom asked y r u having food in same plate…sarala explained their friendship…purab smiled…said I never saw this kind of best friendship…purab understand they are best friends…tanu does not like their friendship..but he acted as like them…suddenly purab father asked if u don’t mind…shall I ask one question with you…abigya father said yeah…purab father said if u give your daughter to my son..abigya was shocked…suddenly tanu father asked yeah I also thinking that only…they are very good friends..if u give your son to my daughter…
tanu and purab feel very happy..abigya was looking at eachother…abi thought to talk against them…pragya hold abi hand tightly…abi look at her…pragya gesture him…don’t talk anything against him…our father will talk…keep calm..abi was sitting silent..because of pragya words…abi father and pragya father said it’s all their wish…if my son and daughter is k to this marriage…I will never stop this marriage…tanu father and abi father asked questions to abigya…pragya doesn’t know how to react…abi looks at pragya…because pragya stopped him…don’t talk anything against them..that’s y abi looks silent…pragya said uncle we both need some time to take a decision…
purab father said it’s k beta no problem as same as tanu father…pragya leave from dining hall to her room…abi said excuse me…abi goes towards pragya room…pragya was standing near by window…abi touched pragya shoulder. Pragya looks at abi..abi asked what will you thinking now…pragya again speak…suddenly purab entered there sorry to disturbs you…abigya look at him…purab said abi if you don’t mind.. shall I talk with pragya alone… pragya said it’s k purab..u will tell anything infront of him…he is my best friend…abi smiled…purab said pragya I don’t know when it happen…actually I started to love you… I like your simple nature,your care everything…1st time I meet you in wedding mahal…you was dancing with your friends…I don’t know my eyes are looking at you only…abi feel jealous.purab said actually I only said to my dad….I am fall in love with you…abigya was shocked…purab said don’t worry pragu…I will care you like princess…abi got anger…he was sharing his feeling with pragya…pragya said purab I can understand your feelings…
I need a time to take a decision…purab said k pragya take your own time…tell your decision with us…after tanu entered to their room…tanu shared her love to abi…abi feel some feelings towards pragya…but he thinks that is his friendship…abi replied same answer to tanu…tanu said k abi I will wait for your reply…just tell good news to us…after they leave from the room…lakshmi and sarala was talking with eachother…sarala said I thought our son and daughter loves with eachother…we will marry them…but here everything happened in reverse manner…lakshmi said I know that abigya loves with eachother…they never realized their love…we will make plan to unit them…sarala asked what plan…lakshmi explained her plan to sarala…sarala hugged lakshmi said sure it will work…abi was looking at moon…as same as pragya…sarala touched pragya…pragya look at her mom..sarala asked do u like purab…pragya said don’t know maa..lakshmi said I like him…he is very handsome..he is perfect match to my daughter..pragya saw her maa happiness…pragya think in her mind…they are very happy to his marriage…sarala asked pragya if u love anyone…just tell us..we will stop this marriage…pragya said maa I never love anyone..sarala think so soon u will realize your love your abi…lakshmi said then marry him…pragya looks on…
pragya understand her family happiness..pragya goes towards abi room…she called abi…abi saw her…abi asked u never feel sleepy…abi said don’t know what to do…pragya said abi I thought to marry him…abi was shocked…abi asked do u love him…pragya said no abi…u know everything about me…if I loved any one…u know that…abi said then y r u marrying him…our mom likes him… so I want to give their happiness..that’s y…abi said no pragu…don’t marrying him mom sake…pragya said no abi…I thought to give their happiness..I can do anything for our family happiness…I come here to tell you…I will marry that purab..abi was shocked..immediately pragya leave from the room…next day morning…pragya told her opinion to her family..suddenly abi screamed I am also agree to this marriage…all smiled…but sarala and lakshmi shows fake smile…they informed this news to purab and tanu family..
tanu family and purab family looks very happy…abi and pragya never happy with their decision..few days after…engagement preparation going on their home…tanu and purab comes to abigya home..they thought to go for their wedding shopping…abi and pragya goes towards them…abi was driving his car….tanu sitting near by abi…purab and pragya was sitting in the back seat…abi saw pragya in car mirror..Abi think in his mind..I know that pragu….u are not happy with this marriage…
Pragya think in her mind…I know that abi…you agreed this marriage for my sake…you are also not happy this marriage…after they reached shopping mall…after they entered shopping mall…tanu said we never disturb you…you will also never disturb us…abi asked y we join with eachother to do our shopping…tanu whispered they are new couple…they will spend some time with eachother…purab said k tanu deal..purab hold pragya hand…abi got anger…tanu hold abi hand…pragya saw that…it heart feels hurt…tanu said we will meet after finished our shopping…purab nodded their head…pragya feel worried…she doesn’t know what is the reason for her worries…both goes to opposite direction…suddenly abi turned look at pragya…abi think y she never look at me…she is really like him…immediately pragya turned look at him…abi smiled…pragya saw abi…she smiled…they reached their section…abi doesn’t like tanu choice as same as pragya….pragya said u will choose your dress…I will choose my dress as same as abi….tanu feel irked….purab understand her feelings..she need a time…so he leave her…pragya looks sad…she misses abi alot…she imagine sales man as abi.. Yei idiot what are you doing here….that guy said excuse me mam…
pragya saw sales man…she said sorry…she imagine abi as everywhere…suddenly abi saw pragya…he come towards her…pragya looks upset…she said don’t again vanish…I think u as real…but u will vanish again.. just go from here…abi smiled…think in his mind…she was thinking about me…he is very happy…she blabbered where to search this idiot…pragya looks upset…abi smiled by her antics…pragya screamed I said go away from here…all look at pragya…pragya gave sleepish smile said sorry…abi come towards pragya…pragya think that is her imagination…pragya said I told you…just go from here…I really miss my idiot..abi said your idiot is here only…pragya said what…pragya touched his face…she was shocked…she feel very happy…she hugged him…she beated him…idiot y u never told you are here only…abi said I already told you…u think me as your imagination..what I can do…pragya said k lets we go purchase our dress…pragya choose abi dress…abi choose pragya dress…
they enjoyed a lot…suddenly pragya saw purab…pragya said k abi I will go to him…u will go to tanu…we will meet at parking area…pragya goes casually towards purab…purab saw her…he asked did u finish your purchase…pragya said yeah…she shows her dress..abi saw her…pragya signalled him go from here…abi smiled..he goes towards tanu…after they reached their home…they shows wedding dress to their family..lakshmi said it’s really amazing…who choose this dress for you…abi saw pragya…purab said it’s her only..pragya think about abi..she smiled…as same as sarala told….tanu said he choose his dress…abi think about pragya…pragya saw him…few days after…
finally engagement day came..both hearts looks so sad…tanu and purab was ogling their love..pragya saw abi…abi said u looks too gorgeous…pragya smiled…after pragya saw tanu…her smile is vanished..purab hold abi hand…it hurts abi..sarala and lakshmi think about pragya and abi…sarala pray to god..please god unit this pair…alia called abi and tanu ,pragya and purab…she asked them to dance in that floor…purab hold pragya waist…abi can’t see that…tanu wrapped her hand around abi shoulder…it hurts her…she think y it hurts me…whenever I saw abi with tanu…(background plays kabhi toh song)…abigya look at eachother..they are dancing in the floor…after they finished the songs…this is time for exchange the rings…pragya saw abi…abi saw pragya…after abinu,prarab exchanged their rings…pandit said coming Friday is good day…function is over…all leave from venue…nextday morning tanu come to MM..she goes towards abi room…pragya was thinking about pragya…she come to abi room…she entered abi room without knocked that room…she saw tanu wrapped her hand abi shoulder…she said sorry…abi saw her…pragya turned her face opposite to abi…tanu said pragu y r u entered without knocking here…
abi saw pragya face…her words is really hurts her…pragya said sorry…immediately she leave from the room…abi screamed how can you say like that tanu…tanu said abi i am your wife…we are also need some privacy…abi said tanu she is my best friend…I will never allow anyone to hurt my more thing…still we are not married with eachother…tanu got anger…she controlled her emotions…she started her emotional drama…abi feel irked..tanu was speaking something to abi….but abi leave from the room…she was speaking emotionally with abi…she doesn’t know…abi left from his room……screenshift to pragya…pragya looks upset….pragya was thinking about tanu words..suddenly someone touched pragya shoulder…pragya wiped her tears …she look at back…that was abi…abi said I am sorry pragu…pragya keep her hand in his mouth…abi was stunned…pragya said Don’t say was my mistakes…suddenly sarala called pragya…pragya said maa calling I will go..and keep smiling..I don’t like your sad face..abi smiled…pragya said that’s my abi…tanu turned…abi was missing from his room…tanu was searching for abi…she saw abi…after she spend some time with abi…but abi was ogling at pragya…. 5days after….purab comes to abigya home…he pragya…he pulled her..pragya was shocked…she saw purab…
Pragya said purab aap…he keep his hand in wall…pragya was shocked..she doesn’t like his actions towards her…she feel uncomfortable…abi saw them…he was shocked..he feel someone stabbed his heart…pragya said leave me purab…purab said shuhhhh…I will never leave you…you are my wife…pragya think in her mind….I never imagine him as my husband…purab said only one days is available for our marriage… so I have all rights on you…pragya said still our marriage is never happened…so stay away from me…purab said if I never stay away from you…what will u do…pragya said purab I am going…I have a work…pragya thought to leave from there…suddenly purab hold pragya hand…abi saw this scene…he got anger…he can’t control himself…pragya said leave my hand purab…purab said no I will never leave you…..pragya and purab saw abi..pragya pushed his hand…pragya smiled…she leave from that place…abi understand her feelings…purab said she is old traditional girl…abi said yeah she is traditional girl…but not old…suddenly pragya father saw purab…he welcomed him…they speak with each other…that day night…
pragya was sitting in the balcony..she was thinking about abi…suddenly someone speak if u miss me again…pragya look at back…pragya saw abi…pragya smiled…he was sitting near by pragya…pragya asked y r u come here…abi said I never feel sleepy..actually I can ask same question with you…pragya said i never feel sleepy…that’s y…I am here…abi asked day after day is our marriage..pragya looks at abi…she thought to leave from there…she get up…abi hold her hand…pragya look at him…abi said I want to talk with you…pragya come towards her place again…pragya said bolo…abi asked did u really like him…pragya asked who??…abi said purab…pragya asked same question I can ask with you…do u like tanu…abi said 1st answer to my question…pragya said u will answer to my question…abi said I asked you 1st…pragya said u knows everything about me…what do u think..abi look at her…pragya asked now u have to answer to my question…abi said u are also knows about me…u say…what do u think if I loves tanu…both simultaneously said no we never love them…abi said I hate that girl pragu…pragya said abi I don’t love him……abi asked shall we stop this marriae…pragya said I was also thinking about that only…abi said we are never happy in this marriage…pragya said yeah..actually I thought to marry tanu with purab…u with me…abi look at her…abi asked what did u say…come again…pragya repeated her words…she stopped…she realized her words..she look at abi..abi look at her…
abi touched her cheeks…pragya closed her eyes..abi asked open your eyes pragu…pragya look at him…abi asked will you marry me…pragya was shocked…pragya said abi…abi said
I DON’T NEED CHEESY ‘I LOVE YOUS’ JUST HOLD MY HAND AND TELL ME “I’M HERE FOR YOU.immediately pragya hugged him said I love you abi…abi asked come again…pragya said I love you.. abigya hugged with eachother very tightly..
Abi said we loves with eachother…we knows about eachother..abi asked pragu…tomorrow morning we will marry with eachother…I can’t wait for a long time….pragya asked abi..we want to inform our parents,tanu parents and purab parents…abi said we will tell them later…I want you pragya…pragya kissed abi cheeks…said I love you…abi shows his another cheeks…she kissed again….next day morning…tanu parents and purab parents come to abigya home…tanu and purab parents saw pragya…they are shocked…pragya hairline filled with kumkum…she wore mangal sutharam around her neck…..purab hold pragya shoulder…pragya what is this…suddenly one hand remove hand from pragya shoulder…that is our abi…abi said don’t touch anyone my wife infront of me..purab and tanu was shocked…tanu asked what…abi said I married my pragya…she is my wife.. Yesterday only we confessed our love…I asked her to marry me…so she married me…it’s not anyone fault…tanu screamed how dare you pragya…how can you marry with your best friend…this is your friendship…abi said we loves with eachother…
but we never realized our love…yesterday only we realized our love…so immediately I married her…abi goes towards tanu parents said if I married your daughter…I will never gave happiness to her….my happiness is my pragya only…pragya goes towards purab father..said I did mistakes…I am sorry for that…if I married your son…i will not happy with him..purab said if u tell me frankly…I will leave from your life…pragya said sorry purab…I never get a chance to confess my feelings…pragya goes towards purab father..said if I married your son…we will never happy with eachother…I am sorry uncle…I hurted you a lot…purab family understand pragya feeling…tanu parents angrily leave from there…tanu angrily leave from the abigya home…pragya get blessing from purab parents…they blessed her…purab said congrats pragya…he leave from the there…purab parents said he need a time to recover…after they leave from there…after abigya look at their family…sarala and lakshmi looks very happy…abi father asked if u tell to us…I will marry with her.. Suddenly all heard one voice…no problem…we will marry them again…that is abigya dadi…
pragya father asked what.. pragya said we never married with eachother…this is dadi plan…yesterday dadi told this plan…that’s y I lied to them…pragya removed mangal sutharam and kumkum from her face…abi dadi give mangal sutharam to abi…pragya dadi said now u will see their marriage..abi dadi give flowers to them…abi dadi arranged everything..pandit told marriage chant…abigya round agni…after abi wear mangal sutharam around their neck…abi applied kumkum in pragya face…pragya smiled…after they got blessing from their elders…pragya looks very happy…abigya father told advice..but abi hold pragya hand..they goes towards their home…abi said I can’t wait…sarala goes towards their husband…sarala said just look at back…abigya father look at back…abigya missing from there..they asked where they went…dadi said they went for their room…after abigya father look at their family…
they laughed…screenshift to abigya…abigya was doing their romance in their room…pragya looks very happy…pragya said hereafter no one will separate us…abi screamed I love you pragya..pragya closed his mouth with her mouth…abi was shocked…after abi give passionate kiss to her…few years after…they blessed with baby boy…whole family looks very happy..
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Just loved it….I vote for rate is 10…
Ha ha ha…abi is too cute….I like abi…my rate is 9…
I really like very much abigya bond….super dooper…I vote this…my mark is 10…
Abi is very cute…I loved it…my rate is 9…
I vote this…rate is 9 out 10…
Good one…my mark is 8…
The dps are same for different people…??
I liked it…nice one…my rate is 9…
9 on 10..Except for the grammatical mistakes..everything was good…Please don’t mind..Just my opinion..
10/10 really like it cute
Nice story…8/10
I like your storyline…i can see lots of grammatical mistake…but I can easily understand your story…my rate is 9… It’s really amazing story…
Each scene i loved it…….I vote this…my rate for this story is 10…
Wonderful storyline…I really liked it…my mark is 10…
Whole story is nice…..I really enjoyed it…I vote this…my rate is 9…
nice one…..9/10
nice i give 10/10 and its starting scenes are like one tamil movie i think it was acted by ajith and jothika
Nice…. 9/10
Nice one
beautiful friendship to love story
U give 10
I vote 8/10